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发表于 2007-5-29 17:13
| 只看该作者
这类题包括确定短文的主题(topic or main point)、文章的大意(main idea)、题目(title)等,区别主要信息与次要信息。
①The subject/topic of the passage/article is …
②Which of the following best expresses the main idea/the theme of the passage?
③What does the passage/author mainly discuss?
④Whats the main point/main idea/central thought of the passage/author?
⑤The best summary of the paragraph is…
⑥What/Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
⑦The title that best expresses the main idea is…
⑧The passage is mainly concerned about…
⑨Which of the following best summarizes the author's opinion?
在测试中,有些题目是根据文章中的事实和细节而设计的,对阅读理解来说,理解字面意义是最起码的要求,也就是说起码应该理解文字已明确表达的信息,当然,这里也需要运用综合和判断的能力。此类题的目的在于考察考生对组成文章的主体部分的理解程度。这类问獍ㄑ嗜?who)、物(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、文中的数据(data)、事情发生的原因和结果(cause and effect)等。常见的问题形式有:
①According to the passage, what was the …?
②Which of the following is TRUE (or NOT TRUE)?
③Which of the following is/isnt mentioned as a fact?
④ln which year/When did…?
⑤Who was in favor of/was against…?
⑥Which of the following best supports the idea of the passage?
⑦Which of the following may lead to (cause) …
⑧The main reason for … is that …
⑨The main difference between … and … is that …
推论、推理类型题要求考生阅读时,把句子水平的阅读理解提高到语篇水平的阅读理解,包括要求考生在宏观上理解上下文的逻辑关系、通过分析判断归纳总结并概括出合理的结论、理解作者的态度、根据文中内容并利用已有的知识来进行合理的预测与推断。即在考试中要能在理解原文直接陈述观点的基础上,领悟作者的言外之意(implication or implied meaning),进行合乎逻辑的推理(making logical inference),得出一个合理的结论。所谓合理,是指准确地从原文中推理,而不是说读者主观认为的合理。
①It can be inferred/concluded from the passage that…
②Which of the following can/cant be inferred from the passage?
③The passage suggests/implies that…
④One/We can conclude from the passage that…
⑤What does the article/passage say about…?
⑥According to the passage/paragraph,which of the following is true/false?
⑦The author may probably agree with/support…
⑧By the first/last sentence of the passage/the first, second paragraph, the author means…
⑨The author seems to be in favor of/be against…
⑩The tone of the passage/author may be …
B11The authors purpose of writing this passage is…
①The word "…" in the passage means…
②According to the passage, the word "…" is known as…
③The word "…" in line … could best be replaced by…
④According to the passage, what is "…" implying?
⑤As used in the passage, the phrase "…" suggests…
⑥From the passage, we can infer that the word "…" is …
⑦The word "…" is closest in meaning to… |