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标题: 汉英法律专业词汇(法理、法制史、宪法学) [打印本页]

作者: 爱相随    时间: 2006-4-15 15:34     标题: 汉英法律专业词汇(法理、法制史、宪法学)

Jurisprudence, History of Legal Systems and Constitution

按照法律规定according to law

按照确定的份额分享权力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper share of the credit

按照确定的份额分担义务:assume obligations in proportion to his proper share of the debt

案例教学法case system

案例汇编case book; case report; law report

柏拉图 Plato

《保护人权与基本自由公约》(1950) Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950 (罗)

被视为be deemed as

被宣布为非法be outlawed; be declared illegal

比较法comparative law

比较法学comparative jurisprudence

比较法学派school of comparative jurisprudence

比较法制史 comparative legal history

比较分析法method of comparative analysis

比较刑法comparative penal law

比较刑法学comparative penal jurisprudence

必然因果关系positive causal relationship

边缘法学borderline jurisprudence

变通办法adaptation; accommodation

补充规定supplementary provision

补救办法remedial measures

不成文法unwritten law

不成文宪法unwritten constitution

不动产所在地法律 law of the place where the real property is situated; lex loci rei immobilisci

不可分割的权利impartible right

不可抗力 force majuere



不履行法律义务non-performance of obligation

不要式行为informal act

不要因的法律行为non-causal juristic act

不因实效而丧失的权利imprescriptible right

不作为abstain from an act; act of omission

部门法department law


参照 consult

参照具体情况 in the light of actual conditions

参照原文 consult the original

查士丁尼法典 Code Justinian; Codex Justinianus

查士丁尼法规汇编 Authenticum

超出法律范围的 outside of law

超出法律权限的 extralegal

超过权限 exceed authority; beyond jurisdiction

成文法 written law

成文宪法 written constitution

冲突法 conflict of laws; rules of conflict

冲突规则 conflict rule; rule of conflict

除(本法)另有规定外 except for otherwise stipulated (by this law)

除外条款 provisory clause

除外责任条款 exclusion clause

触犯公共利益 encroach on the public interests

触犯国际利益 go against the state’s interests

触犯人民利益 encroach on the interests of the people; go against the people’s interests

传统法律观念 traditional ideas of law

纯粹法学 pure theory of law

次要法规 by law

次要规则 secondary rule

从宽解释原则 doctrine of liberal construction

从权利 accessory right

达到法定年龄 come of age

大法 the fundamental law

大法官 Lord High Chancellor

大法官法院Court of Chancery

大陆法系 Continental Legal System

大律师 barrister

《大明律》Criminal Law of the Ming Dynasty (中)

大陪审团 grand jury

《大清律例》the Criminal Laws of the Qing Dynasty (中)

《大宪章》(1215) Great Charter, 1215(英)

单行法规 specific regulations

单一法律体系 unitary legal system

单一制政府 unitary government

但书 proviso

当代法学动向current trend of jurisprudence

当然解释 natural interpretation

党纪国法party discipline and the law of the country

道德规范norm of morality

道德义务 moral obligation

《德国民法典》German Civil code

德拉古 Draco

地方各级人民代表大会 local people’s congresses at different levels

地方各级人民法院local people’s courts at different levels

地方各级人民检察院local people’s procuratorates at different levels

地方各级人民政府local people’s governments at different levels

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