Indian actor Aamir Khan is sealing his major-celebrity status in China with cinema of social relevance. 印度演员阿米尔•汗凭借关注社会问题的电影,在中国成为了大明星。 Aamir Khan was in China last week to promote his latest Hindi film Secret Superstar. During his weeklong stay, first in Shanghai and then in Beijing, the Indian actor also found out that he has become a major celebrity in a country where Bollywood’s reach has been traditionally limited. 上周,阿米尔•汗来到中国宣传其最新的印地语电影《神秘巨星》。这位印度演员在上海和北京先后待了一周的时间,他发现,在宝莱坞电影不怎么火的中国,自己成为了大名人。 Some local analysts compare his stardom in China to that of Hollywood actors Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise and Leonardo DiCaprio. 一些国内分析人士认为他在中国的名气与好莱坞演员汤姆•汉克斯、汤姆•克鲁斯以及莱奥纳多•迪卡普里奥不相上下。 Others wonder if Khan is an activist actor. Still others describe him as a feminist. The Chinese media seem to have settled for Mishu, or Uncle Aamir. 一些人认为阿米尔•汗并不是位激进派的演员,但也有一些人称其为女权主义者。中国媒体则直接叫他“米叔”。 The surprising rise in popularity of the 52-year-old Bollywood star is owing to his cinema of social relevance that Chinese moviegoers don’t get enough of from their own industry as well as his savvy marketing and China outreach. At more than 1 million, Khan has the most followers for an Indian on Sina Weibo, the country’s Twitter-like platform. 这位52岁的宝莱坞演员在中国出人意料地火了,因为像他这样关注社会问题的电影,中国观众在国产片中并不多见,而他也深谙营销方式,对中国市场进行了主动拓展。米叔在中国的“推特”新浪微博上拥有100多万粉丝,成为了在该平台上粉丝数最多的印度人。 Secret Superstar had made more than 400 million yuan ($63 million) earlier this week. The story of a teenage Muslim girl’s fight against ugly patriarchy to realize her dreams was released in China on Jan 19. 本周早些时候,《神秘巨星》已经收获了超过4亿人民币(约6300万美元)的票房。这部电影1月19日于中国上映,讲述了一位穆斯林少女反抗丑陋的父权社会,实现自己梦想的故事。 Last year, his film Dangal, inspired by the real journey of an Indian wrestler through a conservative landscape to turn his daughters into world-class athletes, had made nearly 1.3 billion yuan. 而他的另一部电影《摔跤吧!爸爸》去年收获了将近13亿的票房,电影改编自一位印度摔跤手的真实故事:在保守的社会环境下,他将女儿们训练成了世界一流的运动员。 In 2011, Khan’s work first got major attention from Chinese moviegoers with Three Idiots, which was released in India much earlier. A statement on India’s orthodox education system, with parallels in China, the Hindi film resonated with the local audience. Film critics and fans alike recommended it to their friends. 2011年,米叔在印度上映已久的作品《三傻大闹宝莱坞》首次获得了中国观众的广泛关注。这部印度电影展现了印度传统教育体系,和中国有诸多相似之处,引发了国内观众的共鸣。影评人以及粉丝都向朋友们推荐了这部电影。 The film also triggered an interest in China for Khan’s youth-centric cinema. 这部电影也让中国对米叔以青少年为主角的电影产生了兴趣。 Some film critics say the education systems, gender discrimination and domestic violence (that Secret Superstar shows) are among perceived similarities of social issues in India and China. 一些影评人表示,教育体制、性别歧视以及家庭暴力(在影片《神秘巨星》中有所体现)都是中印存在的相似的社会问题。 A series of "masterpieces" have made Khan an effective brand in China, in addition to his savvy marketing and film distribution. 一系列“神作”,再加上精明的影片推广以及发行方式,让米叔在中国拥有了响亮的名气。 The audience is also getting a bit bored with Hollywood films shown in China, according to Tan Fei, a filmmaker and film critic, who also lives in Beijing. 现居北京的电影制作人、影评人谭飞表示,观众们也对中国上映的好莱坞大片有些看腻了。 While it’s still early to estimate if Hollywood’s influence on the Chinese market is on the wane, the local audience’s appetite for diverse cinema is definitely on show and is helping Khan. 尽管现在称好莱坞在中国市场的影响力日趋衰落还为时尚早,但中国观众具有多元化的观影口味这点确凿无疑,并让米叔大获成功。 Khan’s success is also significant from the standpoint of Sino-Indian relations that are often constrained by the longtime border dispute. 中印两国经常因为长期的边界争议而陷入紧张局势,而米叔的成功对于两国关系而言也意义重大。 "He is the best choice for goodwill ambassador," Tan says. “他是亲善大使的最佳人选,”谭飞表示。 |
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