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本帖最后由 Rebecca949 于 2012-5-29 10:05 编辑


U.S. President Barack Obama has invited the leaders of Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania and Benin to attend the Group of Eight Summit of major economies later this month in the United States. White House spokesman Jay Carney says Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, Ghana’s President John Mills, and Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete and Benin’s President Yayi Boni, who is the current chairman of the African Union, will attend the summit for a discussion of food security on May 19 at the U.S. president’s mountain retreat, Camp David in Maryland.本月下旬,八国主要经济体峰会将在美国召开。美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马已邀请埃塞俄比亚、加纳、坦桑尼亚、贝宁四国首脑莅临此次峰会。白宫发言人Jay Carney表示,埃塞俄比亚首相Meles Zenawi,加纳总统John Mills,坦桑尼亚总统Jakaya Kikwete和现任的非盟轮值主席贝宁总统Yayi Boni,将于5月19日出席峰会,会议地点设在位于马里兰州的美国总统专属度假山庄戴维营内;此次峰会的主要议题是粮食安全问题。 ______________________________.The Labor Department said the unemployment rate fell a tenth of a percentage point from March to 8.1 percent last month.劳工部表示,失业率比三月份减少0.1个百分点,降至上个月的8.1%。 You could read more details on that and more at voanews.com. I’m Frances Alonzo, VOA News.更多详情请参看voanews.com,我是Frances Alonzo,以上是VOA新闻。

