You could stop a clock
stop a clock
1. 解释 Stop a clock在美语中是用来形容一个人样子“其丑无比” “非常难看”。在上文中,stop a clock牵涉到的主题是“人的健康”问题,形容一个人病了,精神萎靡,面容憔悴等等难看样子。
2. 例句 e.g. The old lady has a face that could stop a clock, but she is the most helpful person I have ever met. 这个老妇女奇丑无比,但她却是我见过的最乐于助人的人。 e.g. A woman when she storms always makes herself stop a clock. 一个女人大发雷霆的时候,总使自己显得很丑陋。 e.g. Even though she is rich, I don’t want to get married with her. She stops a clock. 虽然她有钱,但是我还是不愿意和她结婚,因为她奇丑不堪。 e.g. Don’t say like that. As it is, she is a beauty. She could stop a clock just because she has been in hospital for months. 别那样说她,其实她是绝代美女。她因病住院几个月了,脸色看上去难看而已。