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“封杀”这个词相信大家都不陌生,明星若是耍大牌,常常会引来媒体的声讨以致被“封杀”;近两年时尚界开始注重健康形象,“封杀”过瘦模特;在小贝决定加盟洛杉矶银河队但还没有转会时,也曾被老东家皇马“封杀”。 在英文里,常用来表达“封杀”的有shut out、throw out、force out、ban,我们来分别看一下。
1. Shut out
Shut out 有“把……排除在外Exclude, deny entry to, block”的意思,演变为现在的流行语“封杀”,例如:
Anyone convicted of a crime is shut out from the legal profession.
Right now one can generally confirm that domestic internet companies are uniting to shut out Gmail.
2. Throw out
Throw out 从字面上看,大家也不难猜出它的意思,就是“抛弃,扔掉,赶出”,总之就是一种“禁止”的意思,例如:
We threw out her proposal.
He was thrown out of the country club for failing to pay his dues.
The bartender threw out the drunk.
It's your play. The runner was thrown out in a close play.
3. Force out
Force out 最初指在体育的垒球运动中“封杀出局”:即当击球员成为跑垒员时,造成击跑员或前位跑垒员丧失跑垒的权利,而被封杀出局。现在这个词也用来指一般的“封杀”,例如:
High rents force out Veteran Clubs in New York City.
4. Ban
The world's first ban on overly thin models at a top-level fashion show in Madrid has caused outrage among modeling agencies and raised the prospect of restrictions at other catwalk pageants.
马德里高级时装秀首次封杀骨感模特,这一行为引起了模特经纪公司的愤怒,其他时尚秀也可能会出台类似禁令。 果然,主办伦敦时装周的行业组织英国时装理事会在今年2月时装周的前一周致信设计师,要求他们只能用那些16岁以上形象健康的模特。
However, it has stopped short of following the lead of authorities in Italy and Spain by imposing a ban on the skinniest models.
然而,英国时装理事会并没有效仿意大利和西班牙的有关组织封杀过瘦模特的做法。 |