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Authorities in North Carolina have declared a state of emergency and called in the National Guard after protests over a deadly police shooting turned violent for a second night.
Pat McCrory, governor of the southern state, made the announcement late on Wednesday as groups of demonstrators smashed windows and started fires in Charlotte, the state’s largest city.
这个南方州的州长帕特•麦克罗伊(Pat McCrory)周三晚间作出这一宣布。成群的示威者在该州最大城市夏洛特(Charlotte)砸碎橱窗并纵火。
One person was shot during the protests and is now on life support in a critical condition, the City of Charlotte said on Twitter. It added four police officers were injured.
The demonstrations began as a peaceful prayer vigil for Keith Scott, a black man who was killed by police on Tuesday. Officers said Mr Scott was carrying a firearm — a claim denied by neighbours and family. However, the commemoration turned violent after a splinter group marched downtown and a participant was shot by an unknown assailant.
示威最初是为周二被警察枪杀的黑人基思•斯科特(Keith Scott)举行的和平祈祷活动。涉案警察称,斯科特当时携带枪支,但邻居和家人否认这一说法。然而,纪念活动演变成暴力事件,导火线是一群人向市中心游行,其间一名参加者被一个身份不明的枪击者击中。
“The main thing I am doing is providing assets to the police department,” said Mr McCrory after declaring the state of emergency.
The Charlotte protests are the latest manifestation of intensifying social tension in the US over police-involved shootings of black people. Some 706 people have been killed by police so far this year, of which 173 are black, according to data compiled by the Washington Post.
夏洛特爆发的抗议是美国围绕警察枪击黑人事件社会紧张加剧的最新表现。根据《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)汇编的数据,今年迄今美国已有大约706人被警察击毙,其中173人是黑人。
In Chicago, where President Barack Obama began his political career, more than 400 people were shot and nearly 80 killed in August alone. That has prompted prolonged protests through the summer, while highlighting the structural inequality that plagues Chicago and many other American cities.
美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在芝加哥开始他的政治生涯。该市仅在8月份就有400多人遭到枪击,近80人丧生。这引发了整个夏天一波又一波抗议,同时暴露了困扰芝加哥以及美国其它许多城市的结构性不平等。
The protests came as Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, this week launched an unorthodox campaign to win over black voters, while Hillary Clinton was also trying to gain African-American support in North Carolina, one of the most closely fought swing states in the presidential election.
这些抗议活动发生之际,共和党总统候选人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)本周发起旨在争取黑人选民的非正统竞选活动,而希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)也在北卡罗来纳州试图争取非洲裔美国人。该州已成为本次总统竞选期间争夺最激烈的摇摆州之一。