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2011-6-20故事:杜鹃和斑鸠 The Cuckoo and the Turtledove
please read the story carefully,then translate red sentences and tell me what are you thinking about when you read the whole story~Don't be shy,just make your imagination fly in your sky!
A cuckoo in a tree was crowing sorrowfully. Hearing this, a caring turtledove asked about her sadness in the hope of helping her out.
Standing on a branch, the turtledove whispered to her, “my dear friend, why are you crowing so gloomily? Are you worried about your love to be vanishing with the spring while the winter is approaching? Are you worried that the sunshine will soon be no longer warm?”
The cuckoo replied ruefully, “How can I not feel sad at my current poor situation? You see, this spring I was in a happy love, and soon had my own babies. Unexpectedly my children were unwilling to recognize me as their mother. Is this the gratefulness from children that every mother has been awaiting for?When seeing a mother duck crowded around intimately by her baby ducks and the chicks rushing to their mother joyfully with a simple call from the hen, how could I not feel jealous? But for me, I am alone and very lonely. I never feel the love from my children. ”
斑鸠回答道:“可怜的杜鹃,我对你深表同情。本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 。可是你说你已经生育过孩子?你什么时候筑的巢,我怎么从没有看到呢?在我印象中你总是不停地飞来飞去。”
The turtledove replied with great sympathy, “My poor friend, I feel so sorry to hear that. If my children are not filial to me, I can by no means bear it even if it happens fairly often. But you say you have babies. However, I have not seen your nest until now! As far as I can remember, you are always flying here and there.”
The cuckoo explained with disdainfulness, “It’s literally a waste of time and stupid to stay in the nest and hatch eggs. Instead I have laid eggs in others’ nests and let other birds to do the hatching job.
The turtledove mocked ironically, “If so, how can you expect any care from your children?”
本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 。如果在孩子的成长过程中,你没有给予足够的关爱,为他们营造一个温暖的环境,而把他们托付给那些冷漠的人照料,那么,当你年老时,孩子们不关爱你,也是你自己造成的!
It is a kind of guilt for parents not to give their children enough love and care. As a parent, if you do not bestow enough care and love on your children and create a warm living environment for them, and leave it done in others’ hands, then you should find no way to complain about your children’s apathy towards you when you become old because it is the result of what you have done!”