- 250353
- 帖子
- 1224
- 积分
- 1780
- 学分
- 6065 个
- 金币
- 54 个
- 性别
- 男
- 在线时间
- 435 小时
Content Words include:
Nouns(名词) ( chair / Peter )
Principle verbs(主动词) ( visit / go )
Adjectives(形容词) (beautiful / interesting)
Adverbs(副词) ( often / carefully )
Interrogatives(疑问词) ( what/why/whose/who/when/where/how/how many )
Other Stressed words include: ( 其他重读 )
1. this, that和 these, those等指示代词后面不跟名词时要重读.
What’s this ? Why are these here ?
2. mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs等名词性物主代词要重读
This is yours. That’s mine.
David sold his.
3. can’t , don’t , doesn’t , couldn’t , shouldn’t , mustn’t 这些词需重读
I can’t do it. He doesn’t want to go. He shouldn’t be like that.
Function Words include:
Pronouns(代词) ( I / you /he /she /it /they /we )
Possessive Pronouns(物主代词) ( my / your / our / their / its / his /her )
Object Pronouns(做宾语的人称代词) ( me / him / her / us / them / it / you )
Prepositions(介词) ( under / on / of / to … )
Articles(冠词) ( the / a / an )
Conjunctions(连词) ( and / but / if /although / until / since / or )
Other Unstressed words include: ( 其他弱化 )
1. This, that, those, these后面跟名词时不重读
I love those guys. This book is interesting.
2. can, must, should, could, have to, would, might, need等形态动词不重读
I must go. I would better run now.
3. 除以上所指外的所有辅助动词都不重读
am/is/are/isn’t/aren’t/wasn’t/weren’t/do/does/have/has/hasn’t/haven’t/didn’t/did …
I am working in the house. He has to work on Sundays.
Why does he travel so much ? He isn’t the best person.
4. 在句子中间的who, whose, when, where, why, what, how不重读
Do you know where she lives ? I know how to do it.
5. There is, there are 不重读
There’s a car in our garden.
¨ Read the conversation again !
A: Hi, Francis. How is it going ?
B: Pretty good. How about you ? How you have been doing ?
A: Same as ever. Say, what are you going to do tonight ? Do you want to come over and
join a party ?
B: Sounds like fun. Who is going ?
A: Bob and Jane and a bunch of my street buddies.
B: Cool. Count me in, then … … All right, see you tonight.
A: Talk to you later.
I am talking to all those students.
You’re sitting on the desk, but you aren’t listening to me.
He’s writing quickly, so it’s difficult for him to hear me.
My name is John, I’m the best student in the class.
When will Mark come for the party ?
He’s sitting in his chair.
I’m doing my homework.
I have to go, I think.
What do you think ?
I often visit parks during the Weekend.
What do you want to do ?
There are many flowers in our school.
I love to work for this company.
He has to got to hurry, because he is late.
Could you speed it up, please ?
Would you mind if I tried it ?
Tell him that I miss him.
Where are you from ?
How old is that boy ?
You would better go home and don’t go out anymore.
Do you want to come over tonight ?
Can’t you see it my way for a change ?
Do you want to dance ?
I’m going to have to get up early tomorrow morning.