1. pack rat 喜欢收集一大堆自己不需要的东西的人;不可靠的人 For me there could be nothing worse than living with a pack rat. 对我来说人世间最痛苦的是莫过于同一个囤积狂共处一室。 2. rat race 过于激烈的竞争;争先恐后、一拥而上 I'd love to get out of the rat race and buy a house in some remote part of the countryside. 我真想退出这激烈的龙争虎斗,到乡下偏僻的地方买栋房子住。 3. look like a drowned rat 落汤鸡(多是因为大雨而湿透) I had to cycle home in the rain and came in looking like a drowned rat. 我不得不淋雨回家,结果就成落汤鸡了。 4. rat-arsed 酩酊大醉 They came home completely rat-arsed. 昨晚他回到家时已经烂醉如泥。 5. rat fink 卑鄙小人;极端惹人厌的家伙 If I find the rat fink who informed on me, he won't live long enough to do it again. 要是我找出那个出卖我的卑鄙小人,他就活不长了。 |