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[ 1994 主题 / 5847 回复 ]

版块介绍: Reading daily jokes you could not only learn English but also could understand the foreigner's humor.What are you waiting for ?Come on to relax yourself now!

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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  6月5日笑口常开:A Small Boy and a Donkey 帖子被加分 星期一 2010-6-5 9/3337 zhouxiaofeng 2010-6-10 12:24
  a riddle 龙爱坤 2010-5-26 4/2045 boluo886 2010-6-12 13:12
  6月21日笑口常开:girl's question 帖子被加分 beiju 2010-6-21 2/2352 当时的月亮 2010-6-23 14:17
  6月18日笑口常开:English words 帖子被加分 peopoo 2010-6-18 5/2781 wallace88 2010-6-23 16:29
  Hiking Money ni456ya 2010-6-28 1/1615 星期一 2010-6-28 11:23
  Mouthful 帖子被加分 ni456ya 2010-6-24 4/1764 当时的月亮 2010-6-29 15:48
  Diplomatic way 帖子被加分 governor1 2010-7-6 1/1953 KingG0101 2010-7-8 18:02
  Two copies 帖子被加分 governor1 2010-7-6 2/1879 Shinni 2010-7-9 09:35
  Talking Too Much 帖子被加分 ni456ya 2010-7-12 2/2133 lihaer 2010-7-13 11:48
  pupil and Granny 帖子被加分 governor1 2010-7-7 2/1762 走着瞧 2010-7-13 13:34
  6月29日笑口常开:what is your name 帖子被加分 beiju 2010-6-29 11/3411 走着瞧 2010-7-13 13:38
  Fat man and Thin man. 帖子被加分 governor1 2010-7-7 6/2849 zx58182487 2010-7-15 00:24
  Mafia Kid 帖子被加分 ni456ya 2010-7-13 3/1858 傻傻 2010-7-17 06:17
  gun and people 帖子被加分 governor1 2010-7-16 2/1710 youxiaxiaolala 2010-7-20 21:42
  I Don’t Feel Like Getting into an Argument 帖子被加分 governor1 2010-7-18 9/2892 红星帝国 2010-7-24 00:28
  love and money 帖子被加分 governor1 2010-7-16 7/2412 dacaoyu 2010-7-25 20:59
  A family of mice were surprised by a big cat governor1 2010-7-23 3/2138 jammie 2010-7-27 15:45
  Ugly Face 帖子被加分 ni456ya 2010-6-23 11/2821 laura6688 2010-8-15 20:32
  your clothes are on fire 帖子被加分 xifan 2010-6-11 6/3034 Danatan 2010-8-20 11:27
  6月22日笑口常开:skinny and fat 帖子被加分 sumny 2010-6-22 8/3058 jhw1007 2010-8-23 21:28
  Prepare yourself." yixin0809 2010-9-8 0/1426 yixin0809 2010-9-8 16:32
  superstitious yixin0809 2010-9-8 0/1667 yixin0809 2010-9-8 16:35
  Asia's first nude sad MV lufjvpqxj 2010-9-24 0/1242 lufjvpqxj 2010-9-24 20:11
  26个字母诠释的爱情 j5677512 2010-10-2 0/1446 j5677512 2010-10-2 18:57
  不问明天在哪里 wang0147 2010-10-7 0/1518 wang0147 2010-10-7 09:29
  11月12日 每日笑话:God isn't deaf, but Grandma is clays 2010-11-12 0/1556 clays 2010-11-12 13:42
   Do you think it's the light that's attracting them? 精华 1 zhoujiazui741 2010-11-21 0/1588 zhoujiazui741 2010-11-21 17:51
  笑一笑 DONGHAOKUN 2010-12-2 0/1176 DONGHAOKUN 2010-12-2 21:01
  笑笑 DONGHAOKUN 2010-12-2 0/1034 DONGHAOKUN 2010-12-2 21:04
  The mean man's party yuanchunrong 2010-12-3 0/1725 yuanchunrong 2010-12-3 14:33
  三顾茅庐:18岁男孩全奖敲开耶鲁大门_1602 lvccan5481 2010-12-6 0/1180 lvccan5481 2010-12-6 08:52
  伟大的猎手Jonesie 精华 1 zhoujiazui741 2010-12-15 0/1351 zhoujiazui741 2010-12-15 19:36
  Father should pay the bill early-bird 2011-1-2 0/1062 early-bird 2011-1-2 10:46
  A funny story early-bird 2011-1-2 0/1390 early-bird 2011-1-2 21:12
  too happy early-bird 2011-1-4 0/1242 early-bird 2011-1-4 20:52