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One elementary school had decided to do away with boys' and girls' bathrooms. There will now just be bathrooms.
Miraloma Elementary in San Francisco, California is busy doing away with its gender assigned bathrooms and making them gender neutral for their young students. Principal Sam Bass said the change was in part due to eight students who do not fit into traditional gender norms - and range from tomboys to transgender.
The school began removing the circles and stick-figure signs from restrooms at the start of this school year, according to SF Gate. The bathrooms in kindergarten and first-grade classrooms at Miraloma, as well as a centralized bathroom, are gender-neutral.
The school will phase in the other restrooms used by older children over the next few years, including outside bathrooms with multiple stalls. 'There’s no need to make them gender-specific anymore,' said the principal, adding that the parents of the students have been supportive. He said one parent told him, 'So you're making it like it is at home.'
A 2013 California law requires schools to allow students to use the bathroom consistent with the gender the child identifies with, a policy San Francisco passed 10 years ago.
Ari Braverman, 6, says he too is happy about the bathroom change since he likes to dress like a girl and doesn't discriminate between boys' and girls' toys. Ari's dad, Gedalia Braverman, agreed, saying, 'As parents, you eventually realize it's not your job to change your child's personality. It's not my job to identify and pigeonhole my children's genders, and certainly it's not the school's.'
Kevin Gogan, the district's director of safety and wellness, said that one percent of the district's children identify as transgender, meaning about 300 students. He said gender neutral bathrooms are a way of accommodating and protecting them.
But bathroom neutrality isn't welcomed everywhere. On August 31, almost 200 high school students walked out of class in Hillsboro High School outside of St. Louis, Missouri to protest the use of the girls' restrooms and locker room by Lila Perry, a transgender teen, according to the New York Times.更多英语新闻