Nong Luhuan had a wild dream when he was little: Hewanted to become a cartoonist and publish books ofhis own. Now, the 22-year-old art design major at Sichuan Fine Art Institute has achieved hisdream. His micro blog cartoon has more than 260,000 followers and he will publish his first bookthis week. 农璐焕小时候有一个疯狂的梦想:他想成为一名漫画家,并把自己的漫画出版成册。而今,这个就读于四川美术学院艺术设计专业的22岁男孩儿,梦想成真了!他把自己的漫画发在了微博上,已经拥有了26万的粉丝,而本周他的处女作也将出版问世。 Work of dedication 倾心之作 Nong`s micro blog cartoon first drew wide attention in late 2012. Under the pseudonym Jin Sili, hedraws stories of real-life people striving to achieve their life goals. 2012年底,农璐焕的微博漫画第一次受到广泛的关注。当时,他用笔名谨斯里画了一系列关于实现梦想的真人真事。 One story is about a middle-aged cleaner who used to have a decent job in Guangdong with asalary of 6,000 yuan a month. But he quit to work in Beijing for only 1,000 yuan per month. Thisway he could audit at the Central Conservatory of Music and realize his dream of becoming acomposer. 其中有关于中年清洁工的故事:他本来在广东有一份月薪6000元的体面工作,可是为了成为一名作曲家,他千里迢迢来到北京,做着月收入仅有1000元的清洁工作,只为能去中央音乐学院旁听。 Another widely reposted story is about an accounting student who is determined to become aflight attendant. The 21-year-old man has spent a whole year learning etiquette, emergencymedical aid and the Civil Aviation Act to achieve his goal. 另一个广为转发的故事则是关于一名会计专业的学生:为了成为一名空少,这位21岁男孩儿用了一整年时间学习服务礼仪、紧急医疗救援以及民航法。 Though each story consists of only several pictures, it takes Nong a lot of effort to finish them. 尽管每一个故事只有不多的几幅配图,但是每一幅画都需要花费了农璐焕很多的时间和精力。 “I want my work to be recognizable. I want people to think of me as a cartoonist who makescheerful works,” Nong says. Therefore he digs deep into each person`s story. For instance, beforedrawing, he spends a whole day researching the person`s background and another three days oninterviews. 他说:“我希望自己的作品能被人认可,也希望自己在别人眼中是一个能为大家带来欢笑的漫画家。”所以,每次动笔之前,他都会深入研究每一个人的故事:他会先花一整天的时间收集背景资料,再用三天采访故事的主人公。 “Micro blog cartoons are not interesting because of the drawings. We attract viewers with thecontent,” Nong says. “Besides, viewers only spend one or two minutes on each micro blog post. Ifmy work can trigger reflection, then it is meaningful.” 农璐焕还说:“我的微博漫画并不因画而讨巧,而是靠故事内容吸引读者。因为读者在每篇微博上停留的时间只有一、两分钟,所以,只要我的作品能引起反响,那它就是有意义的。” Influential mind 动人之思 On the way to success, Nong had his struggles. He even thought about giving up drawing in 2011.But when he read the micro blog cartoons of Chen Anni, a well-known female cartoonist of Nong`sage, he found new courage. “She is not even a fine art student and she is pursuing her dream ofdrawing cartoons. Why should I give up?” Nong says. 在成功之路上,农璐焕也有过自己的挣扎。在2011年,他甚至有过放弃画画的念头。但是,当他看到与自己同龄的著名漫画家陈安妮的微博漫画后,农璐焕又找回了勇气。他说:“作为非科班出身的陈安妮都能勇敢追逐自己的漫画梦,那我还有什么理由放弃?” After that, Nong worked even harder, gradually becoming popular and receiving positive feedback. 自此之后,农璐焕更加努力的画画,渐渐获得了人气,受到了好评。 Many fans have sent Nong private messages, telling him that his work has encouraged them topursue their life goals and that if they succeed they will share their stories with him. 很多农璐焕的粉丝发私信告诉他,自己被他的作品所鼓舞,也要勇敢追寻自己的人生梦想,如果有一天自己成功了,也会和他一起分享。 “I`m glad that I persisted and have conveyed a positive attitude through my work. My readers aremotivated through it and are themselves becoming a source of motivation for others,” he says. 农璐焕说:“能通过自己的作品,传递、弘扬乐观积极的生活态度;同时,受到鼓舞的读者又成为激励他人的源泉。这些都让我十分开心。” |