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- 2
- 积分
- 2
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- 39 个
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雅思作文最关键的是雅思的观点和思路的条理性.如果做到了就可以保证6分以上了.当然另外一个最重要的东西是: 雅思作文是交流观点,所以表达清楚观点是最关键的. 今天我要讲的是,如果上面的作到了,怎么样有可能考到7分,甚至8分. 有个观点是词组作文,和词组图像画. 1. 中国学生写雅思作文最忌讳的也是最普遍的就是: 一个单词一个直接翻译.但是真正好的文章都是词组的.我们来随便来看下国外的真正好地文章里好词汇. The 21st century will see the end of American dominance too, as new powers, including China, India and Brazil, continue to grow and make their voices heard on the world stage. Yet the century's changes will be even deeper than a rebalancing of economics and geopolitics. The challenges of sustainable development-protecting the environment, stabilizing the world's population, narrowing the gaps of rich and poor and ending extreme poverty-will render passé the very idea of competing nation-states that scramble for markets, power and resources. 上面有颜色的都是词组. 当然我一直是这个观点: 句子的复杂和词汇的高级和复杂,绝对不代表你能获得高分.甚至会弄巧成拙的. 2. 再就是图像表达. 国外真正的地道好的文章地词组会尽量表达一种图像出来. The 21st century will see the end of American dominance too, as new powers, including China, India and Brazil, continue to grow and make their voices heard on the world stage. Yet for a small annual investment of world income, undertaken cooperatively across the world, our generation can harness new technologies for clean energy, reliable food supplies, disease control and the end of extreme poverty. 也许当你的文章到处是这样的词组的时候,你的雅思高分作文是可能考很高分数的。 当然切忌:清楚地,简单的,明了的表达观点是最重要的。
[ 本帖最后由 yoyo530521 于 2009-2-22 09:22 AM 编辑 ] |