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发表于 2007-11-10 09:40
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confiscate con.fis.cate v.tr.con.fis.cat.ed,con.fis.cat.ing,con.fis.cates
(1)To seize (private property) for the public treasury.充公:没收(私人财产)来作为公共财物
(2)To seize by or as if by authority.See Synonyms at appropriate 没收:由政府或好象是由政府没收 参见 appropriate
adj.(1)Seized by a government; appropriated. 充公:由政府没收的;挪用的
(2)Having lost property through confiscation.被充公了的:由于被没收充公而丧失财产的
baffle vt.使挫折, 阻碍/使困惑, 使人难以理解/转移[停止]...的 流动/用隔音板隔(音)They succeeded in -fling the enemy's attack.他们成功地阻止了敌人的进攻。This puzzle baffles me.这个谜使我困惑不解。
baffle vi.徒劳地挣扎; 折腾baffle with the storm徒然与暴风雨搏斗
baffle n.迷惑/[挡, 阻, 障] 板, 隔墙, 遮护物, 防护板/流片, 折流板, 扰[紊]流器, 缓冲板, 阻遏体, 节气门反射体, 障体/极, 无定向风阻尼器/流墩, 砥(柱), 偏流消能设备, 【军】迷彩涂保护色
put on an air of 装出...的样子
word for word adv.逐字地
imperfect adj.有缺点的, 未完成的, 减弱的, [语]未完成时的, 未完成过去时的 n.未完成体
tuition fee n.学费,(某一学科的)教学
unimaginable adj.,想不到的, 不可思议的
instant adj.立即的, 直接的, 紧迫的, 刻不容缓的, (食品)速溶的, 方便的, 即时的
scheme [ski:m] n.安排, 配置, 计划, 阴谋, 方案, 图解, 摘要 v.计划, 设计, 图谋, 策划
shorthand n.(1)A system of rapid handwriting employing symbols to represent words, phrases, and letters.速记法:一种采用符号来代表词,词组和字母来愉速书写的方法 (2)A system, a form, or an instance of abbreviated or formulaic reference:简略的表达方法:一种缩略或公式表达的方法,形式或实例:“The classical error is to regard a scientific law as only a shorthand for its instances”(Jacob Bronowski)“在看待科学法则上的传统错误是把它只当作它的实例的一个简略的表达方式”(雅各·布洛诺夫斯基)
decipher vt.译解(密码等), 解释 n.密电译文
poke n.刺, 戳, 懒汉, 袋子 vt.戳, 捅, 拨开, 刺 vi.戳, 刺, 捅, 伸出, 刺探, 闲荡
unintentional adj.不是故意的, 无心的, 无意识的
sympathize vi.同情, 共鸣, 同感, 同意, 吊唁
weird adj.怪异的, 超自然的, 神秘的, 不可思议的, 超乎事理之外的 n.<古><苏格兰>命运, 预言, 符咒
engage in v.使从事于, 参加
personality n.个性, 人格, 人物, 名人, (用复数)诽谤、人身攻击
confront with 使面临, 使面对
counterproductive adj.反生产的, 使达不到预期目标的
instruct vt.教, 教导, 命令, 指示, 通知
mutual adj.相互的, 共有的
confrontation n.面对, 面对面, 对质
confrontation n.(1)The act of confronting or the state of being confronted, especially a meeting face to face.对抗:对抗的行为或对抗的状态,尤指面对面的遭遇 (2)A conflict involving armed forces:
武装对抗:涉及武装力量的冲突:a nuclear confrontation.核对抗 (3)Discord or a clash of opinions and ideas:不和:观点或思想的不和或冲撞:an age of ideological confrontation.一个意识形态对抗的年代(4)A focused comparison:认真地比较:an essay that brought elements of biography, autobiography, and general European history into powerful, meaningful confrontation.一篇对传记、自传和欧洲通史进行了有力地、深刻比较的论文
confront vt.出现在...面前; 面临; 遭遇 / 与...相对; 和...对抗; 使对证 / (勇敢而冷静地)面对, 正视 / 对照; 比较confront reality正视现实conclusions that can be confronted with experience能与经验相对照的结论New tasks now confronted the working class.新任务摆在工人阶级面前。My house onfronts his.我的家与他的家对门。The prisoner was confronted with his accusers.犯人被带来与原告对质。A soldier has to confront danger and death.军人必须勇敢而冷静地面对危险和死亡。
be confronted with 面临, 面对, 碰上
be confronted by 面临, 面对, 碰上 |