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标题: 【双语新闻】2010年美国十强公司排行 [打印本页]

作者: 星期一    时间: 2010-7-26 11:01     标题: 【双语新闻】2010年美国十强公司排行

  1. Wal-Mart Stores
  The mega-retailer didn't have a whole lot to complain about in fiscal 2010. Profits were up and, thanks to its sales, the company once again climbed to the top of the Fortune 500. Same-store sales were about flat for the year, but compared with Target's 2.5% decline, flat is good. Most remarkable was Wal-Mart's image overhaul. It helped that former CEO Lee Scott beefed up health care coverage for employees, thought more about the environment and became a public presence. Certain critics will never be placated and fiscal first-quarter results weren't the greatest. But there's no denying Scott left new CEO Mike Duke a company in fighting form.
  2010财年,这家超级零售商可抱怨的地方不多。利润增加,而且由于销售额增长,该公司再次攀升至《财富》 500强的冠军。今年沃尔玛的单店销售额和去年几乎持平,但同塔吉特百货销售额下降2.5%相比,持平已算不错。最值得注意的是沃尔玛重塑形象。前任首席执行官李?斯科特扩大了对员工医疗保险的覆盖,更关注环境,经常在公共场合露面,这些都起到了积极作用。当然,总会有人批评,而且沃尔玛第一季度的表现也不是最好的。但无可否认,斯科特给新任首席执行官麦克?杜克留下的是一个斗志昂扬的公司。

  2. Exxon Mobil
  The oil giant made a big bet on the domestic natural gas market late last year buying Texas-based XTO Energy for $41 billion. But refining and exploration remain its backbone. The company drilled 45 new wells last year and hit pay dirt on nearly two-thirds of them. Other big projects: new ventures in Qatar, the Black Sea, and Kazakhstan, including the giant Kashagan field located offshore in the Caspian Sea. With operations in nearly every corner of the planet, Exxon always seems to get a seat at the table when big projects arise. Maybe size does matter.
  3. Chevron
  With prices for crude oil and natural gas off sharply from their recent highs, revenue at the oil giant tumbled 37%, from $265 billion to $167 billion. The good news: Production of oil and gas jumped 7%, thanks in part to a 57% success rate on its exploratory drilling. But another pitfall looms: Chevron has a heavy exposure to high-acid crude, particularly its deep-water projects in the U.K. If the government forces it to start processing the high-cost oil, Chevron may opt to cede its drilling rights, a move that would result in a sizeable charge against earnings.

  4. General Electric
  The house that Jack built ended 2009 by selling a controlling stake in its NBC Universal entertainment unit to Comcast, a deal that valued the new entity at $37 billion. Investors largely shrugged off the deal, but as concerns over its finance unit begin to fade - and talk of a dividend increase start to heat up - GE stock lately has been on a tear. GE chief Jeffrey Immelt hopes to keep the momentum going. He's investing $6 billion to develop new medical products and technologies, and is making big bets on green technologies, from fuel-efficient turbines to 'thin film' solar panels.

  5. Bank of America Corp.
  Say this about Bank of America chief Brian Moynihan: He certainly knows how to talk the talk. In his letter to shareholders, Moynihan went out of his way to thank U.S. taxpayers for making $45 billion in TARP funds available. He also described how he is working closely with 'policy leaders' on financial reform. Whether he can walk the walk - i.e., turn around BofA's fortunes - is another matter. While the company did repay its TARP loan in December, it is still sitting on billions of dollars of vulnerable residential and commercial mortgage debt - one reason the company spent 8,000 words discussing risk in its annual report.

  6. ConocoPhillips
  When Warren Buffett said he was 'dead wrong' to invest in ConocoPhillips, Conoco chief James Mulva must have taken note. The Texas-based oil company - the nation's third largest - has been going to great lengths trying to shore up its balance sheet by selling assets, reducing debt, and reining in capital spending. In March, Conoco said it would sell half of its 20% stake in Lukoil, a move that could raise $5 billion. Other potential sales: the company's 9% stake in its oil sands venture Syncrude and its 50% ownership in the Flying J truck stop chain.

   7. AT&T
  Ahh, the glamorous life of AT&T: best friends with Steve Jobs, exclusive rights to the iPhone (for now) and carrier of choice on the iPad. So why, with everything going for it, did the stock miss a huge rally? In the year ending April 1, Apple soared 109% and the S&P 500 rose 41%. AT&T? Down 2%. The problem is growth, or lack thereof: little in its saturated wireless business and a decline in landlines, which still accounts for 25% of sales. Unless its high-speed Internet business takes off or the iPad drives new wireless growth, the beatings by Wall Street will continue.

  8. Ford Motor
  In March, Ford completed its exit from the luxury car market by selling Volvo to China's Geely Automobile for $1.6 billion. Although the sale represents a sharp loss - the company paid $6 billion for the Swedish automaker eleven years ago - Ford posted an annual profit of $2.7 billion in 2009, its first profitable year since 2005. Assisted by the 'Cash for Clunkers' program (not to mention Toyota's accelerator woes), Ford recaptured its position as the nation's largest carmaker in February. Which is why Ford's CEO Alan Mulally can now look abroad, including big markets like India, where it recently introduced the compact Figo.
  今年3月,福特以16亿美元将沃尔沃卖给中国吉利汽车,从此退出豪华汽车市场。虽然这是一个巨大损失——福特 11年前购买沃尔沃这家瑞典汽车制造商花了60亿美元——但2009年福特实现了27亿美元的利润,是2005年以来首次盈利。受惠于“旧车换现金”计划(更不要说丰田的加速器问题了),今年2月福特重新占据了美国最大汽车制造商的宝座。这也是为什么福特首席执行官阿兰?穆拉里能够将目光投向国外,如印度这样的大市场,在印度推出了紧凑车型Figo。

  9. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
  CEO Jamie Dimon, who's been hailed as one of the banking industry's top leaders, called J.P. Morgan's annual results 'mediocre'. The industry must beg to differ. J.P. Morgan's revenue jumped in 2009 and profits more than doubled. It's the latest proof that J.P. Morgan was the country's strongest bank through the financial crisis. Last year it raised capital for businesses when others couldn't; it was the top merger and acquisitions advisor; and it never posted a quarterly loss.
  一直被誉为银行业领袖的摩根大通银行首席执行官杰米?戴蒙称公司的年报“一般”。业内肯定不同意他的说法。 2009年,摩根大通的收入大幅增加,利润增长了一倍多。这再次证明摩根大通是金融危机过后美国最有实力的银行。去年它还能为企业融资,这是其他银行都做不到的。它是顶级的合并与收购顾问,季度报表中从来没有显示过亏损。

  10. Hewlett-Packard
  As the biggest technology company by sales, HP now competes with every other IT shop that offers one-stop shopping for corporate buyers and consumers alike. IBM remains HP's biggest foe on the services front, while Oracle's purchase of server-maker Sun challenged HP on corporate hardware. The company's pending acquisition of networking-gear manufacturer 3Com puts this Silicon Valley pioneer in the crosshairs of Cisco. Printers once accounted for the biggest chunk of HP's profits, but with size comes diversity: Services, software and computers are all making healthy bottom-line contributions now too.

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