__________________The US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University Wednesday said new commercial satellite imagery provides conclusive evidence that the plutonium reactor at Yongbyon is discharging hot waste water into a river though a new drain pipe. Last month, the institute reported signs that the antiquated Yongbyon reactor likely had begun operations, despite Russian warnings that doing so could lead to catastrophe on the Korean peninsula. At that time, Russian diplomatic sources described the reactor as in a horrific state of disrepair. Again, more at voanew.com. I'm Al Remelman, VOA NEWS. ____________________约翰?霍普金斯大学美朝研究所周三表示,商用卫星提供的最新照片提供了确凿证据,证实宁边钚反应堆正通过一条新的排水管道向河内排放热水.上月,尽管俄罗斯政府郑重表示这可能会引发朝鲜半岛局势突变,但该研究所仍对宁边老式反应堆似乎重新开始运作的迹象进行了报道.当时,俄罗斯外交人士称该反应堆处于严重破损状态. 有关更多新闻,欢迎访问voanew.com.以上是由阿尔?里麦尔曼为您播报的VOA新闻.