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本帖最后由 kobe 于 2017-3-28 21:46 编辑
Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Wuhan and Nanjing have been ranked as the top five cities for opportunity in China, according to a report jointly launched by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the China Development Research Foundation.
The report said that technological innovations and balanced development were the keys to building "cities of opportunity".

《机遇之城2017》对城市观察的维度与变量源自普华永道全球发布的权威城市研究报告《机遇之都》,从“智力资本和创新”(intellectual capital and innovation)、“技术成熟度”(technology readiness)、“区域重要城市”(important regional cities)、“健康、安全与治安”(healthcare, safety and security)、“交通和城市规划”(transportation and urban planning)、“可持续发展与自然环境”(sustainability and the natural environment)、“文化与居民生活”(culture and lifestyle)、“经济影响力”(economic clout)、“成本”(cost)和“宜商环境”(ease of doing business)10个维度的57个变量对28座中国城市进行深入、全面的考察。
今年就综合排名而言,广州和深圳凭借均衡发展(balanced development)的优势稳居第一和第二,杭州受益于技术优势(technological advantages)位列第三,较好地平衡了发展和成本(a good balance between development and costs)的武汉位居第四,拥有优质文化和居民生活(quality culture and lifestyle)的南京排名第五。
报告还发现,位居前列的城市普遍在成本以及文化与居民生活这两个维度表现得差强人意(performing poorly in costs and culture and lifestyle)。在打造满足市民需要、提供优质生活的“宜居城市”方面,“机遇之城”依旧面临挑战。
中国发展研究基金会秘书长卢迈表示:“报告的关注点是我国各区域代表性大城市的发展状况(the current state of the development of large cities across China),以这些城市为中心形成的城市群正成为经济增长和创新最活跃的地区。抓住这些大城市以及围绕它们形成的城市群(the urban clusters),就抓住了下一阶段中国发展转型的关键。” |
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