本帖最后由 shenjunqun 于 2012-4-14 08:34 编辑

电影剧照 据悉,3D《泰坦尼克号》是全国很多影院4月中力推的电影,全国各大影院也举办了许多各式各样的《泰坦尼克号》落地活动,比如北京耀来成龙国际影城就推出了写出爱的誓言拍照互动活动,多个影城也联合报社推出了晒出你的《泰坦尼克号》回忆免费赢电影票活动,并有影城贴心的准备了限量的玫瑰和纸巾赠送。以目前3D《泰坦尼克号》的势头来看,有望再创当年的票房奇迹。
It is reported, 3 D "Titanic" is the national cinema 4 months of pushed many movies, the nation each big cinemas also hosted many various kinds of "Titanic" ground activities, such as Beijing yao to Jackie chan international studios released write love swear interactive activities taking pictures, more studios also joint newspaper launched the sun drying out your "Titanic" free win the ticket memories activities, and the studios of sweet prepared limit rose and tissue paper presented. Current 3 D "Titanic" momentum to see, is expected to create the miracle in the box office.