The World Health Organization says everyone should have a right to the health care services they need without risking financial ruin. A new WHO Report is urging countries to provide health care design to meet the special needs of their citizens.世界卫生组织说,每个人都有权在不担心破产的前提下获得他们所需的医疗服务.世界卫生组织一份新的报告督促各国提供医疗服务用于满足本国公民的特别需求.
作者: sweet-smile 时间: 2014-5-5 16:26
I need to listen more.作者: jessica-tang 时间: 2014-5-20 12:45
in 2005,all194 members of the world health organization set a goal aprovide universal health coverage ,bue a few countries have reached the talk it ,most people m finiacil resorse to pay for the housecare they need