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it is not the fine coat that makes the gentleman.
passage 1.
physical punishment
physical punishment has been a problem in hitting their children so they can have discipline or not hitting them because it is not right,1)can parents do and what can they not do?should the parents hit them to learn discipline,2)they not hit them and figure out another way to make them learn what discipline is?
3)many parents do not know or are confused in showing their children how to gain discipline,they do not know whether to hit them or not to hit them. many people think that by hitting their children that they are showing them violence 4)other people say that if you do the children would understand that they did something wrong and would not repeat it and gain discipline. what can parents do?
first of all,parents feel that the children are theirs,and they can spank them when they misbehave. there are many factors that lead to physical punishment:parents were too young and not ready for children,parents are going through a divorce and need to take out their anger on something or someone,5)parents do not know another way to punish their children. these children grow up to be aggressive and often abusive towards others. 6)parents think this is the only way of educating their children,there are many other alternatives.
there are other alternatives to punishing the children for their bad behavior. there are less severe punishments besides spanking. 7),they can take away their television privileges,computer use,and playing outside with their friends. next,they could ground them for the weekend and cancel plans. 8)parents could take the time to sit and talk to their children about their bad behavior.
physical punishment may cause a child psychological problems. first,if the physical punishment starts at an early age,the child will be used to being physically punished,9),his or her selfesteem may severely negative as he or she grows up. second,it is a lifeaffecting act to physically punish a child because they will be traumatized. 10)parents should think twice before they can physically punish their children. what they should think of is what problems they are causing the child in its life.
in conclusion,every parent must take consideration that the negative affects that spanking may cause a child.
pride hurts,modesty benefits.
1.答案〖〗so what解析〖〗由该句结尾处的问号及and后的what可推断空格内应为疑问词what,且为使上下文连贯顺畅,填入so what最恰当。
2.答案〖〗or should解析〖〗此处是和上半句形成并列关系的句式,因此应重复should并加上表示选择疑问的or.
3.答案〖〗because解析〖〗此处需要一个表原因并能够引领下文的单词,我们选用because.在这种情况下我们常会想到两个词,because和for,通常情况下两个表“原因”的连词是可以互相代用的。because多用于表示直接原因,for可以表示原因又可以用于提出说明,语气比前者轻得多。because引导的从句一般放在主句后,有时也可放在主句前,而for引导的句子只能放在后面。另外在回答why的问句时,只能用because而不能用for.再者,for不能跟not……but句式连用,如:(1)i did it not because i liked it but because i had to do it.(正确)(2)i did it not for i liked it but for i had to do it.(错误)
(1)but用来引出微弱的相反的意见,是口语常用语,如:sally was amused,but i was very embarrassed.萨莉很开心,但我却很尴尬。
(2)however比but的词义还要弱些,并不直接引出相反的意见,因此常用作插入语,如:the most surprising thing about it,however,is that it can land anywhere.不过,答案〖〗but解析〖〗关于这架飞机最使人吃惊的事情是,它可以在任何地方着陆。
(3)still还,还是,如:it is true that winter is over;still,it is almost as cold.冬天已经过去了,这是事实,但天气还是那么冷。
(4)nevertheless的含义为即使做出完全的让步,也没有任何影响,或者说也不是决定因素,如:there was no news;nevertheless,she went on hoping.一点消息也没有,但她仍抱着希望。
(5)yet的含义为即使做出极端的让步,也不会发生期待的结果,如:he worked hard,yet,he failed.他干得很卖力,然而却失败了。a man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.
(1)表选择,当主句的人称与数不一致时,动词随最近的主语而变化,可解释为“或,或者;还是”,如:john or you are in class two.约翰或你在二班。
(2)表示不明确,在翻译时不直接译出,“大约,或者”,如:two or three miles两三里(距离)
(3)引导同义词或说明语,“或者说,即”,如:late last night or rather early this morning昨晚深夜,或更确切地说今天一大早。
(4)常和else连用,“否则,要不然”,如:make haste,or(else)youll be late.快点,要不然就晚了。
(5)在否定结构中否定前后二者,“不……也不”如:he cannot read or write.他既不会读也不会写。
(6)表让步,“不管……还是”,如:rain or shine,ill go.不管下不下雨,我都去。
8.答案〖〗last of all解析〖〗该段的最后一条内容,也可用finally或the third.这是一段饱含劝解的文字,相比之下如果我们使用finally或the third就显得有些生硬,不够生动。所以last of all是我们的首选。
9.答案〖〗therefore解析〖〗此处需要一个承上启下的词,用“因此”最恰当。therefore多用于推理,“因此,因而”,如:he was the only candidate;therefore,he was elected.他是惟一的候选人,因此他当选了。
10.答案〖〗eventually解析〖〗修饰整句的副词,表“最后”,如:he worked so hard that eventually he made himself ill.他工作太卖力,最后自己病倒了。adversity is a good disciple.
passage 2.
pros and cons of having hands in the pockets
there are far more pros for students having their hands in their pockets.
1)lets look at the comparisons and weigh up the results of the two anyway.
lets look at the cons to start with. the main con is that mr. pinto is against students having hands in their pockets.
2)why is mr. pinto against hands in pockets?as he has explained,he feels that it is disrespectful,for he believes that when your hands are in your pockets,you are not listening properly.
3)there is the belief of the nineteen sixties and seventies that when young men or women have their hands in their pockets,it will lead to them masturbating. this was frowned upon at the time
4)now it is more acceptable. this may also be a contributing factor to why mr. pinto has made a stand against hands in the pockets. for he is old enough to have lived through and taken in these rudimentary views(no disrespect intended)。
5)the pros can easily rebut the allegation of the cons. young men as energetic as they will be are constantly requiring to do something. think of the pockets as a restraining device to prevent fidgeting and fooling around with other students.
in this way,the pockets prevent students from being distracted from the speaker
6)the subject they should be observant of. this prevents the students from having a disrespectful response.
7)comes the comfort factor. students claim that it is more comfortable to have their hands in their pockets when they are standing up. heed that it is proven that people have longer attention spans,listen more attentively,and remain calmer and more relaxed when more comfortable. this leads to a greater increase in the productivity of the studentsactions or listening skills.
8)it has been proven students having their hands in their pockets will make them better and more attentive listeners and prevent them from getting up to mischief. is it better the students have their hands in their own pockets than be fooling around in someone else?
2.答案〖〗still解析〖〗该词在此是一个连词,表示“但是,仍然”,如:he is dull;still he tries hard.虽然笨,可是他很刻苦。该词在句中起强调的作用。art is long,life is short.
3.答案〖〗also解析〖〗为承接上一段的内容,继续列举人们对于学生将手插兜的不赞成观点,这里用表示“也,还是”的词来连接上下文。当提到“也,还是”含义的词时,我们不禁会想到很多常用的同义词,除also之外还有too,likewise,besides,moreover,furthermore等,现在我们来回顾这些词的用法:所有这些副词都是介绍附加内容之用的。相比之下,also在语气上比too正式一些,试比较:he is gentle,but he is also capable of fierce intellectual combat.他很温和,但他也能够进行激烈的斗智。if you buy a car,youll need a parking place,too.如果你买辆车,你还需要一个停车场。再看likewise,它比also更加正式,并可能暗示各成分之间的平等和相似,如:you forgot to mention that her parents were likewise going to attend the ceremony.你忘了提到她父母也可能去参加仪式。besides经常引出一个加强前面内容的成分,如:i dont feel like cooking;besides,theres no food in the house.我不想做饭,而且家里已经没有可吃的东西了。moreover强调要出现事物的重要性,如the cellar was dark and forbidding;moreover,i knew a family of mice had nested there.这个地窖阴森可怕,而且我知道那有一窝老鼠。furthermore同moreover类似,常强调要出现事物的重要性,如:i dont want you to go,furthermore,i forbid it.我不想让你去,而且我也禁止你去。
6.答案〖〗or解析〖〗在这段中提到了和反面观点不同的看法,即青年学生双手插兜可以集中他们对关注的人或事的注意力,从而提升他们对关注对象的尊敬感。空格前后为并列关系的人和事,我们知道通常人只能在同一时间与人或物打交道,何况这里还有一种强调专一的意思存在,因此我们使用or“或者”,而不用and“和”之类的词语。a crooked stick will have a crooked shadow.
7.答案〖〗then解析〖〗本词意思是:然后,之后,后来,如:i cooked the meat and then i washed the pot.我烧好肉,然后刷了锅。then表承接,跟随刚才提到的关于学生双手插兜的现象的正面分析之后出现了一系列更能佐证正面效果的结论。
8.答案〖〗as解析〖〗本词意思是:(表原因)由于,既然。文章的结尾段对全篇进行总结归纳,主要内容为:既然学生双手插兜能够收敛他们的注意力,使他们不再淘气,那么将手放入口袋不是比吊儿郎当更好吗。这里的一个词组fool around常用于口语中,意为“吊儿郎当”。
you cant eat your cake and have it also.
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