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本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-4-15 10:58 编辑
6. Peking opera
Like most things highbrow, Peking opera is an acquired taste. You may choose not to spend the time necessary to get hooked on "jingju", but experience it once, if just for novelty value – you certainly won't forget the performance, music and colourful costumes in a hurry. Leave the three-hour marathon performances to the locals and head to a tourist-friendly greatest hits performance – it may be the Jive Bunny mega-mix of an ancient artform, but you'll get to see it at its most dramatic and palatable. Also head down to the park which surrounds the Temple of Heaven, where pensioners congregate to sing opera alfresco – at least if you don't like it you can always walk away.
6. 京剧
像其他存在于精英文化圈的趣味一样,欣赏京剧所要求的感受力是后天浸染内化而成的个人品味。要成为资深京剧迷可谓长路漫漫,您可能缺乏足够的时间投入;而如果仅是为了满足猎奇之心,那么只需一次,让自己全身的感官为之开启,其自成一格的演绎方式、音乐风格与服饰色彩,绝非任何观者轻易能够遗忘。长达三小时的完整剧目还是留给京城老少自个儿慢慢品吧,游客们可以转而选择专为海外人士打造的经典唱段荟萃——这就好比将这种古老的艺术制作成我们熟悉的爵士兔(Jive Bunny)拼盘一样——以求“中国国粹”之“粹”得以呈现。天坛公园也是个好去处,上了年纪的京剧票友们常常在这里集聚,唱上一两段儿。当然,如果不合口味,您只需慢慢踱开即可。 |
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