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标题: VOA标准英语2012.11.26 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2012-11-30 11:26     标题: VOA标准英语2012.11.26


Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is hitting the campaign trail in Virginia and Ohio on Friday after Thursday's debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Mr. Romney's running mate, Paul Ryan. Mr. Romney campaigns in Richmond, Virginia, and later will be joined by Ryan for a rally in Lancaster, Ohio. President Obama is staying in Washington. Meanwhile, initial polls on who won the debate are mixed.继周四在副总统拜登与罗姆尼的竞选搭档保罗`瑞恩进行辩论之后,共和党总统候选人米特`罗姆尼在弗吉尼亚和俄亥俄州进行了拉票活动.罗姆尼正在弗吉尼亚州里士满进行竞选活动,随后他将与瑞恩一起来到俄亥俄州兰开斯特进行一场集会演讲.而奥巴马总统一直留在华盛顿.同时,谁赢得了周四辩论的初步民意调查尚不明朗. __________________________________.The French mission to the U.N. put out a Twitter message saying the council will adopt the resolution Friday afternoon, New York time. French officials say the resolution will ask the West African bloc ECOWAS to present a plan within 30 days for deploying forces to Mali.法国驻联合国代表团工作人员在Twitter上发布消息称安理会将在纽约时间周五下午正式通过决议.法国官员称该决议将要求西非国家经济共同体成员在30天内出示一项在马里部署军队的计划.


作者: i852774842    时间: 2012-12-1 00:13

Frence says the the UN Security Councel will pass a resolution today clearing the way for military intervention in the troubled nation of Mali.

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