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English Corner

[ 1012 主题 / 7955 回复 ]

版块介绍: Let's talk in English and enjoy ourselves here.
always happy

版主: *空缺中*

you can only express yourself here in English.
 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  Express yourself:Who's your favourite movie star and why? xiaomeixin 2011-8-23 5/2784 淮翼 2011-10-16 22:31
  society like a boat Ddvaluer 2011-9-8 5/1819 淮翼 2011-10-16 22:15
  you know or you can Ddvaluer 2011-9-2 2/1717 淮翼 2011-10-16 20:45
  time 1 级热门 Ddvaluer 2011-9-1 5/2080 淮翼 2011-10-16 20:44
  what can I give? Ddvaluer 2011-8-30 5/2208 淮翼 2011-10-16 20:43
  what's socializing ? Daring 2011-9-19 5/1655 淮翼 2011-10-16 20:40
  假如你的账户多了3000美元... 附件 2 级热门  ...2 xiaomeixin 2011-7-5 21/5750 淮翼 2011-10-16 20:27
  16/7单选题:Financial Vocabulary 金融词汇 图片附件 1 级热门 xiaomeixin 2011-7-16 16/3043 淮翼 2011-10-16 20:22
  What's your favourite colour and why? 图片附件 2 级热门  ...2 xiaomeixin 2011-7-13 35/7859 淮翼 2011-10-16 20:19
Millions of Man Brideless(百万男性将面临"娶妻难") 1 级热门 russel 2011-9-22 16/3654 淮翼 2011-10-16 19:41
投票 which country you wanna go the most? 精华 1 russel 2011-9-28 4/2985 Bree 2011-10-16 14:01
  what's socialization ? my opinion 帖子被加分 Daring 2011-10-1 4/1753 Bree 2011-10-16 13:43
  猜谜语:Why shouldn't you tell a secret to a pig? 评价指数 1 1 级热门 xiaomeixin 2011-7-2 8/3138 淮翼 2011-10-15 21:37
how was ur Childhood? russel 2011-10-7 7/2258 淮翼 2011-10-15 14:45
how many people can change? 1 级热门 Ddvaluer 2011-8-25 18/4239 淮翼 2011-10-15 14:39
  Last Christmas phoebe6 2011-10-12 1/1653 xiaomeixin 2011-10-14 10:10
  Leehom Wang-Music-Man phoebe6 2011-10-12 2/1776 xiaomeixin 2011-10-14 10:10
  Tingroom英语角YY4837频道,真正可以提高口语的地方~ russel 2011-9-27 5/3392 smile_liuth 2011-10-11 19:19
辩论 Certificates: the More, the Better? agree or disagree? 精华 1 russel 2011-9-27 5/5847 xiaomeixin 2011-10-11 12:23
College Hacker(学生黑客篡改成绩) russel 2011-9-22 6/2402 xiaomeixin 2011-10-10 16:30
  good thing Ddvaluer 2011-9-7 1/1554 lxjsunnyboy 2011-9-17 20:52
  no matter what you choose 图片附件 seaso 2011-9-16 5/2852 seaso 2011-9-17 16:57
  personal behavior 帖子被加分 Ddvaluer 2011-8-18 4/1684 lxjsunnyboy 2011-9-17 16:47
  need your help 1 级热门 float 2011-8-25 9/2124 lxjsunnyboy 2011-9-17 16:44
  what you do for ccelebration? maggieqiu 2011-9-15 4/1514 tingroom 2011-9-17 10:17
  human and pig Ddvaluer 2011-8-30 6/2413 lxjsunnyboy 2011-9-16 11:58
  Self-made moon cakes popular for Festival 1 级热门 kuangye678 2011-9-5 17/4041 lxjsunnyboy 2011-9-16 11:50
  谚语 gossipgirl 2011-9-13 0/1022 gossipgirl 2011-9-13 18:47
  such a father Ddvaluer 2011-9-8 8/2259 陈秀玲 2011-9-9 19:34
  why she is not the real one? Ddvaluer 2011-9-5 3/1937 Ddvaluer 2011-9-7 08:32
  why we can succeed? Ddvaluer 2011-9-5 4/1936 captinjack 2011-9-6 15:04
  原创文章 lookz105 2011-9-5 0/1257 lookz105 2011-9-5 23:38
  life Ddvaluer 2011-8-30 0/1398 Ddvaluer 2011-8-30 08:37
  What a good parent should be 评价指数 2 1 级热门 LinBalls 2011-8-15 18/6149 LinBalls 2011-8-27 22:55
  Express yourself:关于酒楼使用浓缩液制汤及饮料,你怎么看? 图片附件 xiaomeixin 2011-8-24 9/3348 float 2011-8-26 16:18