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Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是于苗要问的:赘肉。
Jessica: 于苗! You look so cute in this red dress!
YM: 真的么?难道你不觉得这件连衣裙有点瘦么?
Jessica: Ah....it's....a little tight. Just a little!
YM: 唉,我去年买这条裙子的时候,穿着还有点肥呢,今年居然紧成这样,看来我这赘肉真是没少长啊!
Jessica: Don't be upset, Yumiao. You may have a little extra meat on your bones, but trust me, you still look good!
YM: extra meat on my bones?骨头上有多余的肉?这在中文里就叫"赘肉"。唉,I really want this "extra meat" gone! 尤其是这腰上的赘肉,真是讨厌的“救生圈”啊!
Jessica: I know! No one wants that "spare tire". It's our worst enemy!
YM: spare, s-p-a-r-e, spare; tire, t-i-r-e, tire, spare tire 不是指“备用轮胎”么?原来,中国人把腰上的一圈赘肉比喻成“救生圈”,美国人则把它比成“spare tire”备用胎。
Jessica: That's right! We also call the extra fat around your waist line "love handles".
YM: 腰上的赘肉还可以叫 love handles? love 爱情;handle, h-a-n-d-l-e, handle 把手。这肥肉也能跟爱情挂上钩吗?
Jessica: Well, think about it. When your boyfriend wraps his arms around you, he can hold on to these like handles?!
YM: 啊?太可怕了。我可不想要 love handles. I'm going to the gym, starting TODAY!
Jessica: Well, before you go, tell me what you've learned today! |