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[ 1994 主题 / 5847 回复 ]

版块介绍: Reading daily jokes you could not only learn English but also could understand the foreigner's humor.What are you waiting for ?Come on to relax yourself now!

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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
英语笑话11月22日-When elephant and ant got married 图片附件 觉醒ing 2011-11-22 4/1797 觉醒ing 2011-12-11 17:25
  A Branch Office(分店) 3.27 yoyo530521 2009-3-27 4/2815 chenxiao 2011-1-11 17:58
  I hung him up to dry xln1120 2009-4-7 4/2204 chenxiao 2011-1-11 18:02
英语笑话12月18日-Where it should be plugged 觉醒ing 2011-12-18 4/1590 芳群 2011-12-19 20:48
  Good News And Bad News AllenHL 2012-6-24 4/1575 xiaogua 2012-6-25 17:18
the saddest hangdog expression. AllenHL 2012-6-21 4/2449 leyla 2012-7-17 18:56
  I is 帖子被加分 washioolongti 2011-5-16 4/1505 fangnan 2011-5-17 17:38
  4月27日--- jiang0720 2011-4-26 3/1574 莲世界 2011-4-30 23:24
  Good news and bad news xln1120 2009-4-14 3/2740 诗琪 2009-7-22 08:44
  Did your father help you?(你爸爸帮你了吗?) xln1120 2009-4-12 3/2702 诗琪 2009-7-22 09:11
  Further to say in advance when 帖子被加分 x5138077368 2011-11-9 3/1178 芳群 2011-12-12 14:46
  The Nice Wedding Gift(漂亮的结婚礼物)4月6日 yoyo530521 2009-4-6 3/2978 johnzwj 2009-8-3 23:16
  3月31日笑话:It's Sunday jiang0720 2011-3-31 3/1540 w395041292 2011-4-16 12:33
  Big Head 大脑袋 帖子被加分 maggieqiu 2011-4-15 3/1682 tingroom 2011-4-16 16:07
  If only not because of you fangnan 2011-4-22 3/1545 ivytony 2011-5-3 19:04
  Teacher and Student kuangye678 2011-5-7 3/1613 fangnan 2011-5-13 16:13
  英语笑话2012-6-30 Two Birds AllenHL 2012-6-30 3/1463 leyla 2012-7-9 20:01
我,你,她 I, You & She 小尾巴猪 2011-12-11 3/1757 小尾巴猪 2011-12-12 15:45
  5月25日笑口常开:offer seat xifan 2010-5-25 3/2704 龙爱坤 2010-5-25 22:34
  5月26日笑口常开:what does the teacher mean? sumny 2010-5-26 3/2963 funnyfan 2010-5-28 10:47
  The value of a second language AllenHL 2012-6-16 3/1677 leyla 2012-6-18 22:43
  Hunting Skills(打猎的技巧) yoyo530521 2009-3-30 3/2905 jammie 2010-7-1 10:56
  搞错了 精华 1 zhoujiazui741 2010-12-15 3/2149 rxblue 2010-12-22 09:43
  The result of a Promise 评价指数 1 精华 1 zhoujiazui741 2010-12-19 3/2903 float 2010-12-22 11:13
  3月10日笑话:Give up your seat to a lady jiang0720 2011-3-10 3/2160 leyla 2012-6-15 14:51
  2011-01-03 每日笑话:earn point 帖子被加分 yl542099575 2011-1-3 3/1909 summerwu812 2011-1-7 16:59
  2011-01-04 每日笑话:safety lesson 帖子被加分 early-bird 2011-1-4 3/1719 kobe 2011-1-8 23:54
  你认识周杰伦吗 帖子被加分 x5138077368 2011-11-9 3/2110 千寻望舒 2011-12-12 23:40
  I'm sure it is fresh (我保证它很新鲜) xln1120 2009-4-9 3/2262 yy2235 2011-1-11 19:02
I Want Her to go Nuts 我要让她发疯 xln1120 2009-11-6 3/2219 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:26
  Watching TV 单词达人 2012-6-18 3/1206 leyla 2012-6-18 21:45
  This Is My Love 孩子眼中的爱情 x-ace 2009-10-12 3/2498 chenxiao 2011-1-11 19:30
  12月23日笑话品读:Listen to the Teacher x-ace 2009-12-23 3/2602 chenxiao 2011-1-11 20:42
  12月27日笑话分享:A Family Rule x-ace 2009-12-28 3/3003 chenxiao 2011-1-11 20:46
  Joke: Family Vibrator 帖子被加分 governor1 2010-7-7 3/1723 chenxiao 2011-1-11 21:52