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标题: 专家解析:GMAT考试如何征服阅读 [打印本页]

作者: tingroom    时间: 2009-12-15 14:55     标题: 专家解析:GMAT考试如何征服阅读

在gmat阅读理解中,假如一道题目的正确答案是a而我们错误的选择了 b,我们总会听到这样一种声音给我们讲题:“你在看看原文,其实b和原文不对应,你在看看原文那个地方其实a就和原文对应,只是因为你没读懂。”由于这种讲法,我们产生了幻觉,认为gmat阅读里面原文是最重要的,并且把复习的重点放在背单词和句型分析上。下面我们来分析这种土鳖复习思路(我说你土鳖你还别不高兴,如果你不改过来,这个称呼我会一直叫着),为什么?在gmat复习过程中最笨的人不是最懒的人,最笨的人是那种出色的完成了一些原本不需要完成任务的人。记住,gmat的阅读理解中,原文是最不重要的。下面我们来分析一下原因。
1、  如果gmat真的是读懂就能做对,那就证明这种阅读理解考的是英语阅读能力,如果真的考的是英语阅读能力,美国人还考吗?显然不考。就好像你在中国考研究生你会考语文吗?不会,但你会考政治,政治考察的重点是语文能力吗?显然不是,而是看看你的思考方式是否符合我党要求!
2、  如果考的不是阅读能力,gmat的阅读考的是什么呢?我们来看看,出题者认为大多数考gmat的人将来要从事什么样的工作?应该是管理者。管理者会经常读到什么样的文章,当然是公文。(所以大多数阅读理解文章以议论文和说明文为主,很少出现记叙文,如果你将来读到的公文是记叙文,我确定你不是在地球上)你读公文时会精度吗,致残身不残的人才会,所以每篇gmat的阅读只考三到四个题目,因为就像公文一样,文章中的大多数信息是无用的,你如果具备快速从文章中获得哪些句子考哪些句子不考的能力,gmat你就过去了,否则,就算你都读懂了,gmat的阅读照样可以让你读懂了也做不对!--还在玩命背单词吗?即便都读懂了也不一定做对,兄弟!为什么?
作者: tingroom    时间: 2009-12-15 14:55

1# tingroom
(1)       gmat的阅读理解的错误答案是可以和原文完全一样的
Earth’s surface consists of rigmatid
         plates that are constantly shiftingmat and
         jostlingmat one another.  Plate movements
Line  are the surface expression_r_rs of motions
  (5)         in the mantle—the thick shell of rock
that lies between Earth’s crust and its
metallic core.  Althougmath the hot rock of
the mantle is a solid, under the tre-
mendous pressure of the crust and
(10)         overlyingmat rock of the mantle, it flows like
a viscous liquid.  The mantle’s motions,
analogmatous to those in a pot of boilingmat
water, cool the mantle by carryingmat hot
material to the surface and returningmat
(15)         cooler material to the depths.  When
the edgmate of one plate bends under
another and its cooler material is con-
sumed in the mantle, volcanic activity
occurs as molten lava rises from the
(20)         downgmatoingmat plate and erupts througmath the
         overlyingmat one.
               Most volcanoes occur at plate
boundaries.  However, certain “mis-
placed” volcanoes far from plate
(25)         edgmates result from a second, indepen-
dent mechanism that cools the deep
interior of Earth.  Because of its prox-
imity to Earth’s core, the rock at the
base of the mantle is much hotter than
(30)         rock in the upper mantle.  The hotter the
mantle rock is, the less it resists flow-
ingmat.  Reservoirs of this hot rock collect
         in the base of the mantle.  When a
reservoir is sufficiently largmate, a sphere
(35)      of this hot rock forces its way up
througmath the upper mantle to Earth’s
surface, creatingmat a broad bulgmate in the
topogmatraphy.  The “mantle plume” thus
        formed, once established, continues to
(40)        channel hot material from the mantle
base until the reservoir is emptied.
The surface mark of an established
plume is a hot spot—an isolated
regmation of volcanoes and uplifted terrain
(45)         located far from the edgmate of a surface
plate.  Because the source of a hot
spot remains fixed while a surface
plate moves over it, over a longmat period
of time an active plume creates a chain
(50)         of volcanoes or volcanic islands, a
track markingmat the position of the plume
relative to the movingmat plate.  The natural
history of the Hawaiian island chain
clearly shows the movement of the
Pacific plate over a fixed plume.
作者: tingroom    时间: 2009-12-15 14:56

2# tingroom
The author’s reference to the Hawaiian Islands serves primarily to

原因也很简单,如果正确答案和原文完全一样考得不又是阅读能力了嘛!我们会发现托福,雅思,高考,四六级经常会这么问:what can you infer from the passagmate?或者accordingmat to the passagmate, which of the followingmat is true? 如果这么问,就是正确答案和原文完全一样,错误答案和原文有冲突,你见过gmat的阅读这么问吗?从来就没有过。为什么gmat的正确答案可能和原文不完全对应,还是由问题决定的。我们来看一道阅读理解的问题:The passagmate sugmatgmatests that, if the criteria discussed in lines 16 – 32 were the only criteria for establishingmat a reservation’s water rigmathts, which of the followingmat would be true?

作者: engineer007    时间: 2010-5-23 13:43

作者: aihao    时间: 2011-7-30 20:49

作者: AlevtinaMedS    时间: 2018-4-4 00:20

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