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标题: 云南出台“史上最严”旅游业管理办法 [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2017-4-4 21:02     标题: 云南出台“史上最严”旅游业管理办法




Yunnan province will introduce 22 measures to clean up the local tourism industry, the provincial tourism administrative authority said on Monday.


The measures, which will come into effect on April 15, include forbidding forced shopping and overly cheap tours, punishing fraud targeted at tourists, and strengthening regulation of tour guides via an online information and evaluation system.


云南一直是国内外游客心之向往的旅游目的地,但是近年来,有关导游诱骗、欺诈游客消费,甚至辱骂或殴打游客的新闻频繁见诸报端,“零负团费”(free and incentive tours)、“购物陷阱”(shopping traps)、“打骂游客”(beating and insulting tourists)已成云南旅游业的痼疾顽症。

此次,云南推出“史上最严”整治措施,试图从根源解决旅游市场乱象(irregularities in the tourism industry),以下亮点值得关注。

禁止“不合理低价游” banning overly cheap tours

禁止旅行社发布、销售“不合理低价游”产品和接待相关团队,对违反规定的旅行社进行停业整顿(travel agencies luring tourists with prices lower than costs will be suspended from business for a set period),对整顿后再犯的依法吊销经营许可证(those who continue to sell overly cheap tours after suspension will have their business licenses revoked);实行新的旅游标准合同,取消旅游合同中的购物附加条款;建立旅行社“黑名单”制度。

清理购物陷阱 clearing up shopping traps

取消旅游定点购物(designating specific shopping venues for tourists is prohibited),将所有旅游购物企业纳入普通商品零售企业统一监管。严禁变相安排和诱导购物,防止形成新的灰色利益链条。严惩针对游客的欺诈销售(fraudulent selling),包括“药托”“酒托”等诱骗行为。

加强导游监管 strengthening regulation of tour guides

针对导游服务质量问题,云南将建立全省导游管理平台(tour guide management platform),把全省所有导游纳入平台进行实时动态监管;建立导游服务质量网上评价系统(online evaluation system),评价结果作为导游星级评定的主要依据,公开导游考核评价结果(the evaluation results will be made public);强化签约导游(contracted tour guides)管理,建立合理薪酬制度,保障导游合法权益。州市政府主要领导为旅游市场监管第一责任人。发生恶性旅游事件,造成恶劣社会影响的,要对相关责任人严肃问责。

设立旅游巡回法庭 setting up tourist circuit court

旅游纠纷案件主要系旅游服务合同纠纷(travel contract disputes)和人身财产损害赔偿纠纷(compensation disputes concerning physical and asset damage)。绝大多数案件都可以适用小额诉讼程序、简易程序(simplified procedure),做到“四个快”,即:快立、快审、快结、快执,力争实现当日受理案件、当日审理办结、当日即时履行。

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