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"Long Ago, there was a bird who sang but just once in her life.
From the moment she left the nest,
she searched the longest leaf for a thorn tree,
never resting until she found one.
Then she began to sing,
more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth.
But carry away in the rapturous honor song,
she impaled herself on the longest, sharpest thorn.
As she was dying,
she rose above her own agony to out-sing even the lark and the nightingale.
The thorn bird traded her life for that one song and
the whole world was captured to listen!
And God, in His heaven smiles...
As her very best was brought out only of the cost of great pain.
Driven by the thorn, with no fear for her death to come.
But when we push the thorn into our breast,
We know…
We understand…
And still…
we choose the pain of the thorn…"
有一个传说,说的是有那么一只鸟儿,它一生只唱一次,那歌声比世上所有一切生灵的歌声都更加优美动听。从离开巢窝的那一刻起,他就在寻找着荆棘树,直到如愿以偿,才歇息下来。然后,它把自己的身体扎进最长,最尖的荆棘上,便在那荒蛮的枝条之间放开了歌喉。在奄奄一息的时刻,它超脱了自身的痛苦,而那歌声竟然使云雀和夜莺都黯然失色。这是一曲无比美好的歌,曲终而命竭。然而,整个世界都在静静地谛听着,上帝也在苍穹中微笑。因为最美好的东西只能用最深痛的巨创来换取... ...

what  a  move  story~!~


"As her very best was brought out only of the cost of great pain",really?


touching story

