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标题: 新英语900句 1-英语900句 [打印本页]

作者: simonpapers    时间: 2006-12-28 10:12     标题: 新英语900句 1-英语900句

新英语900句 1-英语900句
[来 源] 学知识
Greetings 问候语

1. Hello. 你好!

2. Good morning. 早上好。

3. I am Kate Green. 我是凯特·格林。

4. Are you Tom Brown? 你是汤姆·布朗吗?

5. Yes, I am. 是的,我是。

6. How do you do? 你好!How do you do? 你好!

7. How are you? 你好吗?Fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢。

8. How is your mother? 你妈妈好吗?

9. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢你。

10. Good afternoon. 午安。

11. Good evening. 晚上好。

12. Good night. 晚安。

13. Good-bye. 再见。

14. See you in the evening. 晚上见。

15. So long. 再见。


Classroom expressions 课堂用语


16. Stand up, please. 请站起来。

17. Sit down, please. 请坐下。

18. I am sorry. I am late. May I come in? 对不起,我迟到了,我可以进来吗?

19. Come in, please. 请进。

20. Open your books, please. 请打开书本。

21. Close your books, please. 请把书合上。

22. Do you understand? 你明白了吗?

23. Yes, I see. 是的,我明白了。

24. No, I don't quite understand. 不,我不大明白。

25. Listen to me and then repeat. 听我读,然后重复一遍。

26. Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。

27. Read after me, please. 请跟我读。

28. This is Lesson Two. 这是第二课。

29. It's time to begin. 是开始的时候了。

30. Class is over. 下课。


Identifying objects 辨别物品


31. What's this? 这是什么?

32. This is a pencil. 这是一支铅笔。

33. Is this your book? 这是你的书吗?

34. No, it is Mike's. 不,这是麦克的书。

35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的钢笔?

36. It's mine. 它是我的。

37. What's that? 那是什么?

38. Is that a ruler? 那是一把尺子吗?

39. No, it isn't. 不,不是。

40. It's a TV. 那是一台电视机。

41. Is this cup yours? 这个茶杯是你的吗?

42. Yes, it is mine. 是的,是我的。

43. Where is the store? 商店在哪里?

44. It is over there. 它在那边。

45. Is this picture his? 这张图片是他的吗?


Identifying objects 辨别物品


46. What are these? 这些是什么?

47. These are horses. 这些是马。

48. Where are the sheep? 绵羊在哪里?

49. There they are. 它们在那里。

50. These are her books. 这些是她的书。

51. Where are your trousers? 你的裤子在哪里?

52. They are here. 它们在这里。

53. Are they Jack's cakes? 那些是杰克的蛋糕吗?

54. No, they aren't. 不,不是。

55. Those are yours. 那些是你的。

56. Those are your pens, aren't they? 那些钢笔是你的,对吗?

57. Yes, they are. 是的。

58. They are not his. 它们不是他的。

59. These are ours, and those are theirs. 这些是我们的,那些是他们的。

60. Those aren't your shoes, are they? 那双鞋不是你的,对吗?


Identifying people by occupation 辨别身份


61. Who are you? 你是谁?

62. I am a pupil. 我是一个小学生。

63. Who is that over there? 那边的那个人是谁?

64. He is a student. 他是个学生。

65. Is that boy a student, too? 那个男孩也是个学生吗?

66. No, he is not. 不,他不是。

67. Those girls aren't students, either. 那些女孩子也不是学生。

68. Is she your teacher? 她是你的老师吗?

69. Yes, she is. 是,她是。

70. That woman is a doctor, isn't she? 那个女的是医生,对吗?

71. No, she isn't. 不,她不是。

72. Who are those people? 那些人是谁?

73. Maybe they are drivers. 他们可能是司机。

74. Aren't they workers? 他们不是工人吗?

75. Sorry, I don't know. 对不起,我不知道。


Introductions and courtesies 介绍和礼节


76. What's your name, please? 你叫什么名字?

77. My name is Bush. 我姓布什。

78. Your first name, please? 你的名字是什么呢?

79. My first name is Peter. 我的名字叫彼特。

80. How do you spell your last name? 你的姓怎么拼法?

81. Bush. B-U-S-H. 布什,B-U-S-H.

82. What's your sister's name? 你姐姐叫什么名字?

83. Her name is Lily. 她叫莉莉。

84. Lily and Lucy are good friends. 莉莉和露西是好朋友。

85. Is he Lucy's little brother? 他是露西的小弟弟吗?

86. Yes, he is. 是,他是。

87. This is Mrs. White. 这是怀特太太。

88. Mrs. White, this is Mr. Bush. 怀特太太,这是布什先生。

89. Nice to see you. 见到您很高兴。

90. Nice to see you, too. 我也很高兴见到您。


Days and months of the calendar 年历的周日和月份


91. What day is today? 今天星期几?

92. Today is Sunday. 今天是星期天。

93. What day was yesterday? 昨天是星期几?

94. Yesterday was Saturday. 昨天是星期六。

95. What day is tomorrow? 明天是星期几?

96. What month is this? 现在是几月份?

97. This is November. 现在是十一月。

98. Last month was October, wasn't it? 上个月是十月,对吗?

99. Yes, it was. 是的。

100. What month is next month? 下个月是几月份?

101. He was in the library for several hours. 他在图书馆里待了几个小时。

102. Where were you on Sunday afternoon? 你星期天下午在哪里?

103. Miss Green was in Beijing in May, wasn't she? 格林小姐五月份在北京,是吗?

104. Yes, she was. 是的,她是。

105. Tom wasn't here a month ago, was he? 汤姆一个月前不在这儿,对吗?
作者: simonpapers    时间: 2006-12-28 10:14

106. Do you have a bike? 你有一辆自行车吗?

107. Yes, I do. 是的,我有。

108. You have a car, don't you? 你有一辆车,对吗?

109. No, I don't. 不,我没有。 110. I don't have a motorcycle, either. 我也没有摩托车。

111. Does the skirt belong to your sister? 这条裙子是你妹妹的吗?

112. Yes, it does. 是的,它是。

113. How many brothers or sisters do you have? 你有几个兄弟姐妹?

114. Don't you have my glasses? 你没拿我的眼镜吧?

115. No. They are over there. 没有。它们在那儿。

116. Does Kate have a red hat? 凯特有一顶红帽子吗?

117. Yes, she does. 对,她有。

118. You have a computer, don't you? 你有一台计算机,对吗?

119. Yes, I have one. 是的,我有一台。

120. I already have a radio, but I don't have a TV yet. 我已经有一台收音机,但是还没有电视。


Telling time 述说时间


121. What time is it now? 现在几点钟?

122. It is half past two.两点半。

123. It's ten after six. 六点十分。

124. His watch is fast and hers is slow. 他的表快,而她的表慢。

125. Excuse me. Can you please tell me the correct time? 对不起,请你告诉我准确的时间好吗?

126. Sorry, I can't. 对不起,我不能。

127. I don't know what time it is now. 我不知道现在几点钟。

128. I don't think it is five o'clock yet. 我想现在还不到五点。

129. It must be about four thirty. 现在想必是四点半左右。

130. I get up at six thirty every morning. 我每天早上六点半起床。

131. The store doesn't open until eight o'clock in the morning. 这家商店要到早上八点才开门。

132. Will you be here at nine o'clock tomorrow? 你明天九点钟到这里,行吗?

133. Okay, I will. 好的。

134. We'll be on time, won't we? 我们将按时到达,是吗?

135. I hope so. 我希望如此。


Talking about dates 谈论日期


136. What's the date today? 今天几号?

137. Today is November the twenty-second, two thousand and one. 今天是2001年11月22日。

138. When were you born? 你是什么时候出生的?

139. I was born on June the first, nineteen seventy-eight. 我是1978年6月1日出生的。

140. Today is John's birthday. 今天是约翰的生日。

141. Mr. Liu was born in February, nineteen sixty-two. 刘先生出生于1962年2月。

142. I don't know the exact date. 我不知道确切的日子。 143. Where were you born? 你在哪里出生?

144. I was born in a small city near Guangzhou. 我出生在离广州不远的一个小城市。

145. What do you know about the twentieth century? 有关二十世纪的事你知道些什么?

146. I don't know anything about this. 关于这件事我一无所知。

147. Let's talk about something else. 让我们谈点别的什么吧。

148. Where were you during the month of September last year? 去年9月份你在哪里?

149. I was in Canada then. 我那时候在加拿大。

150. Where will you be ten years later? 十年后你会在哪里?


Talking about objects and people 谈论物品和人


151. What do you want, sir? 先生,您要点什么?

152. I want a cup of tea. 我要一杯茶。

153. What would you like to eat? 你想要吃什么?

154. Please give me a hamburger. 请给我一个汉堡包。

155. What color do you like, blue or white? 你喜欢哪种颜色,蓝色还是白色?

156. I prefer white. 我偏爱蓝色。

157. I'd like to talk with Mrs. Smith. 我想和史密斯太太谈谈。

158. I am sorry, but she is not in right now. 很抱歉,她现在不在家里。

159. Would you like a glass of milk? 你想要一杯牛奶吗?

160. I'd like to have some coffee, if you don't mind. 如果你不介意的话,我情愿喝点咖啡。

161. Do you know any of those people? 在那些人当中你有认识的吗?

162. Two or three of them look familiar. 他们当中有两三个看上去面熟。

163. No, I don't know any of them. 不,他们当中我一个也不认识。

164. Which one is Mr. Brown? 那一位是布朗先生?

165. The tall man in black. 穿黑衣服的那个高个子。


Talking about languages 谈论语言


166. Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗?

167. Yes, but just a little. 是的,但只会一点点。

168. Does Lucy speak French? 露西会说法语吗?

169. Yes, she speaks French perfectly. 是的,她法语讲得很流利。

170. What is your native language? 你的本族语是什么?

171. Mr. Johnson's native language is English. 约翰逊先生的本国语是英语。

172. How many languages do you speak? 你能说多少种语言?

173. My teacher can speak five languages. 我的老师能说五种语言。

174. How well do you know Russia? 你的俄语程度如何?

175. She speaks Italian with a French accent. 她讲意大利语带有法国口音。

176. My sister speaks Cantonese very fluently. 我姐姐广州话说得很流利。

177. Miss Williams can read and write French very well. 威廉斯小姐能够很自如地用法语看书和写东西。

178. Sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English. 我讲英语时有时会说错。

179. I have a lot of difficulties with spelling. 我在拼写上有很多困难。

180. How is his accent in Chinese? 她说汉语的口音怎么样?


Talking about activities 谈论活动


181. What are you doing? 你在做什么?

182. I am writing a letter. 我在写一封信。

183. What's your mother doing? 你的妈妈在做什么?

184. She is doing some cooking. 她在煮东西。

185. She is doing nothing right now. 她现在没做什么事情。

186. Where are you going? 你去哪里?

187. I am going to my uncle's. 我去我叔叔家。

188. What time are you coming back? 你打算什么时候回来?

189. I'm not sure, maybe five thirty. 我不能肯定,可能五点半左右。

190. What are you thinking about? 你在想什么呢?

191. I am thinking about tomorrow's exam. 我在想明天的测验。

192. Who are you writing to? 你在给谁写信?

193. I am writing to a friend of mine in the USA. 我在给一个在美国的朋友写信。

194. By the way, who are you waiting for? 那么,你在等谁呢?

195. I am not waiting for anybody. 我没在等谁。
作者: simonpapers    时间: 2006-12-28 10:15

196. How old are you? 你几岁了?

197. I am twenty-three years old. 我二十三岁。

198. My sister is not quite about twenty. 我妹妹还不到二十岁。

199. Rambo is not thirty yet, isn't he? 兰博还不到三十,对吗?

200. Miss Louise is still in her twenties. 露易斯小姐才二十几岁。

201. I am two years older than my sister is. 我比妹妹大两岁。

202. You are one year younger than Paul is. 你比保罗小一岁。

203. How many people are there in your family? 你家有几个人?

204. There are four of us altogether. 我们总共有四个人。

205. I am the youngest child in my family. 我是家里最小的孩子。

206. My brother is the oldest. 我哥哥最大。

207. Can you guess how old he is? 你能猜到他有多大吗?

208. I'd say he is about thirty. 叫我说,他大概三十岁左右。

209. I was twenty-three on my last birthday. 我已经过了23周岁了。

210. My grandfather is going to be seventy next month. 我的祖父下个月就70岁了。


Talking about daily activities 谈论日常活动


211. What time do you go to bed at night? 你晚上几点钟睡觉?

212. I usually go to bed at half past ten. 我通常十点半睡觉。

213. My mother gets up at six o'clock every day. 我妈妈每天六点钟起床。

214. Kate went to bed earlier than I did last night. 昨晚凯特比我早上床睡觉。

215. After I have breakfast, I go to work. 我吃完早餐就去上班。

216. In the evening I usually have a big supper. 晚上我通常吃一顿丰富的晚餐。

217. I have milk, cereal and bread for breakfast. 我早餐喝牛奶,吃麦片粥和面包。

218. I finish work at about 5:00 pm. 我大概下午5点结束工作。

219. I reach school at half past seven every day. 我每天7点半到达学校。

220. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. 我早上上四节课,下午上两节。

221. I go out for lunch at twelve. 我十二点出去吃午饭。

222. I leave the house at seven ten every morning. 我每天早上7点10分离开家里。

223. I eat dinner at about seven o'clock with my parents. 我大概7点左右和父母一起吃晚饭。

224. Before I have dinner, usually I take a bath. 吃晚饭以前,我通常先洗澡。

225. I watch TV till ten at night. 我晚上看电视看到10点。


Talking about yesterday's activities 谈论昨天的活动


226. What time did you get up yesterday morning? 昨天早上你几点钟起床?

227. I overslept and got up at eight. 我睡过头了,8点钟才起床。

228. My sister got up earlier than I did. 我妹妹比我起得早。

229. Did you get dressed right away? 你马上就穿衣服了吗?

230. Yes, I got dressed and had breakfast. 是的,我穿好衣服就去吃早餐。

231. What did you have for breakfast? 你早餐吃了什么?

232. What time did you get to work yesterday morning? 昨天早上你几点钟开始工作?

233. I arrived at the company at eight forty-five, and began my work at nine. 我8:45到公司,9点钟开始工作。

234. Did you work all day? 你工作了一整天吗?

235. Yes, I worked from early morning until late at night. 是的,我从清早一直工作到深夜。

236. I had lunch with my friend at one o'clock. 我一点钟和朋友吃午饭。

237. I finished working at six and went to the restaurant. 我六点钟结束工作,然后去了饭店。

238. After dinner, I went to the cinema with my friends. 晚饭后,我和朋友去了看电影。 239. I went home at eleven. 我十一点到家。

240. I went to sleep immediately and slept soundly all night. 我很快就入睡了,而且整个晚上都睡得很好。


Meeting a friend 访友


241. What did you do on Sunday? 你星期天做了什么?

242. I went to see a friend of mine. 我去看我一个朋友。

243. Did you go to the library yesterday afternoon? 你昨天下午去了图书馆没有?

244. I didn't go to the library, but I went swimming. 我没有去图书馆,但去了游泳。

245. What did you talked about? 你们谈了些什么?

246. We talked about the concert. 我们谈论那场音乐会。

247. I asked her a few questions. 我问了她几个问题。

248. What did you ask her? 你问了她什么?

249. I asked her if she liked classical music. 我问她喜不喜欢古典音乐。

250. She said she loved orchestra music. 她说她喜欢管弦乐。

251. Then I asked her if she liked Chinese music. 然后我问她喜不喜欢中国音乐。

252. She said she knew little about Chinese music. 她说她对中国音乐几乎一无所知。

253. Finally, I asked her how old she is. 最后,我问她多大了。

254. She said she would rather not tell her age. 她说她还是不告诉我年龄为好。

255. She answered most of my questions. 她回答了我大部分的问题。


Talking about last year's activities 谈论去年的活动


256. What time did you use to go to work last year? 去年你通常在什么时候上班?

257. I usually left my home at eight o'clock. 我通常8点钟离开家。

258. I used to get up at about twenty past seven. 我通常大概7:20起床。

259. But sometimes I overslept. 但有时候我会睡过头。

260. I used to have breakfast at half past seven. 我总是7点半吃早餐。

261. I always started working at nine in the morning. 我总是在早上9点开始工作。

262. I used to have lunch at the canteen at ten past twelve. 我常常在12:10在小餐厅吃午饭。

263. We had a meeting on every Monday morning. 我们每个星期一早上开会。

264. I worked until half past five each day. 我每天工作到5点半。

265. I read the newspaper for half an hour before I went to bed. 我上床睡觉前看半小时报纸。

266. Mary and Lucy used to go to many places together. 玛丽和露西以前常常一起去很多地方。

267. We went fishing once a week. 我们一星期去钓一次鱼。

268. We used to go to the movies on weekends. 我们以前常常在周末去看电影。

269. John used to speak English to me all the time. 约翰过去总是和我说英语。

270. I used to go shopping with my sister. 以前我常常和我的姐妹一起去买东西。


Asking about addresses 询问地址


271. Where do you live? 你住在哪里?

272. I live on Washington Street. 我住在华盛顿街。

273. What's your address? 请问你的地址?

274. I live at 233 Galaxy Road. 我住在银河路233号。

275. I am Mr. Johnson's next-door neighbor. 我是约翰逊先生的邻居。

276. You live here in New York, don't you? 你住在纽约,对吗?

277. I'm from out of town. 我住在城外。

278. How long have you lived here? 你在这里住了多久了?

279. I've lived here for more than ten years. 我在这里住了十多年了。

280. We've known each other for over three years. 我们已经认识超过三年了。

281. My mother has spoken Chinese all her life. 我妈妈讲了一辈子中文。

282. I've already finished my homework. 我已经做完功课了。

283. Have you studied English very long? 你学英语已经很久了吗?

284. Have you had supper already? 你吃过晚饭了吗?

285. Yes, I had supper with my friends at a restaurant. 是的,我和朋友在饭店吃过晚饭了。


Asking questions 提问题


286. Where were you yesterday evening? 昨天晚上你在哪里?

287. I went to the cinema last night. 我昨晚去看电影了。

288. Ivy was writing a letter to her family. 艾维在给家里写信。

289. What were you doing at about 10 o'clock last Sunday? 上星期天十点左右你在做什么?

290. I was swimming with my father. 我在和父亲一起游泳。

291. What were you doing when I called you on the telephone? 我打电话给你的时候,你在做什么?

292. When you called me yesterday, I was listening to the music. 你昨天给我打电话的时候,我正在听音乐。

293. I can't remember his name. 我想不起来他的名字。

294. When I arrived home, my mother was cooking in the kitchen. 当我到家的时候,妈妈正在厨房做饭。

295. While my husband was reading the newspaper, I was washing the dishes. 我丈夫在看报纸的时候,我在洗碗。

296. While we were having lunch, somebody rang the bell. 当我们吃午饭的时候,有人按门铃。

297. Can you guess what I was doing last night? 你能猜到我昨晚在做什么吗?

298. Do you know what Michael was doing this morning? 你知道麦克尔今天早上在做什么吗?

299. I've forgotten what time he said the concert would began. 我忘了他说音乐会什么时候开始。

300. When I saw him he was talking with Lucy. 我看到他的时候,他正和露西说话。
作者: simonpapers    时间: 2006-12-28 10:16

301. What color is your skirt? 你的裙子是什么颜色的?

302. My skirt is light blue. 我的裙子是浅蓝色的。

303. How much does that box weigh? 那个盒子有多重?

304. It's not too heavy, but I don't know the exact weight. 不是太重,但我不知道准确的重量。

305. This fish weighs about two pounds. 这条鱼大约有两磅重。

306. What size shoes do you want? 你要什么码数的鞋子? 307. Size 7, please. 请给我一双7码的。

308. I like the color of that shirt. 我喜欢那件衬衣的颜色。

309. One of my suitcases is large, and the other one is medium size. 我的衣箱,一只是大的,另一只是中号的。

310. This river is about 300 miles long. 这条河大约有300英里长。

311. Will you please measure these trousers to see how long they are? 请你量一下这条裤子,看看有多长。

312. Our room is just as big as theirs. 我们的房间正好和他们的一样大。

313. This brick is two inches thick. 这砖块有两英寸厚。

314. The ice feels very cold. 冰摸起来很冷。

315. This girl is taller than that one. 这个女孩子比那个高。


Asking people to do things 请人办事


316. Would you please tell Ben that I've come here? 请您告诉本我已经来这里了,好吗?

317. Take the raincoat with you when you go out tonight. 今晚出去的时候带上你的雨衣。

318. Please bring me the dictionary. 请把字典带给我。

319. Would you help me lift this heavy box? 你可以帮我把这只重箱子抬起来吗?

320. Please ask Mary to turn down the radio. 请让玛丽把收音机的音量调小一点。

321. Open your books and turn to page 32. 打开书本,翻到32页。

322. Get me some chalk, won't you? 给我拿些粉笔,好吗?

323. Give me a cup of tea, will you please? 请你给我一杯茶,好吗?

324. Please don't speak so loudly. The baby is asleep. 请不要说那么大声,小孩睡着了。

325. Would you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这里吸烟吗?

326. If you are free, will you come and join us tomorrow? 如果你有时间,明天过来和我们一起去,好吗? 327. Please put those clothes away, won't you? 请把那些衣服放好,好吗?

328. Will you do me a favor? 你能帮我一个忙吗?

329. Please count the desks in this classroom. 请把这个教室里的桌子数一数。

330. Please pour the water into the glass. 请把这些水倒进那只玻璃杯。


Getting information and directions 打听情况和问路


331. Excuse me, sir. Can you give me some information? 对不起,先生,请问一件事好吗?

332. Can you tell me the way to the railway station? 你能告诉我怎么去火车站吗?

333. You can take a No. 3 Bus to there. 你可以坐3路公共汽车到那里。

334. Which direction is it to the bookstore? 到书店去朝哪个方向?

335. Turn left at the third crossing. 到第三个交叉口往左拐。

336. How far is it from your home to the airport? 从你家到机场有多远?

337. It's about fifteen miles. 大约有15英里。

338. The zoo is just around the corner. 动物园就在拐角处附近。

339. The hotel is just next to the restaurant. 旅馆就紧挨在饭店旁边。

340. You can't miss it. 你不会找不到的。

341. Do you happen to know Miss Green's address? 你知道格林小姐的地址吗?

342. Could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? 你能告诉我离这里最近的汽车站在哪里吗?

343. Which way should I go, this one or that? 我应该走哪边,这边还是那边?

344. Go along this way for three blocks, then turn right.往这边走,过三个街区,然后往右拐。

345. I beg your pardon. Is this seat taken? 请问,这个座位有人吗?


Talking about family and relatives 谈论家庭和亲属


346. Are you married? 你结婚了吗?

347. No, I am not married. I am single. 没有,我没结婚,我是单身汉。

348. Your sister is engaged, isn't she? 你的姐妹已经订婚了,是吗?

349. Cathy has been engaged for a month. 凯西已经订婚一个月了。

350. I got married in 1997. 我1997年结婚。

351. When is your parents' wedding anniversary? 你父母的结婚纪念日是在哪天?

352. How long have you been married? 你们结婚已经多久了?

353. We've been married for over twenty years. 我们结婚已经超过20年了。

354. Who did your brother marry? 你的兄弟和谁结婚了?

355. Do they have any children? 他们有小孩吗?

356. They had a baby last week. 他们上周生了个小孩。

357. I live with my parents in London. 我和父母一起住在伦敦。

358. I am not quite clear when the wedding will be. 我不是很清楚什么时候举行婚礼。

359. My uncle is an engineer and he works in Chicago. 我的叔叔是个工程师,他在芝加哥工作。

360. That woman is a widow. Her husband died four years ago. 那个女人是个寡妇,她丈夫四年前去世了。


Talking about neighbors and friends 谈论邻居和朋友


361. Where did you grow up? 你是在哪儿长大的?

362. I grew up in this beautiful little city. 我在这座美丽的小城长大。

363. My grandfather spent his childhood in Mississippi. 我的祖父在密西西比度过了他的童年。

364. I lived in Florida until I went to college. 在我读大学以前,我一直住在佛罗里达州。

365. Great changes have taken place in China in the last twenty years. 在过去的20年里,中国发生了巨大的变化。

366. There used to be a bookstore at the end of the street. 以前在街尾有一家书店。

367. Two new bridges have been built in our city last year. 去年我们城市新建了两座桥。

368. They are building a new cinema up the street from me. 他们正在我住的这条大街的那一头建一座新的电影院。

369. If you rent that apartment, will you stay there for a long time? 如果你租了那个套间,你会在那里住很长时间吗?

370. How are you getting along with your new neighbors? 你和你的新邻居相处得怎样?

371. They are all very friendly to me. 他们对我都很友善。

372. They all know each other pretty well. 他们彼此都相当了解。

373. A young married couple bought the new house down the street from you. 一对年轻夫妇买了你们大街那头的那栋新房子。

374. Do you know where I can rent a room near the university? 请问我可以在哪里租到学校附近的空房间?

375. What a comfortable house! 这房子真舒服啊。


Talking about future activities 谈论未来的活动


376. What time are you going to get up tomorrow? 明天你打算什么时候起床?

377. I'll get up at seven o'clock so that I can catch the bus. 我7点钟起床才能赶上公车。

378. What will you do after you get up? 起床后你将做什么?

379. After I get dressed, I will have breakfast. 我穿好衣服后就吃早餐。

380. When will you go to work? 你什么时候去上班?

381. I'll leave home at seven forty and reach the office at half past eight. 我会在7:40离开家,8点半到办公室。

382. I'll have to get ready for a meeting before nine. 我必须在9点以前准备好开会。

383. I'll probably go out for lunch with my colleagues at twelve. 我大概会在12点和同事一起出去吃午饭。

384. We'll have lunch at a canteen not far away from the office. 我们会去一家离办公室不远的小餐厅吃午饭。

385. In the afternoon there will be an appointment with one of my clients. 下午我约了一个客户。

386. I'll finish working at about six o'clock and get home at seven. 我将在6点左右结束工作,7点钟到家。

387. Are you going to have dinner at home tomorrow night? 明天晚上你准备在家吃饭吗?

388. Are you going to Linda's birthday party tomorrow night? 你明天晚上去参加琳达的生日晚会吗? 389. I'm afraid I can't go because I have to take care of my little sister. 恐怕我去不了,因为我要照顾妹妹。

390. I'll finish the novel tonight and then go to bed. 我今晚要看完那本小说,然后上床睡觉。
作者: simonpapers    时间: 2006-12-28 10:18

391. What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

392. It is a nice day, isn't it? 今天天气很好,不是吗?

393. How was the weather yesterday? 昨天天气怎么样?

394. It was raining cats and dogs yesterday. 昨天下着倾盘大雨。

395. What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天可能是什么天气?

396. The weather forecast says tomorrow will be sunny. 天气预报说明天天晴。

397. It is much colder today than yesterday. 今天比昨天冷了很多。

398. It's been windy all morning. 整个早上都有风。

399. It must have rained last night for the road is wet. 路面是湿的,昨晚肯定下过雨。

400. It'll probably clear up this afternoon. 今天下午可能转晴。

401. The days are getting longer since summer has come. 夏天到了,白天变得越来越长。 402. Today is the first day of spring. 今天是春季的第一天。

403. What's the temperature today? 今天的气温多高?

404. It's about twenty-three degrees centigrade this morning. 今天早上大约23摄氏度。

405. There was a shower this afternoon. 下午下了一场阵雨。


Talking about sickness and health 谈论疾病和健康


406. What's wrong with you? Your face looks pale. 你怎么啦?脸色看起来很虚弱。

407. I don't feel very well. 我感觉不太舒服。

408. I had a headache yesterday, but now I feel much better after taking a pill. 我昨天晚上头痛,吃药后现在感觉好多了。

409. The baby has a high fever. We must send for a doctor. 小孩发高烧了,我们得去请大夫来。

410. My backache is killing me. 我的背痛要把我折磨死了。

411. I have a sore throat today. 我今天嗓子疼。

412. My left leg hurts. It hurts right here. 我的左腿疼,就在这儿疼。

413. What's the matter with you? 你怎么啦?

414. I've got a pain in my back. 我的背痛。

415. Which arm hurts? Left or right? 哪只胳膊痛?左边还是右边? 416. How did you break your leg? 你怎么把腿摔断了?

417. My brother slipped on the stairs and fell down. His right leg was broken. 我的兄弟在楼梯上滑了一跤,摔倒,右腿摔断了。

418. Your left hand is swollen. Does it hurt? 你的左手肿了,疼吗?

419. It's bleeding. You'd better go to see a doctor about the cut. 它在流血,你最好去找医生看看那个伤口。

420. Take it easy. You'll get well soon. 别担心,你很快就会好的。


Talking about daily habits 谈论日常生活习惯


421. I always get of bed at half past six in the morning. 我总是早上六点半起床。

422. After getting up, I shave, brush my teeth and comb my hair. 起床后,我刮脸、刷牙和梳头。

423. Before I have breakfast, I read the morning post for a while. 吃早餐以前,我读一会儿早报。

424. I often have a glass of milk and some bread for breakfast. 我早餐通常喝一杯牛奶,吃一些面包。

425. After eating breakfast, I go to wake up my daughter. It's time for her to get up. 吃完早餐后,我去叫醒我的女儿。她该起床了。

426. She is too young to dress herself. 她太小了,还不能自己穿衣服。

427. I wash her face and hands, and then dress her. 我给她洗脸、洗手,然后给她穿衣服。

428. She tries to button her own coat, but she can't do it. 她试着自己扣大衣的扣子,但她扣不上。

429. The babysitter will come and look after her when I go to work. 当我去上班的时候,临时保姆会来照顾她。

430. I am always tired when I come home from work in the evening. 当我傍晚下班回到家时,总觉得很疲倦。

431. When we are watching TV at night, my daughter is playing with her toys. 当晚上我们看电视时,女儿就玩她的玩具。

432. My daughter takes a bath before she goes to bed. 我女儿睡觉前要洗个澡。

433. She always forgets to wash behind her ears. 她总是忘了洗耳后根的地方。

434. At bedtime, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas. 睡觉时,我脱去衣服,换上睡衣。

435. I get into bed at about eleven and go right off to sleep. 我大约在11点上床,躺下就能入睡。


Getting other people's opinions and ideas 征求别人的意见和想法


436. What do you think about that? Is it right? 你认为怎么样,那样是正确的吗?

437. Of course. You are absolutely right about that. 当然,关于那件事你是绝对正确的。

438. I am afraid you've made a wrong decision. 恐怕你做了一个错误的决定。

439. I prefer tea to coffee. 茶和咖啡之间我更喜欢茶。

440. Personally, I like blue best. 我个人最喜欢蓝色。

441. Do you think Nancy will marry Dick? 你觉得南希会嫁给迪克吗?

442. I don't know whether she will like it or not. 我不是到她是否会喜欢它。

443. In my opinion, it is totally nonsense. 我认为,这完全是一派胡言。

444. Do you have idea why Mrs. White looks so upset? 你知道为什么怀特太太这么伤心吗?

445. I can't agree with you more. 我完全同意你的看法。

446. What do you think of Miami? 你觉得迈阿密怎么样?

447. I think she is a very attractive girl. 我认为她是很惹人喜爱的女孩子。

448. Please give me your frank opinion. 请坦率地把你的意见告诉我。

449. Do you really want to know my opinion? 你真想知道我的意见吗?

450. I have no opinion of him. 我对他没有好感。


Making plans 订计划


451. What do you plan to do after graduation? 毕业后你打算做什么?

452. I doubt that I'll do anything tomorrow. 明天我恐怕什么也不做。

453. I probably go there in the evening because I have to finish my homework first. 我可能晚上才去那里,因为我必须先做完作业。

454. I imagine I'll read a book instead of watching TV. 我想读一本书,不想看电视。

455. Will it be convenient for you to explain your plans to us? 你把你的计划跟我们讲一下,方便吗?

456. We will visit Professor Brown tomorrow for he has come back from China. 布朗教授已经从中国回来了,我们明天将去拜访他。

457. I'll just stay at home and have a good rest this Sunday. 这个星期天我会只是呆在家里,好好休息。

458. What's your sister planning to do this weekend? 你的姐妹这个周末打算做什么?

459. She can't decide whether to go shopping or to visit her friends. 她决定不了是去购物还是去看朋友。

460. It's difficult to make a decision without knowing all the facts. 不知道全部情况,很难做出决定。

461. I hope to spend more time at home with my parents. 我希望有多一点时间在家里陪伴父母。

462. Peter is trying to plan his studies. 彼得在试着安排他的学习。

463. Would you consider working in New York next year? 明年你考虑到纽约工作吗?

464. If there is a chance, I'd like to try my luck there. 如果有机会的话,我愿意去那里碰碰运气。

465. After you think it over, please tell me your decision. 等你想好了,请把你的决定告诉我。


Making decisions 作决定


466. I can't wait to know what her decision is. 我迫不及待想知道她的决定是什么。

467. I am confident you've made the correct choice. 我相信你已经作了正确的选择。

468. I'm anxious to know if they accept my advice. 我急于知道他们有没有接受我的建议。

469. I want to persuade him to change his mind. 我想说服他改变主意。

470. What have you decided? 你是怎么决定的?

471. He is determined to go to Africa on his own. 他决定一个人去非洲。

472. I've definitely decided to go to college in California. 我已肯定要去加利福尼亚州上大学。

473. He didn't want to say anything to influence my decision. 他不愿说任何话来影响我的决定。

474. Have you made up your mind? 你下定决心了吗?

475. I assume you've decided against moving to Florida? 我想你已经决定不搬到佛罗里达了吧?

476. It took us a long time to make up our minds. 我们花了很长时间才作出决定。

477. Thank your for your suggestion. It is very useful for us. 谢谢你的建议,他对我们非常有用。

478. I know it is inconvenient, but I want to go anyway. 我知道这不太方便,但不管怎样我还是要去。

479. According to the chairman, this agreement will come into effect next month. 据主席说,这项协议将于下月生效。

480. She insists that it doesn't make any difference to her. 她坚持说,这对她无所谓。


Going places 旅游


481. Where are you planning to go for the summer vacation? 暑假你打算去哪里?

482. If I have enough money, I'm going to take a trip abroad. 如果我有足够的钱,我准备去国外旅行一次。

483. Are you going to Beijing by train or by air? 你准备坐火车还是坐飞机去北京?

484. It's much faster to go by plane than by boat. 坐飞机要比坐船快得多。

485. What's the quickest way to get there? 到那儿去,最快的办法是什么?

486. Have a pleasant trip. 祝你旅途愉快。

487. She's leaving tomorrow, but she hasn't packed her suitcases yet. 她明天就要出发了,但还没有收拾好箱子。

489. My sister took a fifteen-day trip to England last month. 我的姐妹上月去英格兰旅行了15天。

490. I am going by air. I like flying. 我乘飞机去,我喜欢飞行。 491. I was very tired after taking an eight-hour flight. 坐了8小时飞机后,我非常疲惫。

492. How many passengers are there on the bus? 公共汽车上有多少乘客?

493. Her father died in an airplane crash. 她父亲在一次飞机事故中丧生。

494. Would you like to go for a walk after dinner? 你愿意晚饭后去散步吗?

495. Kate will leave for New York tomorrow. We will see her off in the airport. 凯特明天去纽约,我们去机场给她送行。
作者: simonpapers    时间: 2006-12-28 10:19

496. What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您需要什么?

497. I want a pair of shoes for my son. 我要为我儿子买一双鞋。

498. What size does he wear? 他穿几号的鞋子?

499. May I try on this sweater? 我可以试穿这件毛衣吗?

500. This shirt is not fit for me. Do you have a smaller one? 这件衬衣我不合身,你们有小一点的吗?

501. George is interested in buying a new computer. 乔治很想买一台新电脑。

502. Which color do you want, purple or pink? 你想要哪种颜色,紫色还是粉红色?

503. What's the price of that air conditioner? 那台空调的价格是多少?

504. How much is this pencil-box? 这个铅笔盒多少钱?

505. Is this shampoo on sale today? 这种洗发水今天减价出售吗?

506. That set of comb is very beautiful and special, but it costs much. 那套梳子非常漂亮,非常特别,但是太贵了。

507. How much do I owe you? 我该付你多少钱?

508. That will be twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents. 二十七美元五十美分。

509. Do you have change for a ten-dollar bill? I want five-dollar bills. 你能换开一张十美元的钞票吗?请换成五美元的钞票。

510. This dress is made of silk, isn't it? 这件衣服是丝绸做的,对吗?


Eating in a restaurant 餐馆进膳


511. What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么?

512. I'd like to try the steak, please. 请给我来一客牛排。

513. May I take your order, sir? 先生,点好菜了吗?

514. What would you rather to have----Chinese food or Western food? 你想吃什么菜----中餐还是西餐?

515. I want my steak well-done. 我要全熟的牛排。

516. What kinds of vegetables do you have? 你要什么蔬菜?

517. I'll just take a small salad, please. 我只想要一小盆沙拉。

518. And to follow? 还要什么?

519. I'd like some fruit if you have any. 如果有水果就来一点吧。

520. They serve good food in this restaurant. 这家饭店卖的饭菜很好。

521. Do you want any dessert? 你要甜品吗?

522. Apple pie and ice cream would be nice. 苹果派和冰淇淋就行了。

523. You have choice of two flavors of ice cream----chocolate and strawberry. 你可以选择要巧克力还是草莓口味的冰淇淋。

524. May I have the check, please? 请开账单,好吗? 525. Here's the money. Keep the change. 给。不用找了。


Going out for the evening 参加晚会


526. How long did the party last? 晚会持续了多长时间?

527. The movie started at half past eight and ended at ten. 电影从8点半开始放映到10点结束。

528. Will you go to the theater with me tonight? 你今晚愿意和我一起去看戏剧吗?

529. This new film is said to be adapted from a novel by Jane Austen. 据说这部新影片是根据简·奥斯丁的一本小说改编的。

530. The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it. 这个新编的剧目很好,人人都很欣赏。

531. The movie had begun by the time we got there. 当我们到那儿的时候,电影已经开始了。

532. Can I still get tickets for tonight's show? 还有今晚夜场的票吗?

532. Where would you like to sit? 您想坐哪儿?

533. I like to sit in about the fifth row. 我想坐在第五排左右。

534. The cast of the play includes a famous actress. 这个剧的演员名单中有一位名花旦。

535. After the play was over, we all wanted to get something to eat. 剧演完后,我们都想找点吃的。 536. There was a big crowd and it was hard to find a taxi. 人很多,很难找到一辆出租车。

537. Which would you rather do----go dancing or go to a play? 你喜欢做什么,去跳舞还是去看剧?

538. I don't go dancing very often. 我不常去跳舞。

539. After dancing, we went to a café and had something to drink. 跳完舞,我们去了一家咖啡厅喝点东西。

540. I'm not accustomed to listening to rock music. 我不习惯听摇滚乐。


Making appointments 约会


541. I'd like to make an appointment to see Doctor White. 我想约个时间去看怀特医生。

542. Is it convenient for you to arrange for a personal interview? 您方便安排一次个别会谈吗?

543. Your appointment will be next Monday at nine o'clock. 你约会的时间是在下星期一的9点钟。

544. I'd like to fix an appointment with the manager. Would ten tomorrow be all right? 我想和经理约个时间。明天10点行吗?

545. I'm afraid not. He's got rather a full day tomorrow. 恐怕不行。明天他都排满了。

546. She is only free on Friday afternoon. 她只有星期五下午有空。

547. She failed to call the office to cancel her appointment. 她没有打电话到办公室取消她的约会。

548. I am looking for a permanent position. 我在找一个永久性的职业。

549. Please fill this application form first. 请先填写这份申请表。

550. I'm going to call a plumber to come tomorrow. 我准备明天叫一个管道工人过来。

551. She wants to change her appointment from Tuesday to Wednesday. 她想把她的约会从星期二改到星期三。

552. Why didn't he keep the appointment? 他为什么没有赴约?

553. Let's make a date to go fishing next Sunday. 我们就定在下星期天去钓鱼吧。

554. Will you please turn off the light when you leave? 你离开时请关灯好吗?

555. Please call before you come, otherwise we might not be home. 你来以前请先打个电话,否则,我们可能不在家。


Visiting the doctor 看病


556. I went to see my doctor and had a check-up yesterday. 昨天我去请医生作了一次检查。

557. He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure. 他给我做了X光胸透并量了血压。

558. I keep feeling dizzy, and I've got a headache. 我一直感到头晕和头痛。

559. I should say you're generally run down. 我想你是一般的劳累过度。

560. The doctor asked me to take these pills every four hours. 医生让我每隔四小时服用一次这些药丸。

561. Do you think the patient can be cured? 你认为这个病人能治好吗?

562. It's nothing serious, but he must stay in bed for two or three days. 不要紧的,不过他必须卧床休息两三天。

563. We must operate on him at once. 我们必须马上给他做手术。

564. She needed a blood transfusion. 她需要输血。

565. My grandfather had a heart attack last year. 我的祖父去年害了一场心脏病。

566. They had to call in a heart specialist. 他们不得不请来一位心脏病专家。

567. What kind of medical insurance are you covered by? 你享有那种医疗保险?

568. I'm covered by the health plan at my university in California. 我有加利福尼亚大学的保险。

569. The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise. 医生建议我多做锻炼。

570. The physician said smoking is harmful to my health. 内科大夫说,吸烟对我的健康有害。


Making telephone calls 打电话


571. You're wanted on the phone. 有电话找你。

572. What number should I dial to get the operator? 找总机话务员我该拨什么号?

573. I want to make a long distance collect call. 我要打个对方付费的长途电话。

574. Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot. 拿起听筒后,放一个硬币在这个小口子里。

575. I am sorry, but you have dialed a wrong number. 对不起,你打错电话了。

576. I tried to phone you last night, but the line was busy. 昨晚我想给你打电话,但一直占线。

577. I am sorry. I was out when you called. 对不起,你打电话给我的时候,我出去了。

578. He is not in. May I take a message? 他不在,我可以帮你留个口信吗?

579. May I talk to Mr. Cooper? 我可以和库柏先生通电话吗?

580. Who is that? I don't recognize your voice. 谁呀?我听不出你的声音来。

581. The telephone is ringing. Would you answer it, please? 电话铃响了,请你接一下,好吗?

582. Just a minute. Hold the line, please. 稍等一下,请别挂线。

583. Put the receiver closer to your mouth, I can't hear you. 请把话筒靠近你嘴边一些,我听不请你的话。

584. Would you please ask her to call me back this evening? 请你让她今天晚上给我回个电话,好吗?

585. I have to hang up now. 现在我该挂线了。


Writing letters 写信


586. I received a letter from my uncle yesterday. 昨天我收到叔叔的一封信。

587. How long has it been since you've heard from your daughter? 从你上次接到你女儿的信以来有多长时间了?

588. I can't recall how long it has been. 我回忆不起来多长时间了。

589. I often send emails to my friends who are abroad. 我经常给在国外的朋友发电子邮件。

590. I am sorry to have delayed writing back to you. 耽误了给你的回信,很抱歉。

591. She is disappointed because she doesn't get any letter from her boyfriend. 她没有收到男朋友的信,很失望。

592. I enclosed my resume in my letter. 我在信里附上了我的简历。

593. What time is the mail delivered on Sunday? 星期天的邮件都是在什么时间投送的?

594. The postman always comes at 12 o'clock. 邮递员总是12点来。

595. I wrote to my father last night. I couldn't put it off any longer. 我昨晚给父亲写信了,我不能再拖延了。

596. What's the postage on these letters to India, please? 请问这些信寄到印度邮费是多少?

597. I'd like to send this letter registered. 我想挂号邮寄这封信。

598. I don't know whether to send the letter airmail or not. 我不知道这封信是否要用航空发出。

599. Don't forget to put stamps on the letter before you mail it. 发信前别忘了贴邮票。

600. He dropped the letter in the mailbox. 他把信投入了邮筒。
作者: simonpapers    时间: 2006-12-28 10:20

601. We went for a drive with Lucy and John on Sunday. 星期天我们和露西、约翰一起驾车出游。

602. We prepared a picnic lunch and drove down by the river. 我们准备了一顿野餐并乘车沿河而下。

603. At noon we stopped and found a shady place under some pine trees. 中午,我们停下来,在几棵松树下找了一块阴凉的地方。

604. The scenery there was so attractive and I won't forget it. 那里的风景太迷人了,我永远也忘不了。

605. On our way back home, we had a flat tire. 我们在回家的路上,车子的轮胎瘪了。

606. It was a bad day today. 今天真倒霉。

607. A strange thing happened to me this morning. 今天早上我碰到一件怪事。

608. I was crossing the street and was almost hit by a car. 我正在过大街时,差点被汽车撞着。

609. Fortunately, I jumped back in time to avoid being hit. 幸好,我往回跳得及时,才没有被撞倒。

610. I couldn't finish my work until half past eight and I was very tired when I got home. 我到8点半才结束工作,回到家时已经很累了。

611. I got a letter saying that my father was in hospital. 我收到一封信,说我父亲住院了。

612. I wish you could tell me more details about your trip. 你若能更详细地给我讲讲你的旅行情况就好了。

613. We used to have a lot of fun when we were that age. 当我们在那个年龄时,我们一向玩得很有趣。

614. I can't recall the exact circumstances. 我回忆不起确切的情况。

615. I never imagined that I would be working for IBM. 我从来没想到,有一天我居然会在IBM公司工作。


Asking about furniture and places to live 寻找家具和住房


616. I believe you take in foreign students. 我想你们是收外国学生寄宿的。

617. Yes, if you don't mind sharing. 是的,如果你不介意合住。

618. We're looking for a house to rent for the winter. 我们正在找一所房子,想租一个冬天。

619. Are you trying to find a furnished house? 你是想找一间有家具的房子吗?

620. This split-level house is for rent. It's a bargain. 这间错层平房是出租的,租金很便宜。

621. That house is for sale. It has central heating and a base room. 那间房子是出售的,房子里有暖气设备和地下室。

622. Would you please show me the floor plan of this house? 你可以让我看看这间房子的平面布置图吗?

623. They've already turned on the electricity. The house is ready. 他们已经接上电了,这间房子可以使用了。

624. The roof has leaks in it, and the front steps need to be fixed. 屋顶有漏洞,前台阶需要维修。

625. We've got to get a sofa and a dining room set for the house. 我们要为房子准备一张沙发和一套餐室设备。

626. Does the back door have a lock on it? 后门有锁吗?

627. I don't like the appearance of the floor. I need to wax it. 我不喜欢地板的样子,我要给它打蜡。

628. The house needs painting. It's in bad condition. 这间房子很破旧,需要油漆。

629. What style furniture do you like? Traditional ones or modern ones? 你喜欢什么式样的家具?老式的还是现代的?

630. We have drapes for the bedroom, but we need living-room curtains. 我们的卧室已经有窗帘了,但我们还需要起居室的窗帘。


Talking about things to wear 谈论衣着


631. What are you going to wear tomorrow? 明天你准备穿什么?

632. I am going to wear my white suit. Is that all right? 我准备穿我那套白衣服,你看行吗?

633. I have three suits to send to the cleaners. 我有三套衣服要送到洗衣店去干洗。

634. I have two pairs of trousers to send to the laundry. 我有两条裤子要送到洗衣房去湿洗。

635. I've got to get this dress washed and ironed. 我必须把这件衣服送去湿洗并熨一下。

636. You'd better wear a light jacket. It's chilly today. 你最好穿件薄夹克,今天有点凉。

637. You ought to have that coat cleaned and pressed. 你应该把那件外衣送去干洗并熨一下。

638. The skirt doesn't fit your daughter. It is too small. 那条裙子不合你女儿身,它太小了。

639. These shoes are worn-out. They've lasted a long time. 这些鞋子已经穿破了。它们已经穿了很长时间。

640. The students must wear their school uniforms from Monday to Friday. 学生们星期一到星期五都必须穿校服。

641. The little girl can't fasten the collar button. 那个小女孩系不上领扣。

642. After I came into the house, I put off my coat. 走进房子后,我脱下大衣。

643. I didn't notice you were wearing a new hat. 我没有注意到你戴了一顶新帽子。

644. Why don't you get dressed now? Hurry up! 你为什么还不穿好衣服?快点!

645. My son has outgrown that pair of shoes. 我儿子长大了,穿不下那双鞋了。


Discussing different points of view 讨论不同观点


646. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. 每个人都可以有他自己的想法。

647. I am sorry but I can't agree with you. 对不起,但我不能同意你的观点。 648. That's liberal point of view. 那是个开明的看法。

649. I disagree with you on that point. 在那一点上我与你意见不同。

650. Tell me your judgment in details please. 请把你的判断详细告诉我。

651. I don't see any point in discussing the question any further. 我认为没有任何必要进一步讨论这个问题。

652. You have your point of view, and I have mine. 你有你的观点,我有我的观点。

653. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to start an argument. 请原谅,我本不想挑起战争。

654. You approach it in a different way that I do. 你对待这个问题的态度和我不一样。

655. Our views are not so far apart, after all. 我们的见解毕竟没有多大的分歧。

656. We should be able to resolve our differences. 我们应该能够解决我们的分歧。

657. What alternatives do I have? 我又有什么选择呢?

658. We have opposite views on that. 我们对那个问题有相反的看法。

659. There are always two sides to everything. 每件事情都有两面性。

660. He seems to have a lot of strange ideas. 他似乎有许多奇怪的想法。


Thinking about possible future activities 考虑将来可能从事的活动


661. If it is fine tomorrow, I think I'll go boating. 如果明天天气好,我想去划船。

662. If it doesn't rain this weekend, will you go camping with us? 如果这个周末不下雨,你会和我们一起去露营吗?

663. If I get my work finished in time, I'll leave for Singapore Tuesday. 如果我能及时结束我的工作,我将于星期二去新加坡。

664. Suppose you couldn't spend Christmas with your family. How would you feel? 假如你不能和家人一起过圣诞,你将会觉得怎样?

665. As soon as I can, I'm going to change jobs. 一旦有可能,我就准备换一份工作。

666. We may be able to help you in some way. 我们也许可以从某个方面去帮助你。

667. What would you say if I told you our plan had been canceled? 倘若我告诉你,我们的计划已经被取消了,你会有什么意见?

668. One of these days, I'd like to take a vacation. 最近哪一天,我先休一次假。

669. My brother wants to be a scientist when he grows up. 我的兄弟长大后想当科学家。

670. If I buy that house, I'll have to borrow some money. 如果我要买那间房子,我就不得不借点钱。

671. If you were to attend the conference, what would you wear? 你要是去参加会议,你将穿什么衣服?

672. I hope I remember to ask the barber not to cut my hair too short. 我希望我能记得请理发师不要把我的头发剪得太短。

673. There's possibility she'll come, but it all depends on the weather. 她可能来,但这完全要看天气而定。

674. If I go there with you, I'll be back by seven. 如果我和你一起去,我会在7点钟以前回来的。

675. There's a chance he won't be able to be home for Thanksgiving Day. 也许他不能回家过感恩节。


Talking about past possibilities 谈论过去可能发生的事


676. What would you have done last night if you hadn't had to work? 昨天晚上你如果不是要工作的话,你本来会做什么?

677. I would have gone shopping if it hadn't rained. 如果不下雨,我本来要去买东西的。

678. If you had gotten up earlier, you would have caught the train. 如果你早一点起床,你本来是可以赶上火车的。

679. If I had written it down on my notebook, I would have worked it out correctly. 如果我把它记到笔记本上,我就可以把它正确算出来了。

680. She wouldn't have seen me if I hadn't waved to her. 如果我不向她招手,她不会看见我的。

681. I wish you had called me back the next day, as I had asked you to. 可惜你没有按照我的要求,在第二天给我回个电话。

682. If you had asked for directions, you wouldn't have got lost. 如果你问一下路,就不会走丢了。

683. If I had enough money, I would have bought that car. 如果我有足够的钱,我早就买下那辆车了。 684. Had I known you would come to see me, I wouldn't have gone to the cinema. 如果我知道你会来看我,我就不会去看电影了。

685. Even if we could have taken a vacation, we might not have wanted to. 即使我们可以休假,我们也可能不去休呢。

686. Everything would have been all right if you hadn't done that. 如果你没有那样做的话,一切都好办了。

687. If I had known you wanted to go, I would have called you. 如果我知道你想去,我本会叫你的。

688. Had I known you didn't have a key, I wouldn't have locked the door. 如果我知道你没有钥匙,我本不会锁门的。

689. He would have gone with me, but he was ill. 他本来要和我一起来的,但是他病了。

690. Looking back on it, I wish we hadn't given it up so easily. 回过头来看,我后悔我们不该这样轻易放弃的。


Asking about likes and dislikes 询问喜欢和不喜欢做的事


691. What is it you don't like about summer weather? 你不喜欢夏天的哪一点呢?

692. I don't like it when the weather gets real hot. 当夏天天气变得太热的时候我就不喜欢了。

693. I can't stand winter weather. 我不能忍受冬天的天气。

694. The thing I don't like about driving is all the traffic on the road. 我不喜欢开车的原因,就是路上车辆太多。

695. My father doesn't like the idea of going to bed late. 我父亲不赞成晚睡这种主张。

696. I like to play the piano, but I am not good at it. 我喜欢弹钢琴,但弹得不好。

697. I am afraid you are too particular about your food. 我看你太挑食了。

698. She seems to find faults with everything all the time. 她似乎总是对什么事情都爱挑毛病。

699. I don't like oranges even though I know it's good for my health. 我不喜欢吃橙子,虽然我知道它对我的健康有好处。

700. You have wonderful taste in furniture. 你在家具方面很有鉴赏力。

701. What's your favorite pastime? 你最喜欢的业余爱好是什么?

702. He doesn't like anything I do or say. 他对我所说的所做的一概不喜欢。

703. I didn't like the taste of the medicine, but I took it anyway. 我讨厌这种药的味道,但不管怎样我还是吃了。

704. What did you like best about the story? 这个故事你最喜欢的是什么? 705. Why do you dislike rock music so much? 你为什么这么讨厌摇滚乐呢?
作者: simonpapers    时间: 2006-12-28 10:21

706. It's only a suggestion. It is something you should figure out yourself. 这只是一个建议,但这些事情你必须得自己考虑。

707. If you want my advice, I don't think you should buy it. 如果你愿意听我的劝告,我认为你不应该买。

708. Let me give you a little fatherly advice. 让我谨向你提些慈父般的劝告吧。

709. In my opinion, you'd better stay home with your daughter tonight. 我认为,你今晚最好留在家里陪你的女儿。

710. If you have any idea about that, I wish you would tell me. 如果在这件事上你有任何想法,但愿你能告诉我。

711. My feeling is that the second-hand TV set isn't worth the price they're asking for. 我觉得那台二手电视机不值他们所要的价钱。

712. In general, my reaction is favorable. 一般来说,我的反应是好的。

713. Please don't take offense. I only wanted to tell you what I think. 请你别生气,我只是想把我的想法告诉你就是了。

714. My father is always trying not to interfere in my affairs. 我的父亲总是尽量不干涉我的事情。

715. It's none of my business, but I think you ought to study harder. 这事与我毫无关系,但我觉得你应该更加努力学习。

716. I suggest that you tear up the letter and start over again. 我建议你把这封信撕了,再重头开始写。

718. If you don't take my advice, you'll be sorry one day. 如果你不听我的劝告,总有一天你会后悔的。

719. He won't pay attention to anybody. You're just wasting your breath. 他谁的话都不听,你只是在白费口舌。 720. Thank you for your advice. It is so helpful to me. 谢谢你的建议,这对我很有帮助。


Asking favors of other people 请别人帮忙


721. Excuse me. Can you do me a favor? 对不起,你能帮我个忙吗?

722. Would you please hold the door open for me? 请你给我把门开着,好吗?

723. I'm afraid it was a bother for you to do this. 恐怕做这件事太麻烦你了。

724. It's very kind of you to take the trouble to help me. 你真好,不嫌麻烦地来帮助我。

725. It wasn't any trouble. I was glad to do it. 一点也不麻烦,我很愿意做这件事。

726. Would you be so kind as to turn down the radio? I am writing a letter. 劳驾你把收音机调小声一点好吗?我在写信。

727. If there's anything I can help, don't hesitate to tell me. 如果有什么我能帮忙的,请一定告诉我。

728. Could you lend me twenty dollars? I don't have my wallet on me. 你能借我20美元吗?我身上没带钱包。

729. Would you mind giving me a push? My car has stalled. 劳驾帮我推一下好吗?我的车抛锚了。

730. I'd appreciate it if you would open the window for me. It is stuffy here. 请你把窗打开吧,这里不通风。

731. I wish I could repay you somehow for your kindness. 但愿对你的好意我能有所回报。

732. There's just one last favor I need to ask of you. 还有最后的一件事要你帮忙。

733. I'd be glad to help you in any way I can. 我愿意尽可能帮助你。

734. I certainly didn't intend to cause you so much trouble. 我的确不想给你造成这么大的麻烦。

735. She'll always be indebted to you for what you've done. 对你所做的事,她感激不尽。


Making preparations to travel 做旅行准备


736. I've got many things to do before I can leave. 在我离开以前,我还有许多事情要做。

737. It'll take almost all my savings to buy a return ticket. 买一张双程票几乎花去我全部的储蓄。

738. Oh, I just remembered something! I've got to drop by the bank to get some money. 哦,我刚刚想起一件事!我必须到银行去取点钱。

739. For one thing, I have to buy a big suitcase. 一件事是我必须得去买一个大皮箱。

740. I never would thought of it if you hadn't mentioned it. 要不是你提起,我怎么也不会想起来。

741. Have you applied for your passport? 你已经申请护照了吗?

742. They'll see me off at the airport tomorrow morning. 他们明天早上会到机场送我。

743. They're calling your flight now. You barely have time to make it. 现在正报你的班机起飞时间呢,你勉强能够赶上。

744. It's a good thing you reminded me to take some medicine. 你提醒我带一些药,这是件好事。

745. You'd better take a taxi or you're going to be left behind. 你最好坐出租车去,否则你会被拉下的。

746. I'm sure I've forgotten something, but it's too late now. 我肯定忘记了什么,但现在已经太晚了。

747. I'll write you as soon as I get there. 我一到那儿,就给你写信。

748. Don't forget to call to let us know you arrived safely. 别忘了把你安全到达的消息打电话告诉我们。

749. Do you have anything to declare for customs? 你有什么东西需要报关的吗?

750. You don't have to pay any duty on personal belongings. 你的私人物品不必上税。


Countries and nationalities 国家与国籍


751. What's your nationality? Are you Japanese? 你的国籍是什么?你是日本人吗?

752. What part of the world do you come from? 你是哪国人?

753. I was born in Japan, but I'm a citizen of U.S.. 我生在日本,但我是美国公民。

754. I'm a Chinese by birth. 我生在中国,是个中国人。

755. What's the area of the Philippines in square kilometers? 菲律宾的面积有多少平方公里?

756. Do you know the population of Sweden? 你知道瑞典的人口有多少吗?

757. Who is the Prime Minister of Britain? 英国的首相是谁?

758. Beijing is the capital of China. It's a cosmopolitan city. 北京是中国的首都,它是一个国际都市。

759. According to the latest census, our population has decreased. 根据最近调查,我国的人口减少了。

760. The country is rich in water resources. It has many big fresh lakes. 这个国家水资源丰富,有很多淡水湖。

761. The industrial area is centered largely in the east. 工业区大部分集中在东部。

762. Politically, the country is divided into twenty-four provinces. 这个国家在政治上划分为24个省。

763. This nation is noted for its rapid economic growth. 这个国家以经济快速增长著称。

764. July 4 is the Day of Independence of the United States. 7月4日是美国的独立日。

765. How old do you have to be to vote in the national elections? 你们多大年纪才能参加国民选举?


Geography and land features 地理与地貌


766. Geographically, this country is located in the northern hemisphere. 在地理上,这个国家位于北半球。

767. What kind of climate do you have? Is it mild? 你们这里属于哪种气候?温和吗?

768. The scenery is beautiful near the Atlantic Ocean. 靠近大西洋的地区,风景很美丽。

769. There are many large lakes in this area. 这个地区有许多很大的湖泊。

770. Are most of the mountains located in the west central region? 大部分山脉都在西部中心地区吗?

771. This mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons. 这条山脉有许多高峰和深谷。

772. The land in this region is dry and parched. 这个地区的土地很干燥。

773. Nile is the longest river in the world. 尼罗河是世界上最长的河流。 774. Along the northern coast there are many high cliffs. 沿着北部海岸有许多悬崖峭壁。

775. There are forests here, and lumbering is very important. 这里有许多森林,因而伐木业很重要。

776. As you travel northward, does the land get higher and higher? 当你向北旅行时,地势是否变得越来越高?

777. Is the coastal plain good for farming? 沿岸平原适宜耕种吗?

778. The weather is warm and sunny here. Do you get much rain? 这里的气候温和,阳光充足。你们这儿雨水多吗?

779. The nearer you get to the equator, the hotter it is. 越靠近赤道,天气就越热。

780. How far is it from the shore of the Pacific to the mountains? 从太平洋沿岸到山区有多远?


Schools and education 学校和教育


781. Children enter school at the age of six, don't they? 孩子们都在6岁上学,是不是?

782. Children begin to learn basic morals in the kindergarten. 孩子们从幼儿园开始学习基本的道德规范。

783. In elementary school, the child learns to read and write. 在小学里孩子们学习读书和写字。

784. In secondary school, students get more advanced knowledge. 在中学里,学生获得更深一些的知识。

785. In universities, students train to become teachers and engineers. 在大学里,学生被培养成为教师和工程师。

786. I went to grade school in Los Angeles and high school in New York. 我在洛杉矶上小学,在纽约上中学。

787. In college I majored in English. What was your major? 在学院了,我主修英语,你主修什么?

788. My brother graduated from university. Graduation was last night. 我的兄弟大学毕业了,毕业晚会是昨晚举行的。 789. I am a graduate of Harvard University. I have a Bachelor of Sciences. 我是哈佛大学的毕业生。我取得理科学士学位。

790. My father is a headmaster of a primary school. 我父亲是小学校长。

791. Is your uncle a high school principal? 你的伯父是中学校长吗?

792. No, he is a university president. 不,他是一位大学校长。

793. If you want to enter the university, you should apply now. 如果你要上大学,你现在就该申请。

794. What kind of grades did you make in college? 你在大学里的学习成绩如何? 795. Nathan has extracurricular activities. He's on the basketball team. 纳森参加了很多课外活动,他是个篮球队员。


Work and careers 工作与职业


796. What's your job? Are you a doctor? 你是做什么工作的?你是医生吗?

797. I am a federal employee. I work for the Department of Labor. 我是联邦政府的雇员,我在劳动部工作。

798. Sue has built up her own business. She owns a company. 苏已经有了自己的生意,她有一家公司。

799. What kind of work do you want to do when you grow up? 你长大后想做什么工作?

800. As soon as I complete my training, I am going to be a cashier. 一旦训练期满,我就准备当一名出纳员。

801. My brother is a pilot with the airlines. He loves his job very much. 我的兄弟是航空公司的驾驶员,他非常热爱自己的工作。

802. Richard joined the army two years ago. He was just promoted to the rank of major. 理查德两年前加入军队。他刚刚被提升为少校。

803. My sister worked as a nurse before she got married. 我的姐妹结婚前是一名护士。

804. George is an attorney. He has his own practice. 乔治是个律师。他自己开业。

805. After a successful career in business, he was appointed ambassador. 他在事业上取得成就后,被任命后大使。

806. He always takes pride in his work. He's very efficient. 他总是以自己的工作而骄傲。他是个很能干的人。

807. She has a good-paying job with excellent hours. 她的工作薪金很高,工作时间也很理想。

808. Mr. Johnson is a statesman. He's running for election as senator. 约翰逊先生是为政治家,他正在参加参议院选举。

809. Have you ever thought about a career in the insurance profession? 你曾经想过从事保险这一行业吗?

810. I like singing, but I wouldn't want it to be my life's work. 我喜欢唱歌,但我还不愿意把它就作为我的终身职业。
作者: simonpapers    时间: 2006-12-28 10:21

811. In this flat country people grow rice and raise cattle. 在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植水稻,饲养牲畜。

812. What are the principal farm products in this area? 这个地区的主要农产品是什么?

813. The ground around here is stony and not very good for farming. 这儿周围的土地多地块,因而不太适于耕种。 814. Farmers plow their fields and sow in spring. 农民在春天犁地播种。

815. Milk, butter and cheese are shipped here from the dairy farms. 牛奶、黄油和奶酪都是从各个制酪场运到这里来的。

816. On many farms you will find cows and chickens. 在许多农场你都会看到奶牛和鸡。

817. My father has a cow and he gets up early to do the milking every morning. 我的父亲养了一头奶牛,他每天早上很早起床去挤奶。

818. They had to cut down a lot of trees to make room for farming. 为了腾出地方开辟农场,只好伐倒很多树木。

819. Many modern machines have revolutionized farming. 许多现代机器革新了耕作方法。

820. Is it true that there are many factories for making cloth in the United Kingdom? 在英国有很多纺织工厂,这是真的吗?

821. Employing child labor is forbidden in the United States. 美国禁止雇用童工。

823. The manufacturing of automobiles is a major industry in Detroit. 汽车制造是底特律的主要工业。

824. If you work in a factory, you usually have to punch a clock. 如果你在工厂工作,你就要在上下班记时卡上打孔。

825. Is meat packing a big country in your state? 在你们州,肉类加工是否算一门大型工业?


Hobbies and interests 爱好和兴趣


826. What do you usually do in your spare time? 你业余时间一般做什么?

827. My hobby is taking photographs. 我爱好摄影。

828. I've always thought collecting stamps would be an interesting hobby. 我总以为集邮是一种有趣的爱好。

829. My brother likes horseback riding, but I prefer golfing as a hobby. 我哥哥喜欢骑马,而我喜欢打高尔夫球。

830. On weekends I like to get my mind off my work by playing badminton. 每当周末,我总爱借助打羽毛球把我的注意力从工作中摆开。

831. Do you have any special interests other than your studies? 你除了学习以外,还有什么其他特殊爱好吗?

832. He plays the violin for the fun of it. 她拉小提琴只是为了好玩。

833. I find playing computer games relaxing and it takes my mind off my work. 我觉得玩计算机游戏是一种休息,它可以使我的注意力从工作中移开。

834. I've heard of unusual hobbies, but I've never heard of that one. 我听说过一些不平常的嗜好,但我从未听说过那种嗜好。

835. She's not a professional. She draws for her own enjoyment. 她不是职业画家,她画画只是为了消遣。

836. Emma is a member of a drama club. She seems to enjoy acting. 爱玛是话剧俱乐部的演员,她好像对表演很感兴趣。

837. I started a new hobby. I got tired of working in the garden. 我开始了新的爱好,我对养花已经厌倦了。

838. I've got interested in hi-fi. I'm building my own equipment. 我对高保真收音机发生了兴趣,我正在自己装配一台。 839. The trouble with stamp collecting is that it's an expensive hobby. 集邮爱好不好的地方在于它花费太大了。

840. That's a rare set of coins. How long did it take you to collect them? 这是一套罕见的钱币。你用了多长时间收集的?


Recreation and sports 文体活动


841. Volleyball is my favorite sport. What's yours? 排球是我最喜欢的运动,你最喜欢的运动是什么?

842. Last night we went to a football match. It was so exciting. 昨晚我们去看了一场足球比赛,太激动人心了。

843. I like running and swimming, but I don't like hunting. 我喜欢跑步和游泳,但不喜欢打猎。

844. When you played football, what position did you play? 你踢足球踢的是什么位置?

845. Would you be interested in going to the horse races tomorrow? 明天你有兴趣去看赛马嘛?

846. This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout. We played table tennis. 今天下午我们到体育馆练习了,我们打乒乓球。

847. My muscles are sore from lifting weights. 我的肌肉因为举重而感到酸痛。

848. My cousin is a baseball player. He is a catcher. 我的表弟是个垒球运动员,他是一个接球员。

849. I went camping with my friends last Sunday. We bought a new tent. 上星期天我和朋友一起去露营,我们买一副新帐篷。

850. My brother loves climbing. He belongs to a climbing club. 我弟弟很爱登山,他是登山俱乐部的成员。

851. They played a game yesterday afternoon. The score was tied three-to-three. 他们昨天下午赛了一场球,打成三平。

852. What do you do for recreation? Do you like jogging? 你通常做什么娱乐运动?你喜欢慢跑吗?

853. When I was on the track team, I used to be a jumper. 过去我在田径队时,我是跳高运动员。

854. Be a good sport. Play according to the rules of the game. 做一名风格高的运动员。要遵守比赛规则。

855. The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser. 最难学的是要做一个输得起的运动员。


Newspapers and magazines 报章杂志


856. What's the total circulation of this newspaper? 这份报纸的总发行量是多少?

857. Washington Post is one of the major newspapers in the United States. 华盛顿邮报是美国主要报纸之一。 858. My sister-in-law is a journalist on Newsweek. 我的弟妇是《新闻周刊》的记者。

859. If you send in a subscription on the newspaper, it'll be delivered to your door. 如果你订阅报纸,它会直接给你送上门的。

860. Is there any article in today's paper about the general election? 今天报上有刊登报道有关大选的文章吗?

861. There was nothing interesting in the paper today. 今天报上没有什么有趣的新闻。

862. I subscribed to that magazine. It is put out every week. 我订阅了那本杂志,它是周刊。

863. I was too busy to read the whole paper. I just glanced at the headlines. 我太忙了,没法看整份报纸,只是浏览了一下大标题。

864. My brother has a newspaper route. He delivers the evening paper. 我哥哥专跑一条送报路线,他每天递送晚报。

865. Did you read the article about the rescue of the little girl? 你读过那篇关于营救那个小女孩的文章吗?

866. The first two chapters of the story is in the issue of the magazine. 这个故事的头两章登在这一期杂志上。

867. I am looking for the classified section. Have you seen it? 我正在找分类广告栏,你见到了吗?

868. Is the latest issue of the magazine out? 最新的一期杂志出版了吗?

869. Why don't you put on an advertisement in the paper to sell your house? 你为什么不在报上登个广告把你的房子卖掉?

870. I got five replies to my ad about the car for sale. 已经收到五份对我的出售轿车广告的回复。


Radio and television 收音机和电视机


871. What channel did you watch on television last night? 昨天晚上你看电视收的是什么波段?

872. What's on following the news and weather? Do you have a TV guide? 在播完新闻和天气预报以后是什么节目?你有电视节目播送时间表吗?

873. I couldn't hear the program because there was too much static. 我听不清这个节目,因为干扰太大。

874. I wonder if this is a local broadcast. 我不知道这是不是本地广播。

875. You get good reception on your TV. 你那台电视机的接收情况很好。

876. The next time I buy a TV set, I'm going to buy a portable model. 下一次买电视机,我准备买一台手提式的。

877. I don't get a good picture on my TV set. There must be something wrong. 我的电视机图像不好,肯定有故障。

878. You ought to have Bill look at your radio. Maybe he could fix it. 你应该请比尔给你检查一下收音机,也许他能把它修好。

879. You'd get better TV reception if you had an outside antenna. 如果你接上室外天线,你的电视机的接收效果会更好。

880. We met one of the engineers over at the television station. 我们遇见一位在电视台那边工作的工程师。

881. Most amateur radio operators build their own equipment. 大多数无线电业余爱好者都是自己装机子。

882. Please turn the TV up. It is too low. 请把电视机开大点,声音太小了。

883. Where can I plug in the TV? Is this outlet all right? 什么地方可以接通电视?这个插销可以用吗?

884. Your car radio works very well. What kind is it? 你的汽车收音机性能很好,它是哪一种收音机?

885. Station TC is off the air now. They signed off one hour ago. TC电台现在已经停止播音。广播是在一小时前结束的。


Music and literature 音乐与文学


886. We'll go to a concert tomorrow evening to hear the symphony orchestra. 明天晚上我们去参加音乐会,听交响乐队的演奏。

887. Have you ever thought about becoming a professional pianist? 你曾想过要成为一个职业钢琴家吗?

888. Who would you name as the greatest musician of our times? 你认为当代最伟大的音乐家是谁?

889. What kind of music do you like best? Do you like serenade? 你最喜欢听哪种音乐?你喜欢听小夜曲吗?

890. He's a composer of serious music. I like his music a lot. 他是个庄严音乐的作曲家,我非常喜欢他创作的曲子。

891. My sister took lessons on the flute for nearly five years. 我妹妹学吹长笛已将近5年了。

892. I've never heard that piece before. Who wrote it? 我以前从来没有听过那个曲子,它是谁谱写的?

893. You play the guitar beautifully. How much do you practice every day? 你的吉他弹得很好,你每天练多长时间?

894. This poem is realistic. I don't care for it very much. 这首诗是写实的,我不太喜欢。

895. Who is the author of Romeo and Juliet? 谁是《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的作者?

896. Many great writers were not appreciated fully while they were alive. 许多大作家在世时,他们的作品往往得不到人们的充分赞赏。

897. It is the most stirring story I've ever read. 这是我读过的所有故事中最激动人心的一篇。

898. This writer used vivid descriptions in his writings. 这位作家在他的作品中采用了生动的描绘手法。

899. This is a novel about frontier life in the United States. 这是一部描写美国边界居民生活的小说。

900. How much do you know about romanticism? 关于浪漫主义,你知道多少?
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