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标题: 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(1) [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2012-6-27 10:39     标题: 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(1)

Vancouver is predominantly a service center. Since the 1960s, employment in finance, insurance, and real-estate-related activities has tripled, that inaccommodation and food services has quadrupled, that in health and welfare services has quintupled, and that in services for business has increased eightfold. Employment in primary and secondary industries hasdeclined relative to population.

The majority of Vancouver's historic buildings are in the Gastown and Chinatown areas. Older sections of the city have undergone considerable change since 1960, when downtown high-rise office buildings and hotels were built. False Creek – a decaying industrial area with sawmills, rail yards, and small shops -- was transformed into a residential development project. Gastown, theoriginal heart of the city, was restored in the 1880s style with antique stores and boutiques.


温哥华的历史建筑大多坐落在盖斯敦和中国城地区。自1960年以来,温哥华的老城区发生了相当大的变化,市中心的摩天办公楼和旅馆拔地而起。法尔斯河这个锯木厂、铁路调车场、小店铺充斥其间的日渐衰败的工业区,已被改造为住宅发展区。旧城的市中心盖斯敦 区已重新恢复了 1880 年代的风格,古玩店和时装礼品店四处可见。

作者: 簿子酒    时间: 2012-7-5 08:25

don't be a liar
作者: 秋天黎明    时间: 2012-7-28 15:19

This is very diffcult,我一点都看不懂,
Can you give me that same suggest?
作者: kobe    时间: 2012-7-28 16:30

回复 3# 秋天黎明


Summary  英语口语口译中造成失分的主要问题是漏译和错译。以下是造成这些问题的十种主要原因和相应的建议。 BR  1. 记笔记贪多贪全 BR  考生记笔记往往是前面记得很详细,后面来不及,因此翻译出来的东西是虎头蛇尾。笔记不宜过多,过多的笔记会干扰对大意的把握,特别是英译汉部分。一般来说,口译笔记应记录一些重要的概念、逻辑关系以及一些孤立的、难以记忆的内容,比如数字、专有名词等。 BR.

作者: 秋天黎明    时间: 2012-7-29 11:41

回复 4# kobe


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