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标题: 英语口语:生活中常用的10个英语习语(1) [打印本页]

作者: ivytony    时间: 2016-6-23 09:07     标题: 英语口语:生活中常用的10个英语习语(1)

1.Kristen has a short fuse. Yesterday she yelled at me for an hour just because I didn't answer her phone call right away!

has a short fuse = gets angry easily 非常容易生气

2.I can't carry all these books. Can you lend me a hand?

lend a hand = help 帮忙

In this specific case, the speaker is asking a friend to carry the books. However, "lend a hand" means "to help" in general - maybe with carrying, maybe with building, maybe with assembling a computer, etc.

3.My brother-in-law and I don't see eye to eye on politics. He believes in a big government with lots of laws, and I support less government interference in citizens' lives.

see eye to eye = agree 同意

4.Richard broke the living room window while he was playing ball inside the house. He's going to be in hot waterwhen his mother comes home!

be in hot water = be in trouble 有麻烦

5.I'm giving a presentation to 500 people at the conference next month. I already have butterflies in my stomach!

have butterflies in (my/his/her) stomach = to be nervous 紧张

6."I can eat an entire pizza by myself."

"I don't believe it! Put your money where your mouth is!"

put your money where your mouth is = prove or show that what you're saying is true 证明你说的话是真的

7.My girlfriend took me to a dance class, even though I've never danced in my life. I felt like a fish out of water.

like a fish out of water = out of place 不自在的,处在不恰当的位置

8.I use Facebook and Skype to keep in touch with my relatives who live in another country.

keep in touch = stay in contact 保持联系

9.Bob loves his iPhone; he has it with him 24/7.

24/7 = all the time 一直;总是

24 hours per day, 7 days per week = all the time, constantly!

10."Do you like to ski?"

"I do, but I only go once in a blue moon because it's so expensive."

once in a blue moon = once in a while, not frequently 偶尔地,不经常地

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