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哦~~~论坛该是没什么问题啦,scj也要好好休息一下拉 这段时间满辛苦


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回复 21# 的帖子

They are English idioms. So I don't think all the American people would use them. Just like in China, young people would say "酷毙了”, but not all Chinese people would use this expression.




hi Sylvia_scj   
I was wornding do people use those idioms only in States? cause some of them I never heared about. Do people use them quiet often?


[ 本帖最后由 viscas 于 2008-4-30 07:03 AM 编辑 ]


Wooooool!! Sylvia_scj    your are absolutely fantastic
some of the idioms I never heared about. its good to know and keep refreshing myself.


String Someone Along

lead someone on dishonestly

Liz had high hopes of marrying Dean. When he ran off with another woman, she realized that he was just stringing her along. She had felt very strongly about him and was really hurt to see that he was deceiving her and had no intentions of ever marrying her.


Not Have a Leg to Stand On

to have no good defense for one's opinions or actions

Tom maintains that the firm owes him some back wages for having worked overtime.
However, he won't have a leg to stand on unless he can prove that he put in all those extra hours. He doesn't stand a chance of getting his money without a strong foundation of facts to support his position.

back wages: 拖欠的工资


Shake a Leg


A: Mary, you always take such a long time to put on your makeup. Come on, shake a leg!
B: I'll be finished in a minute. Be patient.
A: You've got to hurry or else we won't arrive on time to see the last show.



       not serious

A: Why were you teasing Sonia about her new hairdo? She really took offense at what you said.
B: I didn't mean to offend her. I was simply making a tongue-in-cheek remark when I said that it was too elaborate for a girl of her young, tender age.
A: Well, she thought you were serious. She had no idea that you were just saying that as a joke.
B: I'm really sorry. I suppose I owe her an apology.

take offence at
因...而生气, 见怪


Shoot Off One's Mouth

express one's opinions loudly

Jim doesn't play tennis very much, but he's always shooting off his mouth about how good he is. Yet he's fooling nobody. Jim is somewhat of a braggart and everyone knows that he gives opinions without knowing all the facts and talks as if he knew everything about the game.


Cat Got Your Tongue?

Can't talk?

A: Come on! Connie! Tell us what you think about our little ride down the rapids yesterday.
B: Well, uh...
A: Wasn't it exciting?
B: I, uh...
A: What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
B: If you must know, I'm keeping quiet because I was scared out of my wits!


Horse Around

play around

A: Did you hear about Dave's back injury?
B: No. How did he get hurt?
A: Well, after the coach left the gym he decided to stay and horse around on the parallel bars. He somehow lost his grip and fell on his back.
B: That's too bad, but he shouldn't have been aimlessly playing around on the equipment without proper supervision.

parallel bars 双杠




Straight from the Horse's Mouth

from a reliable source

A: How did you find out that Jill was engaged?

B: I got the information from a very reliable source.

A: You mean Jill told you so herself?

B: That's right. I got it straight from the horse's mouth!

[ 本帖最后由 Sylvia_scj 于 2008-4-20 01:03 AM 编辑 ]


         For the Birds

    uninteresting and meaningles

They went to a poetry reading, but they got bored and restless. As far as they were concerned, it was for the birds! They left during an intermission because they found the reading totally uninteresting and meaningless.


     Let the Cat Out of the Bag

                Inform beforehand

Bob was going to retire from teaching in June, and the foreign language department was planning on presenting him with some luggage at his retirement dinner. He wasn’t supposed to know about it, but someone let the cat out of the bag. At the dinner Bob acted surprised, even though someone had told him what he was getting before the official presentation.


  Horse of a Different Color

   Quite a different matter

Eric likes to play jokes on his friends, but he makes sure that nobody is hurt by any of his pranks. A prank that hurts someone is a horse of a different color! Being playful is one thing, but hurting someone by one’s prank is quite a different matter.


    Take the Bull by the Horns

   Take decisive action in a difficult situation

Julie had always felt that she was missing out on a lot of fun because of her clumsiness on the dance floor. She had been putting off taking lessons, but she finally took the bull by the horns and went to a professional dance studio for help. She was tired of feeling left out and acted decisively to correct the situation.


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