In fact, I think a good brand product can guarantee their quality and after service, it is not easily cheated. While, luxury brand is not necessary. Its value is out of their useness.
In addition, I don't have that purchasing power.
About fashion and brands,I pay little attention to them,may because I haven't enough money,meanwhile I think brands are just brands,only you have your own qualities,you can gain people's compliment.
1.As far as I am concerned,the quality is the most important.Buying a name brand is just to make sure the quality is good enough.If a product of the same kind is not so famous but with the samilar quality,I will chose it.
2.I suppose that I do will splurge on brands if I have a million dollars.But the most important thing is that I don't have that much money.
in my opinion,the quality is the first thing,of course,many brands have good quality,but i have no money,so just now,i would buy those things that suit me,i think,if one have enough money,one can consider brand.
to some extent, brand will guarantee the quality and reflec your social status. However, we shouldn't run after them. For one thing it will cost you a lot. For another, one's social status cann't be measured by the cloth you wear. Social status depends on different factors, mostly the inner factors.
What I choose to buy is due to its price,pattern and quality,not the brand.My salary can't afford these luxury things.I agree with you.The suitable is best.