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8. Marriage to Bobby Brown exposed 与鲍比·布朗的婚姻真相 The realities of Houston’s marriage to Brown emerged in 2003 when police responded to a domestic violence call from her about her husband. They found her with a cut lip and bruised cheek. Their marriage was further revealed in Bravo’s 2005 reality show “Being Bobby Brown,” which showed both Houston and Brown in incredibly compromising situations. The Hollywood Reporter famously dubbed it “undoubtedly the most disgusting and execrable series ever to ooze its way onto television.” 2003年,警察接到惠特尼家暴报警电话,并做出处理回应,她与鲍比·布朗的婚姻真相浮出水面。警察发现她嘴唇破裂,脸颊上有淤青。他们的婚姻在布拉沃的真人秀节目“成为鲍比·布朗”中让大家熟知,双方在节目中表现出了令人难以置信的妥协。好莱坞记者恰如其分地称其为“令人厌恶的、可憎的电视系列节目”。
9、Comeback album and tour
回归专辑及世界巡演 For much of the ’00s, Houston’s music career stalled as she endured multiple rounds of rehab and divorced Brown in 2007. She came back in a big way with “I Look to You,” her first studio album in seven years. It sold 304,000 copies in its first seven days on the market, sending Houston back to the top of the charts and giving her the best debut week of her career. It led her to launch her 2010 “Nothing but Love” world tour. Though some said Houston’s signature voice showed the stress of her ups and downs, she soldiered on, putting on shows in Asia, Australia and Europe even though fans and critics panned her performances. 近十年间的大部分时间,惠特尼的音乐生涯处于停滞阶段,她与丈夫几度分分回回,终于在2007年分手。消失7年后,她带着再度出山的第一张录音室专辑《你是我的希望》(I Look to You)再次闪耀登场。专辑上市头七天卖掉30.4万张,再居排行榜首,赢得重返歌坛的头彩,并为她2010年《只有爱》(Nothing but Love)世界巡演的启动造势。尽管一些歌迷与评论家质疑她的声音,有人说,她把生活的不幸溶入了歌声,但她还是坚持在亚洲、澳大利亚和欧洲进行了巡演。
10. “Oprah” tell-all
奥普拉访谈袒露心声 In 2009, Houston opened up to Oprah Winfrey about her marriage to Brown, revealing that he spit on her in front of their daughter, she hit him over the head with a telephone, and marijuana laced with cocaine was her drug of choice during their time together. While she declared herself drug free, she returned to rehab in 2011. She also told Winfrey why she took a break from show business. ”It was too much,” she said. “So much to try to live up to, to try to be, and I wanted out.” 2009年,惠特尼开诚布公地在奥普拉·温弗瑞访谈中谈起了她与布朗的失败婚姻,丈夫在女儿面前朝她吐口水,她用电话机砸在他头上,他们在一起的那段时间里,大麻和可卡因成了她的伴侣。虽然她宣布已戒除了毒瘾,但2001年再次返回戒毒所接受治疗。她还告诉温弗瑞自己为什么暂别娱乐圈。“生活太辛苦,我为此付出了极大努力,我想走出阴霾。”她说。