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*要找到你最合适的鞋跟高度,首先脱下你的鞋子,坐在椅子上,并向前伸直一条腿。 * Where would your heel touch the ground? With your leg stretched out in front of you and the knee supported, make an imaginary line from the heel to the ground.
*你脚后跟的哪一部分触地的?将你的腿前向伸展,膝盖绷紧,作一条从脚后跟到地面的垂线。 * If your foot is at a right angle to your outstretched leg and does not dangle, you have a low ankle-joint axis and will be more comfortable in flat shoes than in high heels. Kate Moss is the standard-bearer for flats - they are obviously what suit her feet best.
*如果你的脚和你伸直的腿成直角,且没有晃荡,那么说明你有一个较低的踝关节,你穿平底鞋会比穿高跟鞋更舒适。凯特·莫斯是平底鞋的代表人物——他们显然是最适合她的脚的。 * If your foot points down,you need to measure the distance between the top of your big toe and an imaginary line from the bottom of your heel. This is the right heel height for you. Measure it against your favourite shoes - the ones you swear you are most comfortable in, no matter how high or low. I can almost guarantee the heel will match it.
*如果你的脚底朝下,那么你需要测量你的脚后跟到你大脚趾所在垂线的最短距离。这就是最适合你的鞋跟高度。测量你最喜欢的鞋子——也就是那些你穿着最舒适的鞋子,无论它们的鞋跟是高还是低。我保证这些鞋跟差不多都和你测出的最佳高度相符合。Men and heels
男士和高跟鞋Even men can benefit from wearing a heel. They too are subject to the heel-height rule.
即使是男士,也可以受益于穿着高跟鞋。他们也遵循这个鞋跟高度原则。A lot of fashionable men's shoes, such as Converse trainers, are completely flat, which is why I see young men with arch pain, heel pain and a range of other foot problems despite wearing 'good shoes'.
许多时尚男鞋,比方说Converse的运动鞋,都是彻彻底底的平跟鞋,这就是许多青年人尽管穿着一双“好鞋”却忍受着足弓疼、脚后跟疼以及一系列其他足部问题的原因。The key thing with any shoe, high or flat, is that it should fit properly, not pinch your toes and have a degree of flexibility. The pretty but cheap shoes that you get in some High Street shops are too rigid, so they cannot mould around your feet.
不管是高跟鞋还是平跟鞋,最关键的问题是它们是否适合你的脚,不夹脚且有一定的活动余地。那些你在商业街买到的漂亮却便宜的鞋子太硬了,它们不能适应你的脚。Obviously, most men will not want to wear a 4in-high heel no matter how much they might need one. What they can do is wear a shoe with some kind of heel, such as an Oxford or brogue, and see a podiatrist who can help choose an orthotic insole that raises the heel further and gives some arch support.
显然,大多数男士不会喜欢穿4英寸高的鞋子,无论他们多么需要。他们所能做的就是穿一双有点儿跟的鞋子,比如牛津鞋或者布洛克鞋,然后去看足病医生,让他帮着选一双能矫正脚型的鞋垫,进一步抬高脚后跟并给予足弓足够的支撑。 |
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