No.1 Looking forward to his coming home 遥望他晚归的身影 Scene One: Man has to overwork, return home late and asks her not to wait for him and have meals alone. Woman then asks him to focus on his work and waits for his return. She buys vegetables and then cook. She keeps on running to the balcony once and again to look into the distance with the concern hovering in her mind while she is cooking his favorite soup which will clear fever and moisten lung. She puts all her affectionate and passionate love in to her longing eyes. 场景一:男人告诉女人下午要加班,估计要晚点回家,让她不要等他,自己一人先吃饭。女人却让他安心工作,等他回来。下班后自己买菜做饭,一边在 厨房精心熬着男人喜欢喝的清热润肺的靓汤,一边又忍不住萦绕于心头的那份牵绊,不时跑到阳台上遥望他晚归的身影,把自己对男人深切的爱、浓烈的情都融进了 眼中那抹焦急的企盼中。 Man: I can't figure out, but once the tiny, slim figure comes into sight, I have the indescribable feeling when my nose becomes sore and touching. 男人:不知为什么,看到阳台上那个小小的、单薄的身影,鼻子一下就涩涩的、酸酸的,心里有种说不出来的感觉…… No.2 The moment of getting lost 忘了自己的那份恍然 Scene Two: Man and woman go shopping together on Sunday and they linger in one men's store and another, looking at the glittering array of clothes and imaging the sweetness in them. They selected and picked out their favorite style. Woman asks man to put them on, looking up and down, lighting up with pleasure, getting lost herself... 场景二:礼拜天,女人和男人一起到街上买衣服,女人带男人不断流连于一家又一家的男装店里,看着琳琅满目的服装,想像着他穿上的甜蜜。挑了又挑,拣了又拣,终于买到了自己心仪、喜欢的款式。回家后,女人让男人穿上新装,左看右看、笑琢眼开,却惊觉忙乱中忘了自己…… Man: I have no idea what to say at that instant. I am determined to but a perfect coat just for her, though I am not inclined to go shopping. 男人:那一瞬间,我真的不知道说什么才好,我想一定要去为她买一件最好的衣裳送给她,尽管我从来不喜欢逛街。 NO.3 Sorrow of parting 离别时的那份怅惘 Scene Three: Men will be sent to other city to take the coaching course for half a month. She doesn't speak too much, preparing for his luggage in silence. Though it is a great chance to get further improvement, she still couldn't help with the depression with him out of her sight in 15 days and nights and without his company at the thought of 15 days' parting. Though she tries to hide it and pretends a smile, the red eyes still betray her. 场景三:男人要被单位派去外地学习半月,女人没有多说什么,默默的为男人整理着行装。尽管是件可以深造的好事,但一想到就要和男人分别十五天, 这十五个日日夜夜里她都将看不到男人,没有男人的朝夕相伴,还是忍不住心中那份挥之不去的怅惘,尽管她很想掩饰,很想给远去的男人一个笑脸,但悄悄红了的 眼睛还是流露了自己的秘密。 Man: Her goodness comes out of mind at that specific moment. I lower my head and kiss her, tell her I will always miss her and come back early to kiss her hair. 男人:那一刻,心中忽然想起她的很多很多的好,我低下头轻轻的吻了她,告诉眼前的可人我一定会想她,会早日归来亲吻她的秀发。 No.4 Attentive tenderness 凝聚于心的那份温存 Scene Four: Man joins the party with the comrades, binged one cup after another and got drunk out of expectation. He spewed here and there babbling all the time. She doesn't chatter nor infuriate, drags him to the bedside, changes pajamas for him, and makes some sobering-up soup for him and feeds him. She then brings a basin of hot water, tries the heat several times and washes his feet for him. 场景四:男人在外和多年不见的战友聚会,觥杯交错间海吃山喝,一不小心烂醉如泥,回家后吐的一塌糊涂还满口胡言乱语,女人没有唠叨,更没有动 怒,吃力地把男人拖到床边放好,细心的为他换上睡衣,又急忙彻好醒酒汤让他慢慢喝下。然后,又打来一盆热水,试了几试水温后又温存的给男人洗起了脚。 Man: I condemn my wretch the following day, swear never to drink any more, and never get my beloved wife suffer from this mess. 男人;第二天酒醒后,我直自责自己的混蛋,发誓以后再也不喝酒了,再也不让我的爱妻受如此的连累。 No.5 Amorous care 偶露风情的那份在意 Scene Five: He is coming back from business. She goes to salon to have a new hair cut, then takes a bath, wears cosmetics. She changes the dark purple braces skirt, with the fair skin more bright, the slim figure outlined by the proper belt line, with lucid and elegant perfume sprinkled by the ears. All is for the beloved him, because she cares too much about her image in his heart and his praise as well. 场景五:男人出差就要归来了,女人那天去美发厅剪了一个新发型,回去后匆忙的洗澡、化妆,穿上了一件从不同以往风格的吊带裙,深深的粉紫色,衬 的白皙的皮肤愈发水灵,恰到好处的腰线使苗条的身姿愈发楚楚动人,耳边还悄悄洒了几滴清丽素雅的香水,一切,都是为了心爱男人的归来。因为,她是如此的在 意自己在那个男人心中的形象,在意那个男人的赞美。 Man: looking at the tender and charming her, I can't restrain my moving and lament. I really would like to whisper that absorbing song "Silver thread among the white": Honey, I am getting aged, with white hair shining like silver. While you are my unique love forever, pretty and gentle forever... 男人:看到眼前娇俏迷人的她,我心中真的忍不住心中的感动、感慨。我真的想轻轻在她耳边为她吟上那首迷人的《白发吟》亲爱 我年已渐老 白发如霜银光耀 唯你永是我爱人 永远美丽又温柔…… |