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Teeth WhitenerBananas are yellow, but surprisingly enough, they can help whiten your stained yellowish teeth. Rub the peel in circular motions all over your teeth everyday for at least two to three minutes. In a few weeks or months you’ll see the results. Your dentist will be overwhelmed when she sees your sparkly whites.
Tenderize Roast Meat
After using the fruit and the peel, you can now use the leaves. If you’re tired of eating tough beef or pork for dinner, then try wrapping them in banana leaves to make them tender. This also works for fish (as seen in many Asian delicacies). While cooking, adding a ripe banana also helps. It also adds a delicious sweet flavor.
我们已经说道香蕉和香蕉皮的功效,也可用香蕉叶。牛肉或猪肉太硬么?试试把它们包于香蕉叶内。这样肉质会非常嫩。这个方法也能用于鱼肉。烹饪时,加入一根熟香蕉也是有用的。这样可以使味道鲜美。 Birds And Butterflies Magnet
Does your garden seem lonely without bees and butterflies buzzing around? Put out some overripe bananas with a few holes on a platform above head level. This will lure the insects to your garden. Just make sure it’s elevated, since this can also attract wasps, bees and little critters.
With these clever methods, the banana will never again be left unused in the fruit bowl. Then again, you can always use it for a banana split or maybe to make a monkey very happy.
香蕉的这些功效在水果中是非常有用的。当然你也可以做一个“香蕉船”甜点或者愉悦猴子。 |