___________________________________________________________It says global warming will ravage crops and fuel the spread of malaria and other diseases. Laura Becca reports from Washington. "The World Bank says that climate change is already having an effect on the poorest people who are struggling to raise crops in extreme weather and low rainfall. They say the world's poorer receive fewer resources and are woefully unprepared to deal with further climate shocks suck as rising seas or severe drought. They're calling for more to be done to help those in need and they want world leaders to act to reduce carbon emissions. That report had been released just a few weeks before a UN climate summit in Paris." _________________________________________________________世界银行表示,全球变暖会破坏农作物,加速疟疾和其他疾病的传播.劳拉.贝卡从华盛顿发来报道."世界银行称气候变化已对极端天气和降雨量少的地区种植农作物的穷人造成影响.他们表示世界上的贫困人口资源稀缺,对海平面上升、严重干旱等气候巨变措手不及.他们强烈呼吁越来越多的人要行动起来,帮助这些生活在水深火热之中的人们.同时他们希望全球领导人都采取行动减少二氧化碳的排放.此份报道于巴黎联合国气候峰会前几个星期发布.