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最有灵感的5个Youtube视频 : 将生活灵感融会于你的生命中。

“一个人的生命是有限的,不要浪费生命活着别人的世界里。不要被教条束缚,不要生活在他人已经思考的结论中。不要让别人的观点淹没了你内心的声音。最重要的是,你要有勇气去追寻你自己的内心和直觉,从某种程度来说,你的内心知道你最希望追求什么。其他任何事物都在其次考虑。” - Steve Jobs

Sometimes we all can use a little inspiration. I thought I’d share some of my favorite inspirational videos with you, hoping that it’ll help pick you up today.


Play these as needed. Warning: you might be inspired to greatness, so use with caution.


1. Randy Pausch最后的演讲: 赢得你的童年梦想(Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams)

Watched by over 6 million viewers, this video of a Carnegie Mellon professor who is dying of pancreatic cancer contains more inspiration and wisdom than almost anything else you can watch online. Watch it!


2. A Father’s Amazing Love

2. 令人震惊的父爱

Unless you’re a cold-hearted bastard (and none of you who read this blog are, I know), you will get teary-eyed watching this video. You can’t help it. There is no more powerful demonstration of a father’s love than this.


3. Steve Jobs’s Stanford Commencement Speech

3. Steve Jobs的斯坦福商务演讲

I admit, I’m a Steve Jobs fanboy — the guy invented the Mac, the iPod, and Pixar for goodness sake! He’s also a minimalist, like me, and in this speech he shows the power of pursuing your dreams, something I fervently believe in. And Steve, if by any chance you happen to read this blog, drop me a line! (I know, not much of a chance, but I had to give it a shot.) Correction: Steve didn’t invent Pixar, as one reader pointed out. He probably didn’t invent the iPod either, but he did lead both to prominence.

我需要承认,我是Steve Jobs的粉丝,正是他发明了Mac,iPod还有Pixar。他是一个简约主义者(我也是),在他的演讲中,他显示了追求梦想过程中展现的强大力量,那是一种让我也深深相信的一种力量。Steve,如果你有机会读到我的博客,请给我留个言吧!(我知道,机会很少,但我还是想试一下。)更正一下:正像一个读者支出的,Steve没有发明Pixar,他也许也没有直接发明iPod,但是他确实引领了最前沿。

4. Will Smith – Running & Reading (The Key to Life)

4. 威尔斯密斯 - 跑步和读书 (解读生命的真谛)

Will Smith is right on in this speech. As an avid runner and reader myself, I’ve noticed these same phenomena have changed my life, and I recommend both to anyone I talk to.


5. Free Hugs Campaign


I’m a big fan of the Free Hugs campaign. Such a simple yet profound and revolutionary idea — offer free hugs to strangers and change their lives in small ways. I love it.

