4. 职场实战,如何成长?

01 首先要做到可以取代任何人, 然后再考虑做到任何人都不可以取代你。 In the workplace, firstly, you should be able to replace anyone, and then make sure no one can replace you. 02 身在职场,实战之前, 必须预演, 以排除一切意外的可能。 In the workplace, you have to rehearse your plan before implementation so as to rule out all the possibilities for accidents. 03 在职场中, 如何为自己抢了别人的项目而自圆其说呢: 你手上的案子不是我一个人在抢, 我能抢走,说明你还没有做到滴水不漏, 死的明白,才能避免重蹈覆辙。 In the work place, how to justify yourself for snatching others' cases? You have to understand many people are snatching your case. If I can snatch it, it only proves that you are not perfect yet. You have to understand your failure in order to avoid the same mistake in the future. 04 说过的话,就不能收回,不能让步, 否则你就是一个可以被讨价还价的人,后患无穷 You can't take back or yield to what you have said before, otherwise people will bargain with you again and again. 05 数据是死的, 拿数据怎么排列组合, 导出结论,这是活的 Data is dead. How to make use of permutation and combination to derive conclusion is flexible. 06 首先最重要的就是你的工作经验, 其次态度。 Working experience is of greatest importance, while attitude is secondary. 5. 如何看待工作,如何选择公司?

01 在职场中, 我们找工作都希望进入一家好公司, 何为好公司: 我不管什么大公司,小公司, 给我钱多的就是好公司。 In the workplace, we are all longing to join a good company. But what's the definition of a good company? I don't care about its scale, whether it's big or small. In my mind, a good company is the one that offers me the handsomest compensation package. 02 在职场中,员工离职不外乎两个原因, 心受委屈了或者钱没给到位: 我们是来赚钱的, 不是来效忠的。 In the workplace, you quit only out of two reasons, either because you suffer from injustice or you feel underpaid. We are here to make money, not to pledge loyalty to the company. 6. 如何看待生活?

01 没有任何人会成为你以为的、 今生今世的避风港, 只有你自己,才是自己最后的庇护所。 再破败再简陋,也好过寄人篱下。 No one can be your life-time safe harbor. Only you, yourself is your own final shelter. No matter how simple and humble it is, it's still better than living under others' roof. 02 菩萨心肠,金刚手段, 才是对待朋友和你在意的人应该有的态度 Being mentally merciful while using tough means is the right attitude you should take towards your friends and those you care. 最后,一起来谈谈你对《我的前半生》的看法吧,小编留言区等你哦!