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1.An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to_____ further research and further thinking about a particular topic. (A)stimulate (B) renovate (C) arouse (D) advocate
2.Although architecture has artistic qualities, it must also satisfy a number of important practical _______.
(A)obligations (B) regulations (C) observations (D) considerations
3.Life insurance is financial protection for dependents against loss_____ the breadwinner's death.
(A) at the cost of (B) on the verge of (C) as a result of (D)for the sake of
4.In education there should be a good _____among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wise judgment.
(A)distribution (B) balance (C) combination (D) assignment
5.The American dream is most _____during the periods of productivity and wealth generated by American capitalism.
(A)plausible (B) patriotic (C) primitive (D) partial
6.Poverty is not ____in most cities although, perhaps because of the crowded conditions in certain areas, it is more visible there.
(A) rare (B) temporary (C) prevalent (D) segmental
7.People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in _____ populated areas.
(A) densely (B) intensely (C) abundantly (D) highly
8.As a way of ____ the mails while they were away, the Johnson's asked the cleaning lady to send little printed slips asking the senders to write again later.
(A) picking up (B) coping with (C) passing out (D) getting across
9.Tom's mother tried hard to persuade him to _____ from his intention to invest his savings in stock market.
(A)pull out (B) give up (C) draw in (D) back down
10.An increasing proportion of our population, unable to live without advanced medical _____, will become progressively more reliant on expensive technology.
(A) interference (B) interruption (C) intervention (D) interaction
11.These causes produced the great change in the country that modernized the ____of higher education from the mid -1860's to the mid-1880's.
(A)branch (B) category (C) domain (D) scope
12.Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the____ in the financial system will drag down the economy.
(A)shallowness (B) shakiness (C) scantiness (D) stiffness
13.Crisis would be the right term to describe the ______ in many animal species.
(A)minimization (B) restriction (C) descent (D) decline
14.The city is an important railroad ____ and industrial and convention center.
(A)conjunction (B) network (C) junction (D) link
15.Prof. White, my respected tutor, frequently reminds me to ____ myself of every chance to improve my English.
(A)assure (B) inform (C) avail (D) notify
16.Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that ____ disease resistance in neighboring plants.
(A)contracts (B) activates (C) maintains (D) prescribes
17.Corporations and labor unions have _____ great benefits upon their employees and members as well as upon the general public.
(A) conferred (B) granted (C) flung (D) submitted
18.The movement of the moon conveniently provided the unit of month, which was _____ from one new moon to the next.
(A)measured (B) reckoned (C) judged (D) assessed
19.The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it was ____to the issue at hand.
(A) irrational (B) unreasonable (C) invalid (D) irrelevant
20.Fuel scarcities and price increases ___ automobile designers to scale down the largest models and to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucks.
(A) persuaded (B) prompted (C) imposed (D) enlightened
(A) obligations:"义务,责任"。(B)regulation:"规则,规章"。(C)observations:"观察"。(D)considerations:"考虑"。根据题意应先(D)。
(A)at the cost of:"以……为代价,用……换来的"。(B)on the verge of:"在……的边缘,接近于"。(C)as a result of:"由于……的结果"。(D)for the sake of:"为……起见,看在……份上"。根据题意,应选(C)。全句意为:人寿保险是从经济上补偿由于家中养家糊口的人死亡给其家属带来的损失。
(A)distribution:"分配"。(B)balance:"平衡"。 (C)combination:"结合,联合,合并"。( D)assignment:"分配,委派,任务"。根据题意,应选(B)。全句意为:在教育上,对有助于有效思维和明智判断的各学科知识要保持良好的平衡。
(A) rare:"稀有的,罕见的"。(B)temporary:"临时的"。(C)prevalent:"流行的,普遍的"。(D)segmental:"片段的,部分的"。根据题意应选(C)。
(A)picking up:"拾起,增加,得到,学会"。(B)coping with:"对付,处理"。(C)passing out:"失去知觉,昏倒"。(D)getting across:"解释清楚,使人了解"。根据题意应选(B)。
(A)pull out:"拔出,抽出,取出"。(B)give up:"放弃"。(C)draw in:"到站",常指火车、汽车到达了目的地。(D)back down:"放弃,退却,退让"。根据题意应选(D)。
(A)branch:"分支,分部"。(B)category:"种类,类目"。 (C)domain:"领域,范围,领地",主要指思想、活动范围而言。(D)scope:"范围,机会,余地",主要用于指地域平面"距离"的范围,更常指"程度",到达某一程度,掌握某一学科(情况)的程度或人们所关心的事情的"范围"。(A)、(B)离本题较远,应立即排除。本题提到的"高等教育 (higher education)"显然属"思想范围"内的事情,故应选(C)domain。
(A)minimization:"(使)缩到最小,(使)减到最少"。(B) restriction:"限制"。(C)descent:"下降,下来",常指飞机往下降,或人从高处往下走等。(D)decline:"下降,衰落,婉言谢绝",常指生产、经济等走下坡路,或指某种动植物的物种在减少。根据上下文应选(D)。
(A)conjunction:"连接,连续"。(B)network:"网络",常指通讯网路、电脑网络及公路、交通、新闻等网络。(C)junction:"交叉点,枢纽,接合处"。(D)link:"连接,环节"。根据上下文应选 (C)。全句意为:大城市是重要的铁路枢纽和工业与会议中心。
(A)assure:"使确信,使放心,保证"。(B)inform:"通知"。(C)avail oneself of"利用",是固定搭配,这与题意相吻合,故应选(C)。(D)notify:"通知,告知"。
(A)contracts:"缩小,缩短"。(B)activates:"使活动,被动,激发"。(C)maintains:"维持"。(D)prescribes:"指示,规定,开处方"。根据上下文,(B)与题意吻合,故应选 (B)。全句意为:研究人员发现染上某种病毒的植物会散发出激发周围植物抵抗疾病的一种气体。
(A)conferred:"给予,援予(称号、学位等)"。(B) granted:"同意,准予,给予",在作"给予"解时,主要指政府之间或政府对民间的无偿"赠予"。(C)flung(fling的过去时和过去分词,意为"扔"、"投")。(D)submitted:"提交,呈送;使服从",通常指下级向上级提交或呈交送文件等。根据上下文应选(A)。全句意为:公司和工会已给了他们的雇员、工会会员和公众大量好处。
(A)irrational:"不合理的"。(B)unreasonable:"不通情达理的,不公道的"。(C)invalid:"无效的",常指法律上的无效,或某种证件已过期,或证件本身是"伪造的"。(D) irrelevant:"与……无关的",后接to。根据句义和句子结构,应选(D)。全句意为:法官裁定:证据不能接纳,理由是它与手头的案情无关。
(A)persuaded:"说服"。(B)prompted:"促使,推动,激起 "。(C)imposed:"把……强加给",通常后接"on"。(D)enlightened:"启发,启蒙,教导"。根据上下文应选(B)。全句意为:燃料的短缺和价格的上涨促使汽车设计师压缩最大型号汽车的设计,开发全新小型汽车和货车的生产线。 |