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A:Welcome to Al’s Garage. What seems to be the problem? 欢迎来到Al’s汽车修理厂。有什么问题?
B:No problem at all! I am taking a long road trip and I want to make sure my car is in good mechanical condition. 没问题。我正在开车行驶很远的路程,我想确保车子状况良好。
A:Very wise decision. When was the last time you had a tune up? 明智的决定。你上次是什么时候保养车子的?
B:Not that long ago, I think it was four months ago. 时间不长,我想是4个月前。
A:We usually recommend that you bring your car in every five thousand kilometers. 我们通常建议您每行驶玩5千公里就来保养下车子。
B:Why? I mean, what exactly do you do to a car that you need to check it so often? 为什么?我是说,为什么要经常检查车子,你们是如何来保养车子的?
A:First of all, we change the motor oil and oil filter. If you don’t do this, it can cause your engine to wear faster and that means you would probably have to change the pistons and intake valves. 首先,我们更换机油和滤油器 。如果你不换这个,这会导致你的发动机耗损过快,也就是说你必须得更换活塞和进气阀。
B:I see. What else? 我明白了。还有别的吗?
A:We also check your spark plugs, fuel filter, and other oil levels such as hydraulic fluid. We also check the clutch and brakes to determine when you will need new ones. 我们还会检查火花塞,燃油滤清器和其他油的指数,比如液压油。我们还会检查离合器和刹车来判断你是否需要更换新的零件。
B:Ok, well, when you put it that way, it doesn’t seem like a waste of time and money. 好吧,你们那样做的话,看起来不像是浪费时间和钱。
A:Trust me, regular tune ups will keep your car running smoothly and avoid break downs. 相信我,定期保养,会让你的车子驾驶起来没有任何问题,而且能避免抛锚。
road trip 开车行驶的路程
engine n.发动机
piston n.活塞
spark plug 火花塞
clutch n.离合器
brake n.刹车
regular adj.定期的, 经常的
smoothly adv.没有问题地
break down 抛锚
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