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标题: 考研英语常考的词汇搭配 [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-4-9 16:38     标题: 考研英语常考的词汇搭配

1.above all首先,尤其  2. add up to合计,总共
  3. add to增加,加强
  4. affiliate to (使)隶属于
  5. after all毕竟,终于;虽然这样
  6. one after another一个接一个
  7. as a result of由于……原因
  8. result in导致,结果是
  9. result from起因于,因……而造成
  10. as a result结果,因此
  11. associate with和……联系;和……交往
  12. at all根本,完全
  13. all but除……之外其余都;几乎,差不多
  14. all over遍及,到处
  15. all right可以,行;顺利,良好
  16. not at all一点也不
  17. all out全力以赴,竭尽全力
  18. in alliance with与……联盟
  19. at hand即将到来,在附近,在手边
  20. hand down流传下来,传给,往下传
  21. hand in交上,递交
  22. hand out发给,分发,散发
  23. at large大体上,一般
  24. at length最后,终于,详细地
  25. at random任意地,随机地
  26. at the cost of以……为代价
  27. attached to附属于,隶属于
  28. back down退却,让步,放弃
  29. back up支持,援助,倒退,后退
  30. back down/off放弃,让步,退却
  31. back of在……后部,在……背部
  32. back and forth来回,往返,来来往往地
  33. break away (from)脱离,逃跑
  34. break in强行进入,闯入,打断,插嘴
  35. break into闯入
  36. break off结束,断绝
  37. break through突破
  38. break down瓦解,损坏,分解
  39. break out爆发,突然发生,逃出
  40. break up打碎,拆散;中止,结束
  41. bring about带来,造成
  42. bring forth提出,产生
  43. bring out使显示,使出现,公布,出版
  44. bring up教育,培养,使成长
  45. by all means无论如何,必定
  46. by means of借助于,用
  47. call at访问,拜访
  48. call forth引起,唤起,使振作,鼓励
  49. call off取消,放弃
  50. call on拜访,访问,号召,呼吁
  51. carry about带
  52. carry off夺走
  53. clear up整理,收拾,清除,解除,解释,澄清,(天
  54. come off成功,凑效,实现
  55. come on进展,发展;请,来吧,跟着来,快点;
  56. come round苏醒,复原;来访,前来
  57. come to总计,达到;苏醒,复原
  58. come up被提出,发生;走进,上来
  59. come up with提出,提供
  60. cope with竞争,对付
  61. count on依靠,指望
  62. cut down削减,减少
  63. cut off切断,使隔绝;剪去,删去;打断,停止
  64. cut out删除
  65. cut short突然停止
  66. draw in (汽车、火车)到站
  67. drop in顺便来访
  68. drop off减弱,减少
  69. drop out退出,离队
  70. dwell on详述;凝思
  71. figure out推测,算出,估计
  72. for the sake of为了……起见,看在……的份
  73. get across解释清楚,使人了解
  74. get away脱离
  75. get down从……下来;写下
  76. get off动身,离开,开始,从……下来
  77. get out of逃避,改掉
  78. get over克服,(从病中)恢复过来
  79. give off放出,释放
  80. give up停止,放弃
  81. go off爆炸,发射;动身,离开
  82. go over检查,审查;复习,重温
  83. hang back忧郁,踌躇,畏缩
  84. hang on等一下,抓紧不放,继续下去
  85. hang up挂断(电话)
  86. hostile敌意的,敌对的,敌方的
  87. in accordance with与……一致
  88. in all总共,总计
  89. in brief简单到说,简言之
  90. in case以防(万一),假如,免得
  91. in conclusion总之,最后
  92. in contrast to与……成反比
  93. in detail详细到
  94. in effect实际上,有效
  95. in favor of支持,赞成有利于,便于
  96. in front of在……前面
  97. in line with与……一致,按照,和……成直线
  98. in no time立即,马上
  99. in no way决不
  100. in proportion to (与……)成正比
  101. in/with regard to对于;就……而论
  102. in relation to关系到
  103. in return作为回报,作为报答
  104. in terms of依据,按照;有……措辞
  105. in turn依次,轮流
  106.incorporate with合并,纳入,组合
  107. keep on继续不断,保持
  108. keep up保持,维持;继续进行,坚持
  109. let alone更不用说,不干涉
  110. let down使失望,放下,降低
  111. let off开(枪),放(炮,烟火);宽舒,从宽处
  112. let out放大(衣服);放掉,发出;放松(绳子)
  113. look after照顾,照料
  114. look into调查,观察,过问,探视
  115. look out留神,注意,提防,警惕
  116.look through仔细查看,浏览,温习
  117. look up查阅,查询
  118. make out辨认,区分;理解;并列,书写
  119. make up for弥补,赔偿;化装,编造;构成,组
  120. on any account在任何情况下
  121. on the spot当场,在现场
  122. on the verge of接近于,濒临
  123. originate from起源,发生
  124. parallel to平行的,并列的;相同的,类似的
  125. pass out失去知觉,昏倒
  126. pick up拾起,拣起;增加,改进;(偶然)得到;
  127. pull down拆毁,拉倒;拉下,降低
  128. pull out (车、船等)驶出;拔出,抽出,取出
  129. put away放好,收好;储存
  130. put forward提出
  131. putin驶进
  132. put off推迟,拖延
  133. put on穿上,戴上;上演;增加体重
  134. put out出版,发布;熄灭,消灭,关灯;生产
  135. put up提出,举起,升起,(提价);为……提供
  136. put up with容忍,忍受
  137. run into偶然碰见,撞上
  138. set about开始,着手
  139. set off引起,使发生,动身,出发
  140. set out制定,打算;陈列,显示;动身,起程
  141. show in领入
  142. show off炫耀,卖弄
  143. show up出席,到场;使呈现,使醒目
  144. subject to受……支配的,易遭……的
  145. take after与……相象
  146. take away消除,消耗
  147. take down记下,写下
  148. take in接受,接收;了解,理解;欺骗
  149. take on呈现,具有,装出;接纳,承担,从事
  150. take over接管,接办
  151. take to喜欢,接近
  152. take up占去。占居;开始从事;拿起,接收
  153. to provide for提供,共给
  154. turn down拒绝,摒斥;关小,调低
  155. turn off关掉,断开;拐弯,叉开
  156. use up用完,用光
  157. work out解决,算出;设计出,制定出
  158. work up激起,引起;逐渐上升,向上爬
  159. write off报废,勾销,注销
  160. able to能,会
  161. be about to即将
  162. absent from缺席,不在场
  163. be absorbed in专心于
  164. abundant in丰富的,充分的,充裕的
  165. have/gain access to可以获得
  166. by accident偶然
  167. according to按照,根据
  168. account for说明(原因)
  169. take into account考虑
  170. accuse of谴责,控告
  171. accustom to使习惯于
  172. be accustomed to习惯于
  173. acquaint sb. with使认识,使了解
  174. act on起作用
  175. adapt to使适应,适合
  176. in addition另外
  177. in addition to除……之外
  178. adhere to坚持,粘附,胶着
  179. adjacent to邻近的,毗连的
  180. in advance提前,优先
  181. have/gain an advantage over胜过,优于182. take advantage of利用
  183. afraid of怕
  184. agree to同意,赞成
  185. agree with同意,赞成
  186. ahead of在……前面,先于
  187. aim at目标在于,旨在
  188. in the air在流行中,在传播中
  189. alien to不相容的
  190. alien from相异的
  191. allow for考虑到
  192. make allowance (s) for体谅,原谅;考虑
  193. ally with使结盟
  194. leave/let…… alone听其自然,不要去管
  195. along with与……一起
  196. not only…… but also不但……而且
  197. by analogy用类推的方法
  198. one……another/one another互相
  199. answer for保证,负责
  200. answer to符合,适合
  201. anxious about忧虑的,担心的,焦急的,渴望
  202. anything but根本不,除……以外任何事
  203. apart from除去
  204. apologize for道歉,认错
  205. apologize to道歉,认错
  206. apparent to明显的,显而易见的
  207. appeal to呼吁,要求
  208. applicable to适用的
  209. apply for申请,要求
  210. apply to运用,应用,使用

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