[今日英语]“离婚”其实不仅仅是一个“divorce”这么简单,还有很多种表达方式: 去年,曾经传出“李湘婚后遭李厚霖爆打”的消息,现在更有传言说李湘不堪丈夫的残暴而选择离婚,其实我们八卦一下听过就算了,实在没有必要追究真假,来学一句: His cruelty has got beyond endurance; that's why his wife has decided todivorce him.(他的残暴已令人无法忍受,因此他妻子决定与他离婚。)
再看“divorce”作为名词的用法:This couple have come to this, that they can not solve their problem without a divorce. 这对夫妇已到了不离婚就解决不了他们之间的问题的地步。
1、to break a marriage
I wouldn't go as far as tobreak the marriage.我还不至于到离婚的地步。 2、to split up(with sb.)
They split upafter a year of marriage.他们结婚一年后离婚了。 离婚后再结婚,“复婚”的表达方式——
Sheremarry her former husband ten year after their divorce. 她与原来的丈夫离婚十年后又复婚了。作者: chm8624 时间: 2007-10-31 07:49