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标题: 英语情景对话精选 7.18 [打印本页]

作者: ivytony    时间: 2015-7-18 14:37     标题: 英语情景对话精选 7.18


我喜欢那一类型的东西 I love that kind of stuff

买了个新手机 Bought a new cellphone

保修期多长时间? How long is the warranty?

你带发票了吗?Have you brought the receipt?

特价商品不退不换 No refund or exchange

为新房子买些家具 To buy some furniture for our new house


房子问题 Problems in the apartment

看房子 Looking around the house

签租房合同 Signing a rent contract

找离学校近点的房子 Somewhere near the university

在大城市租房子 Renting a house in a big city

房租多少呢? What is the rent?


预订雅间 To reserve a VIP room

我们可以自带酒水吗? Can we bring drinks by ourselves?

我们晚餐做什么吃?What we should have for dinner?

上错菜了 This is not what I asked for

在这里吃还是外带呢?For here or to go?

我喜欢靠窗的桌子 I'd like a booth by the window


公司的保险政策 The insurance policy

你之前的薪水是多少? How much is your last salary?

你为什么要离职? Why did you leave the job?

你的优缺点分别是什么?Strengths and weaknesses

你大学时参加过什么活动吗?Activities at college

你能接受经常出差吗? Frequent business travel?


询问是否有捷径可走 Is there a short cut?

我去哪里能钓鱼?Where can I go fishing?

假期计划 The vacation plan

找避暑圣地 Is there any summer resort around the town?

请别人帮忙照相 Would you mind taking a picture for us?

学生票多少钱?The admission fee for a student

代数考试时我大脑一片空白 I drew a blank on the algebra test

去参加毕业典礼 Going to the commencement

为家长会担心 Worrying about parent's meeting

我收到通知书了 I have received the admission letter

怎样才能学好英语? How do I learn English well?

课堂上回答老师问题 Answering teacher's questions

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