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The man's heart was heavy, and he did not want to go. He said to himself, "This is not right," but he went anyway. 渔夫心情很沉重,本来是不想去的。他低声地反反覆覆地自言自语道:「这不应该呀。」可他还是去了。
When he arrived at the sea the water was purple and dark blue and gray and dense, and no longer green and yellow. He stood there and said: 他来到海边时,海水不再是绿得泛黄,已变得混浊不清,时而暗蓝,时而深紫,时而灰黑,不过仍然很平静。渔夫站在岸边说:
Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te! Flounder, flounder, in the sea! My wife, my wife Ilsebill, Wants not, wants not, what I will「比目鱼啊,你在大海里,恳请你好好听我说仔细,我捉你放你没提愿望老婆对此却不饶又不依。」
"What does she want then?" said the flounder.
"Oh," said the man sadly, "my wife wants to live in a stone palace."「唉,」渔夫说,心里有几分害怕,「她想住在一座石头建造的宫殿里。」
"Go home. She's already standing before the door," said the flounder. 「回去吧,」比目鱼说,「她现在正站在宫殿门前呢。」
Then the man went his way, thinking he was going home, but when he arrived, standing there was a large stone palace. His wife was standing on the stairway, about to enter. Taking him by the hand, she said, "Come inside."渔夫於是往回走,心里想着快点儿到家吧。走到了原来的地方一看,那儿真的矗立着一座石头建造的宫殿,非常宏伟壮观。他老婆站在台阶上,正准备进去,一见丈夫回来了,就拉着他的手说:「快,快跟我进去。」
He went inside with her. Inside the palace there was a large front hallway with a marble floor. Numerous servants opened up the large doors for them. The walls were all white and covered with beautiful tapestry. In the rooms there were chairs and tables of pure gold. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings. The rooms and chambers all had carpets. Food and the very best wine overloaded the tables until they almost collapsed. Outside the house there was a large courtyard with the very best carriages and stalls for horses and cows. Furthermore there was a magnificent garden with the most beautiful flowers and fine fruit trees and a pleasure forest a good half mile long, with elk and deer and hares and everything that anyone could possibly want. 他和他老婆走了进去,只见宫殿里的大厅铺着大理石;众多的仆人伺候在那里,为他们打开一扇又一扇的大门;宫中的墙壁色彩艳丽,精美耀眼;房间里摆放着许多镀金桌椅;大厅所有的房间都铺了地毯;桌子上摆满了美味佳餚和各种名贵的东西。屋后还有一个大院子,院子里设有马厩牛棚,有不少马匹和母牛,一辆富丽堂皇的大马车就停在那儿;除了院子,还有一座美丽的大花园,花园里开满了万紫千红的花朵儿,生长着不少名贵的水果树;还有一座佔地有两英里多长的公园,里面有鹿啊,野兔啊等等,凡能想像出来的里面都有。
"Now," said the woman, "isn't this nice?"
"Oh, yes" said the man. "This is quite enough. We can live in this beautiful palace and be satisfied." 「漂亮,当然漂亮啦,」丈夫回答说,「这足够好啦。咱们就好好地住在这座美丽的宫殿里吧,总该心满意足啦。」
"We'll think about it," said the woman. "Let's sleep on it." And with that they went to bed.「这个嘛,咱们还要想一想,」妻子说,「不过,现在可该上床休息了。」说完,他们就上床休息了。
The next morning the woman woke up first. It was just daylight, and from her bed she could see the magnificent landscape before her. Her husband was just starting to stir when she poked him in the side with her elbow and said, "Husband, get up and look out the window. Look, couldn't we be king over all this land?" 第二天早晨,妻子先醒了,这时正是黎明时分,她坐在床上看得见眼前的田野,富饶美丽,一望无际。她用胳膊肘捅了捅丈夫的腰,然后说,「当家的,起床吧,快点儿跟我到窗前来。瞧啊,咱们难道不可以当一当这个国家的国王吗?快去找比目鱼,说咱们要当国王。」
"Oh, wife," said the man, "why would we want to be king? I don't want to be king." 「哎呀,老婆呀!」丈夫说,「咱们干吗要当甚么国王呢?我才不想干这个。」
"Well," said the woman, "even if you don't want to be king, I want to be king." 「喂,」妻子说,「你不想当,我可想当。快去找比目鱼,告诉他说我必须当国王。」
"Oh, wife," said the man, "why do you want to be king? I don't want to tell him that." 「唉,老婆呀,」丈夫嚷嚷着说,「你干吗要当甚么国王呢?我跟他说不出口的呀。」
"Why not?" said the woman, "Go there immediately. I must be king."「为甚么说不出口呢?」妻子反驳说,「你给我快点儿去,我非当国王不可。」
So the man, saddened because his wife wanted to be king, went back. "This is not right, not right at all," thought the man. He did not want to go, but he went anyway. 渔夫只得走了出去。一想到老婆非要当国王,心里就感到特别担忧。「这不应该呀,这实在不应该呀。」他打定主意想不去了,可他还是去了。
When he arrived at the sea it was dark gray, and the water heaved up from below and had a foul smell. He stood there and said: 他来到海边时,海水一片灰黑,波涛汹涌,从海底翻涌上来的海水散发着恶臭。他站在海边说:
Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te! Flounder, flounder, in the sea! My wife, my wife Ilsebill, Wants not, wants not, what I will 「比目鱼啊,你在大海里,恳请你好好听我说仔细,我捉你放你没提愿望,老婆对此却不饶又不依。」
"What does she want then," said the flounder.
"Oh," said the man, "she wants to be king."
"Go home. She is already king," said the flounder.
Then the man went home, and when he arrived there, the palace had become much larger, with a tall tower and magnificent decorations. Sentries stood outside the door, and there were so many soldiers, and drums, and trumpets. When he went inside everything was of pure marble and gold with velvet covers and large golden tassels. Then the doors to the great hall opened up, and there was the entire court. His wife was sitting on a high throne of gold and diamonds. She was wearing a large golden crown, and in her hand was a scepter of pure gold and precious stones. On either side of her there stood a line of maids-in-waiting, each one a head shorter than the other.渔夫於是回家去了。来到宫前时,他发现宫殿大了许多,增加了一座高塔,塔身上有漂亮的雕饰。一排警卫守卫在宫殿门口,附近还有许多士兵,门前还有一支乐队,敲着锣打着鼓。他走进宫殿,只见样样东西都是金子和大理石做成的;桌椅上铺着天鹅绒,垂挂着很大的金流苏。一道道的门忽地打开了,整座王宫处处体现着富丽堂皇。他的老婆就坐在镶嵌着无数钻石的高大的金宝座上,头戴一顶宽大的金冠,手握一根用纯金和宝石做成的王仗。在宝座的两旁,六名宫女一字排开,一个比另一个矮一头
"Oh, wife, are you now king?" 。
"Yes," she said, "now I am king."
He stood and looked at her, and after thus looking at her for a while he said, "Wife, it is very nice that you are king. Now we don't have to wish for anything else." 他站在那里上上下下地打量着妻子,过了一会儿说:「哎,老婆,如今你当了国王,多么称心如意啊,往后咱们就不用再要甚么了吧?」
"No, husband," she said, becoming restless. "Time is on my hands. I cannot stand it any longer. Go to the flounder. I am king, but now I must become emperor." 「当家的,那可不行,」妻子回答说,情绪开始烦躁起来,「我已经感到无聊得很,再也无法忍受了。快去找比目鱼,告诉他说我要当皇帝。」 |