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voa商务英语lessen7 to lessen15听力原文

Lesson 7
So far, we have only talked about equipment
I know, I am going to need new stuff
You going to need trained people to run these new equipments
They have to be computer literate
And also creative
That easy combination to find nowadays
True. Most graphic designers are familiar with computers
And designers are by nature creative.
You have the perfect stuff, computer literate and creative
Thanks to my web search, they are sue the best design software
Software that can be upgraded?
Upgradeable and compatible with our current software
Compatibility is good
Is the software easy to use?
All the users say this, they said very use friendly
So the learning curve should be short
Besides, I am hiring stuff who are computer literate.
It is looks like you valled to expend.
I have selected the hardware and software.
You will identify your stuff needs
I have client waiting in the wings
We will be your first client
You want to be a guinda?
Yes, but at a especially introductory rate
That goes without say

Lessen 8
What’s on your agenda today?
I am meeting with miss Lucy Adasen,chief resource officer of style plus
Style plus, aren’t they clothing manufacturers?
They need change the way they manufacture clothing.
They do their own manufacturing, did they?
Yes, an old facture that maybe the problem
Are they planning to out source the manufacture?
May be, that what I will find out today.
Style plus doing well?
Yes, doing very well. We find our niche
Oh, niche, I think niche
It doesn’t matter, we understand one another
What is your niche?
We manufacture clothing for women
Women, the big niche
Our market niche is women wear large sizes
So you market niche is big women
We prefer to say for women wear large sizes
What is your specific problem?
Simply we can’t keep pace with the demands.
The market growing
Retailers want more about our produce line
Consumer demand is there
But the product isn’t, we need to produce more products more quickly
It you produce more you could keep pace with the demands
That our goal.

Lessen 9
So, style plus has a well defined market niche
Yes, and they market growing
And you said they can’t keep pace with the demand
That right, they are getting more order than they can fill
They losing orders and losing money
Their retailers are going to other suppliers
It is the old problem, if you can’t fill the order, someone else can
She says they have solution to the production problem
What it is?
I will find out today what is.
How of you decide to increase the production?
We are going to use computers
You are going to computerize the entire production line?
The entire line, we need to keep the machine running day and night
What is about your employees?
Now, we have one employee per machine.
But with the computer operated system
With the computer operated system, we have one employee per ten machines.
So your employees will know run the operate machines
No, now they will operate the computers
I imaging they don’t know how to use the computers
No they are not computer literate
So what will you do with your workers?
That my question for you, what will I do with my workforce?
It’s seem you have two options
Retrain them or replace them?
Those the options
It’s a difficult choice.

Lessen 10
I see the major change in store for style plus factory workers
Yes, they have two choices, really.
Learn to use computers
Right, learn to use computers or find another job
Either choice is difficult
The employee is skilled the work, they understand the process to make clothing
They just need to learn computer skills
Yes, they need to be skilled with computers
As I ask you before, what do I do with my workers?
You could retrain them or you could hire new workers
I don’t want to lay off people; some of our employees have been with us for twenty years
Yes, loyalty is hard to replace
But may be difficult to retrain these works
True, it’s may be easier to hire new one
There is a real trade off here.
If you hire new work, you losing time to build loyalty
If I retrain the old works, I lose time while they are training
Boot of line is going to lose time
And time is money
There are three factors consider: cost, time and loyalty
Cost, you mean how much will cost to retrain the workers
And how much will cost to train the new workers
Both will take time
Number two, time, time spending in training is time lost in production
And lost time means lost revenue
The third factor is loyalty; we talked about worker loyalty already
And our loyalty to them, our factory is like a family
So your choices boil down to these factors, cost, time, and loyalty

Lessen 11
Has Miss Adasen decided whether to retrain or lay off?
She met the board director yesterday, they making the decision
Fortunately for her, she is not the decision maker
She will be here soon to give me the decision
Then we can help implemented
Yes, if the board decide to retrain the current employees, we can help them organize the training program
And if they decide to hire the new employees, we can help recruit skill workers
And then help them train the new worker specific jobs
Either way, we have full played
Well, Mrs. Green, the board voted to retrain, the loyalty factor was important one
The worker’s loyalty to you
And our loyalty to them
It was a tough decision, there were be cost time consideration in either case
But we could never replace the lose loyalty
I agree, you invested a lot of time and money in your employees
We can’t put price tag on loyalty
I’m sure company morale will be high now
I hope so. Changes always the problem
No one likes change, but automatically it works out best
So, what is the next step? Where do we go from here?
Let’s start by looking at the training options
It’s shouldn’t surprise you have couple options
Both options with pros and cons
Everything has its advantages and disadvantages
And nothing is ever simple
Basically, you can either train workers on site or off site
Well, without knowing the pros come, my first is on side
Let us put some information together for our next meeting. Then you can make the full decision

Lessen 12
I told Miss Adasen that she has two retraining options
What are those alternatives?
On site training and off site training
So the quality of the training is same, only the location varied
There is also the question of convenience; it’s more convenient for the worker to train on site
There is also the disruption. Off site training is more disruptive to the employee’s day to day routine.
They are advantages and disadvantages to each option
Have you explained the pros and cons of each?
That is what we going to discuss today
Brief me on your decision when you finished
So tell me about on site training, what are the advantages?
With on the job training, the worker train on the computerize machines
Right on the factory floor
On the factory floor, with instruction on side during normal working hours
So, there is no disruption on employees work schedule
No disruption, they follow the normal work schedule
That sounds good, what is the disadvantage?
They are leaning while doing, they will make mistakes
And waste material
It what is called oops factor. Mistakes will be made and material wasted during training
How can we avoid these oops factor
Train the workers off site, then production is not affected
That big advantage
With off site training, workers train in the evening
So our production continues, the work on factory floor is effected
And after the computer installed, the workers will be ready
They are working in factory during the day and train off site at night
It’s a long day that is the big disadvantage; it will take a lot of energy work all day and train on night
It makes me tired thinking about it

Lessen 13
I hope Miss Adasen considers employee attitude in her decision
I am sure she will. She understands the employees have to be happy in the jobs
If they don’t have good attitude, they wouldn’t work well.
They have to have good attitude during training too
Absolutely, especially when they leaning new skills
Like leaning computer skills
Becoming a computer literate can be frustrating
Talk about having a bad attitude
This was a difficult decision for the board
The button line is always time and money
True, we are concerning with the initial costs
There are costs to both alternatives
Cost in both time and money
And of course, you don’t want any down time
There will be some lost time, but we have to minimize it
As I said, it’s all boil down the time and money
To minimize down time, we going to do both on the job and off site training
How? By splitting the work force into two groups
Half train off site but during the normal work hours
And the other halt train on the factory floor on the new machines?
By alternating the groups, we can keep production going
That will minimize down time, but you still have the oops factor, you know
Yes, but production will increase as soon as the workers up to speed
Then you will be able to keep up with the retailer’s demand
And keep our workers
Sounds like a win-win situation5

[ 本帖最后由 huamao 于 2007-12-10 11:41 PM 编辑 ]


  • yoyo530521

VOA商务英语 lessen14-15

Lessen 14
Mr. G the blue jean’s kind, welcome
Whatever called, it’s not true,
It’s not true that you sell more jeans than anyone
True, it’s true.
It’s not true that you have more jeans outlet retails than anyone
Yes, guilty as charged
It’s not true that you are jean’s catalog at every home
Well. Almost very home, we don’t have 100 percent market penetration
You don’t have one hundred percent market penetration yet?
No, not yet, but we working on it
How can I help you tour that goal, what brings in today?
We want to go global.
You don’t mean need more retailers, yes?
No, we want to sell on the internet
You are talking about e-commerce
We want to get in to the electronic commerce
Electronic commerce will definitely broaden your market
At least the market share with access to computers
And with access to the World Wide Web
With e-commerce we can reach more people
You can access other market without opening new stores
Every cyber cafe is a store
That true, anyone can walking into a cyber cafe and log on
Browse our website and buy our jeans       

Lessen 15
You’ve designed to go global
Hasn’t everybody?
Do you have WebPages?
We have corporate site for years
Would you have to use it to sell jeans?
No, it's just informational, a PR kind of thing
Does it get many hit?
No, but the target audience is our own people
Do you mean you target your own retail shops?
Our target is not the consumer
Well, that could explain the low number hit
The website is designed to help retailers promote the jeans
Can anyone access these pages?
The basic information about our company, yes
But not proprietary date
All date is encrypted and access is restricted by password
And you built firewalls to protect your date
Our program has developed a sophisticated security protocol
Any problems with hacker breaking your code
No, our encryption methods are very sophisticated
What’s about viruses?
Our firewalls screen all threat our date
No major system crashes
No, our server can handle a lot

