Many people are engaged in a destructive relationship because they're afraid of being alone.
Yet dozens of years later it becomes clear that it's better to be alone than to live with a person who brings a lot of disappointment, pain, and offenses.
In the cycle of work and home duties, many of us pay very little attention to our loved ones.
Unfortunately, we often understand this at a tragic time: children grow up and start an independent life, warm relationships with spouses disappear, something tragic happens to parents.
You: we'll have a class reunion party. Will you come?
Your friend: I can't. I have a serious project.
In 10 years…十年后…...
You: I won't even call. She won't come anyway.
Most often people do so if they have no other values. Work is important, but don't forget to relax from time to time.
Stopped learning new things
Your mom: Learn languages. You'll need them.
You: What for? I'll be an engineer.
In 10 years…十年后…...
Your boss: We have a position in a foreign affiliate. How's your English?
You: …
Many people believe that one degree is enough. True, it's good if you have one.
Yet constant development brings not only more opportunities for professional growth but also an increase in self-confidence, making you an interesting person to others.