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5月27日英语故事:Hercules and the Wagoner
本帖最后由 星期一 于 2010-5-27 08:35 AM 编辑
read the story carefully and then write down what you get from the story to gain the score.
Hercules and the Wagoner
A carter was driving a wagon alonga country lane, when the wheels sank down deep into a rut. The rustic driver, stupefied and aghast, stood looking at the wagon, and did nothing but utter loud cries to Hercules to come and help him.Hercules, it is said, appeared and thus addressed him: " Put your shoulders to the wheels, my man. Goad on your bullocks, and never more pray to me for help, until you have done your best to help yourself, or depend upon it you will henceforth pray in vain."
一名车夫赶着货车沿着乡间小路行进。途中车轮陷入了很深的车辙中,再也无法前进。这时,愚蠢的车夫吓得茫然失措,一筹莫展,痴呆呆地站在那里,凝视着货车,不断地高声喊叫,求大力神来助他一把。大力神来到后,对他说:“朋友,用你的肩膀扛起车轮,再抽打拉车的马。你自己不自力更生,尽力解决,仅靠祈求我,怎么行呢?” |